Agenda of the 68th IETF Meeting March 18-23, 2007 Updated 2023-02-10 19:42:36 CET IETF agendas are subject to change, up to and during the meeting. Times are shown in the Europe/Prague time zone. SUNDAY, March 18, 2007 1000-1200 IEPG Meeting - Congress I 1130-1300 Break 1200-1900 IETF Registration - Congress Hall Foyer 1300-1445 Newcomer's Training - Congress I 1300-1445 What Should Spec Writers Know about IPv6? - Congress III 1300-1445 Working Group Leadership Tutorial - Roma/Vienna/Madrid 1500-1645 Bringing New Work to the IETF - Congress III 1500-1645 Security Tutorial - Congress I 1500-1645 Writing an RFC: The Definitive Guide by the RFC Editor - Roma/Vienna/Madrid 1700-1900 Welcome Reception - Grand Ballroom MONDAY, March 19, 2007 0800-0900 Continental Breakfast - Congress Hall Foyer 0800-1800 IETF Registration - Congress Hall Foyer 0900-1130 Morning Session I Congress I APP apparea Applications Area Open Meeting Athens/Barcelona/… INT 6lowpan IPv6 over Low power WPAN WG Congress III OPS v6ops IPv6 Operations WG Congress II RAI sipping Session Initiation Proposal Investigation WG Grand Ballroom RTG ccamp Common Control and Measurement Plane WG Roma/Vienna/Madrid SEC hokey Handover Keying WG Karlin II TSV nfsv4 Network File System Version 4 WG 1130-1300 Break 1300-1500 Afternoon Session I Karlin II APP sieve Sieve Mail Filtering Language WG Congress I GEN ipr Intellectual Property Rights WG Congress II INT sava Source Address Validation Architecture WG Karlin I OPS capwap Control And Provisioning of Wireless Access Points WG Roma/Vienna/Madrid RAI avt Audio/Video Transport WG Congress III RAI enum Telephone Number Mapping WG Grand Ballroom RTG sidr Secure Inter-Domain Routing WG 1500-1520 Beverage and Snack Break I - Congress Hall Foyer 1520-1720 Afternoon Session II Roma/Vienna/Madrid APP calsify Calendaring and Scheduling Standards Simplification WG Congress I INT 16ng IP over IEEE 802.16 Networks WG Karlin II INT ntp Network Time Protocol WG Grand Ballroom OPS opsarea Operations & Management Area Open Meeting Congress II RAI rtpsec RTP Secure Keying WG Congress III RTG ospf Open Shortest Path First IGP WG Karlin I SEC krb-wg Kerberos WG 1720-1740 Beverage and Snack Break II - Congress Hall Foyer 1740-1950 Afternoon Session III Congress I RAI mmusic Multiparty Multimedia Session Control WG Karlin II APP lemonade Enhancements to Internet email to Support Diverse Service Environments WG Congress II INT monami6 Mobile Nodes and Multiple Interfaces in IPv6 WG Congress III INT softwire Softwires WG Grand Ballroom OPS dnsop Domain Name System Operations WG Karlin I OPS netconf Network Configuration WG Roma/Vienna/Madrid SEC emu EAP Method Update WG Athens/Barcelona/… TSV pcn Congestion and Pre-Congestion Notification WG TUESDAY, March 20, 2007 0800-0900 Continental Breakfast - Congress Hall Foyer 0800-1800 IETF Registration - Congress Hall Foyer 0900-1130 Morning Session I Grand Ballroom INT netlmm Network-based Localized Mobility Management WG Congress III INT tictoc Timing over IP Connection and Transfer of Clock WG Karlin II OPS adslmib ADSL MIB WG Congress I RAI speermint Session PEERing for Multimedia INTerconnect WG - moved from Thursday at 0900 Athens/Barcelona/… RTG l1vpn Layer 1 Virtual Private Networks WG Karlin I SEC tls Transport Layer Security WG Congress II TSV nsis Next Steps in Signaling WG 1130-1300 Break 1300-1500 Afternoon Session I Roma/Vienna/Madrid INT ancp Access Node Control Protocol WG Congress II INT mipshop Mobility for IP: Performance, Signaling and Handoff Optimization WG Karlin I OPS bmwg Benchmarking Methodology WG Grand Ballroom RAI bliss Basic Level of Interoperability for SIP Services WG Congress III RTG ccamp Common Control and Measurement Plane WG Congress I SEC nea Network Endpoint Assessment WG Athens/Barcelona/… TSV dccp Datagram Congestion Control Protocol WG 1500-1520 Beverage and Snack Break I - Congress Hall Foyer 1520-1720 Afternoon Session II Athens/Barcelona/… APP eai Email Address Internationalization WG Congress II INT mip6 Mobility for IPv6 WG Congress I RAI xcon Centralized Conferencing WG Karlin I RTG forces Forwarding and Control Element Separation WG Grand Ballroom RTG pwe3 Pseudowire Emulation Edge to Edge WG Karlin II SEC krb-wg Kerberos WG Roma/Vienna/Madrid SEC msec Multicast Security WG - CANCELLED Congress III TSV tsvarea Transport Area Open Meeting 1720-1740 Beverage and Snack Break II - Congress Hall Foyer 1740-1840 Afternoon Session III Karlin I APP fsm Formal State Machines WG Congress II INT nemo Network Mobility WG Athens/Barcelona/… OPS ipfix IP Flow Information Export WG Grand Ballroom RAI sip Session Initiation Protocol WG Roma/Vienna/Madrid RTG pim Protocol Independent Multicast WG Congress I SEC pkix Public-Key Infrastructure (X.509) WG