- Dan Petrie draft-ietf-vcon-vcon-container-01
(35 min)
Use Cases
- Contact Center
- Messaging (new from Rohan)
- Need a volunteer for ECRIT/911 (Just in case Brian says no)
MIMI/vCon: Externally referenced content hash
- vCon has a different format from MIMI
- General agreement in consistency, Jonathan suggests array
- Jeff, similar in...
- Steve Lasker: docker containers use embedded hash. Linux
foundation has a spec OCI Image Spec
MIMI/vCon naming conventions
- Snake case vs camel case
- Even Rohan doesn't know what MIMI uses. :)
- Everyone wants consistency. vCon is snake case
- New RUST implementation from Dan. Avalable in py-vcon in GitHub
- Further exploration of redacted
Changes from 00
- CBOR & CDDL removed
- Added application adn interaction type parameters
- Removed use cases description from introduction
- Corrected externally referenced recording link
- Removing content from redacted objected
- Leaves uuid and type, url, alg, signature optional
- Same for group and appended
- Redaction object contains the original uuid of the least
redacted, "should" not "must"
Dialog, Attachment, Analysis Object
- Scenario redacted vCon, want to redact entire content of a
Dialog, Attachment, Analysis
- Solution: leave whole object but remove body or url parameter
- ID says objects should havebody or url (unless redacted)
- Scenario: signed or encrypted, want to add more data to
- Solution: create new vCOn to add the new content and refer to
the prior
- Issue: what does the new vCon contain?
- Howe: We have to have the entire vCon sent across the network,
- Lasker: Not have a placeholder?
- Petrie: trying to keep the dialogs in the right order,
placeholders do that.
- Lasker: Looks weird.
- More noodling required
Mediatyps for vCon
- type: application
How does this work?
- Murray: consensus was we don't have multiple +s
- Petrie: We don't know what to do.
Still needs to be done
Why: recognize there will be a lot of new players and actors that
may not have backgrounds in privacy.
- Privacy by design, rathre than afterthought
- Help others to understand the nomenclature
- Privacy does change, based on juristiction, but the concepts are
- Draft is for all of us that may not have the background
Diana: prepared based on requirements, worldwide
- vCons can contain numerous elements of data, which are protected by
privacy laws
- vCons contain communication data, which can be in violaotion of the
recordings lawas
There's two main ways to remove protected data.
- Anonmization and replacing
- PII Masking or removing segments of whole recordings to avoid
voice or facial recognition
Privacy principles
- Should it be adopted by the working group as a BCP,
- Murray, it's relevant to the working group
- ? from the EU, would like to contribute to improve the doc, but
not sure where to do it
- Murray: sounds like it will be worked on and vaulable, so might
as well adopt
- Diana: regarding the level of compliance, do folks have an
- Jon Geater: conflicting thoughts, don't beleive we should
require BCP, as it's an interchange format. If you don't show
people how to use it correctly, it will be a mess.
- Should have references in the doc for how to support privacy