Hedge notes from IETF 121 STIR WG

Secure Telephony Identity Revisited (STIR) - IETF121


The chairs thank Simon Castle for taking notes.


Jon Peterson presented draft-stir-certificates-shortlived-01 (Not
revision 00 as originally shown in agenda.) The update makes the support
and use of x5c MUST and the inclusion of a redundant x5u a MAY for
backwards compatibility. The WG discussed the root certificate should be
omitted from the x5c certificate chain, and decided to say it SHOULD be
omitted. The draft will go to WGLC after Jon submits an update with that

Chris Wendt presented draft-wendt-stir-certificate-transparency-04. The
update is more self-contained than before. It references RFC 6962 but
does not depend on it. It focuses on the pre-certificate flow and
provides a set of APIs for the STIR/SHAKEN ecosystem.

VERifiable Sti PERsona (VESPER)

Chris presented draft-wendt-stir-vesper-02. VESPER extends the STIR
architecture with the use of PASSporTs as Selective Disclosure JWTs
(SD-JWT). It describes an architectural framework for the vetting and
registration of claims about callers. Chris envisions VESPER as mainly
focusing on business callers. The WG discussed that VESPER creates a
3-party architecture, which can be complex and may require updating the
STIR charter. Several participants wished to better understand use cases
before adopting the work, and expressed that it might need to be broken
into smaller points.


Neither VESPER or Certificate Transparency are ready for adoption. The
WG needs to discuss use cases and consider reframing the STIR charter.

Detailed Notes



1) Administrivia
- Agenda Bashing
- Minute Taker
- Jabber Scribe
- Bluesheets - Meetecho tool

2) Certificates
- draft-ietf-stir-certificates-shortlived-01
- Jon Peterson

- draft-wendt-stir-certificate-transparency-04 
    - Chris Wendt

3) VESPER - VErifiable STI Personas
- draft-wendt-stir-vesper-02
- Chris Wendt

4) Any Other Business (if time permits)

Actions (note-taking by Simon Castle)




Additional notes