Congress III TSV tcpm TCP Maintenance and Minor Extensions WG 1850-1950 Afternoon Session IV Karlin I APP ipdvb IP over DVB WG Karlin II APP ltans Long-Term Archive and Notary Services WG Grand Ballroom INT dna Detecting Network Attachment WG Congress II INT nemo Network Mobility WG Athens/Barcelona/… OPS ipfix IP Flow Information Export WG Congress I RTG bfd Bidirectional Forwarding Detection WG Roma/Vienna/Madrid TSV fecframe FEC Framework WG WEDNESDAY, March 21, 2007 0800-0900 Continental Breakfast - Congress Hall Foyer 0800-1700 IETF Registration - Congress Hall Foyer 0900-1130 Morning Session I Congress I SEC dkim Domain Keys Identified Mail WG Congress II RAI p2psip Peer-to-Peer Session Initiation Protocol WG Karlin I INT dhc Dynamic Host Configuration WG Athens/Barcelona/… RTG idr Inter-Domain Routing WG Roma/Vienna/Madrid INT trill Transparent Interconnection of Lots of Links WG Grand Ballroom SEC ifare IPsec FAilover and REdundancy WG Karlin II OPS radext RADIUS EXTensions WG Congress III TSV tsvwg Transport Area Working Group WG 1130-1300 Break 1300-1500 Afternoon Session I Roma/Vienna/Madrid INT dnsext DNS Extensions WG Karlin I TSV ippm IP Performance Metrics WG Congress I OPS opsarea Operations & Management Area Open Meeting Congress II RAI sip Session Initiation Protocol WG Athens/Barcelona/… RTG manet Mobile Ad-hoc Networks WG Congress III RTG pce Path Computation Element WG Karlin II SEC sasl Simple Authentication and Security Layer WG Grand Ballroom TSV rmt Reliable Multicast Transport WG 1510-1610 Afternoon Session II Roma/Vienna/Madrid INT mip4 Mobility for IPv4 WG Congress I OPS opsarea Operations & Management Area Open Meeting Grand Ballroom RAI avt Audio/Video Transport WG Congress III RTG isis IS-IS for IP Internets WG Congress II RTG l2vpn Layer 2 Virtual Private Networks WG Athens/Barcelona/… SEC btns Better-Than-Nothing Security WG 1610-1700 Beverage and Snack Break II - Congress Hall Foyer 1610-1700 PGP Session - Roma/Vienna/Madrid 1700-1930 IETF Operations and Administration Plenary - Congress I - III
17:00 Welcome
17:05 NOC report
17:10 Host presentation (Jon Lindberg, Neustar)
17:20 IETF Chair and IAD short reports
17:30 NomCom Chair (Andrew Lange)
17:35 Introduce new IESG and IAOC members
17:45 IAOC Q&A
18:00 IESG Q&A
18:30 ROAP (ROuting and Addressing Problem) status report
- Report on where we are with this problem and what the IETF can do about it.
- Open discussion
See details.
19:30 (end)
THURSDAY, March 22, 2007
0800-0900 Continental Breakfast - Congress Hall Foyer
0800-1700 IETF Registration - Congress Hall Foyer
0900-1130 Morning Session I
Karlin I APP lemonade Enhancements to Internet email to Support Diverse Service Environments WG
Congress II INT intarea Internet Area Working Group WG
Roma/Vienna/Madrid IRTF mobopts IP Mobility Optimizations Research Group - Date Change
Karlin II OPS dime Diameter Maintenance and Extensions WG
Congress I RAI geopriv Geographic Location/Privacy WG - moved from Tuesday at 0900
Congress III RTG mpls Multiprotocol Label Switching WG
1130-1300 Break
1300-1500 Afternoon Session I
Karlin I INT autoconf Ad-Hoc Network Autoconfiguration WG
Roma/Vienna/Madrid INT pana Protocol for carrying Authentication for Network Access WG
Grand Ballroom OPS mboned MBONE Deployment WG
Karlin II RAI mediactrl Media Server Control WG
Congress I RAI simple SIP for Instant Messaging and Presence Leveraging Extensions WG
Congress III RTG rtgarea Routing Area Open Meeting
Athens/Barcelona/… SEC keyprov Provisioning of Symmetric Keys WG
Congress II TSV behave Behavior Engineering for Hindrance Avoidance WG
1510-1610 Afternoon Session II
Congress I RAI ecrit Emergency Context Resolution with Internet Technologies WG
Roma/Vienna/Madrid APP isms Integrated Security Model for SNMP WG
Karlin II APP widex Widget Description Exchange Service WG - CANCELLED
Congress III INT mipshop Mobility for IP: Performance, Signaling and Handoff Optimization WG
Grand Ballroom RTG l3vpn Layer 3 Virtual Private Networks WG
Karlin I SEC smime S/MIME Mail Security WG
Congress II TSV tsvwg Transport Area Working Group WG
1610-1700 Beverage and Snack Break II - Congress Hall Foyer
1700-1930 Technical Plenary - Congress I - III
Welcome and introduction
IAB update
IRTF Report (Aaron Falk + NMRG RG Chair(s))
Technical Discussion: Internationalization Technical Discussion
Technical presentations
Moderated open discussion
IAB open Mic
FRIDAY, March 23, 2007
0800-0900 Continental Breakfast - Congress Hall Foyer
0900-1130 Morning Session I
Congress I INT 16ng IP over IEEE 802.16 Networks WG
Karlin II IRTF hiprg Host Identity Protocol
Karlin I IRTF nmrg Network Management Research Group
Congress II RAI sipping Session Initiation Proposal Investigation WG
Grand Ballroom SEC saag Security Area Open Meeting