Note takers: Yaroslav & Pamela

Welcome and chair update: Pieter and Justin

Chair notes:
WIMSE - Workload Identity in Multi-System Environments
Chair updates: Pieter now works at SPIRL and Justin now works for
UberEther. In practical terms nothing really changes. Chairs are proud
of the working group website.
Three current documents:

Other ongoing work includes token translation and authorization levels.

Other working groups delivering relevant transaction tokens, identity
chaining and Proof of Issuer Key Authority (PIKA). Pieter particularly
recommends checking out PIKA document. See

Why are we here - Brian Campbell

Architecture Update - Joe Salowey

Service-to-service update - Joe, Brian, Arndt

Token Exchange update - Dean Saxe

Informational/BCP Update - Arndt

Authentication Maturity Levels - Ryan Hurst (remote)

Wrap up

Justin: Three action items:

  1. interim for architecture document (taking into consideration winter
    holidays). It might be January depending on fit.
  2. put out a formal poll for S2S presentation adn security mechanisms.
    Is it pick one, pick all, something in between.
  3. We were not able to get to all questions after Arndt presentation.
    Work with us how to formally bring those to list. Please read the PR
    version of the document.

See you in Bangkok!