Human Rights Protocols Considerations (hrpc) research group sessions at #IETF95 17:40 - 19:40 UTC-3, April 4 2016 - Beginning (5 min) Jabber scribe, note takers Agenda Bashing Notewell Introduction - Status of research group (5 min) - Context of research (5 mins) - Discussion introduction website (5 mins) - Presentation + Q&A - Ramsey Nasser on ‘kalbe’ [قلب] a programming language entirely written in Arabic and the issues he came across while developing this (15 mins) - Presentation + Q&A - Geoffrey Bowker on Values in Design and difficulties surrounding engineering for social values (15 mins) - Presentation + Q&A - Nick Doty on privacy adoption in Internet and web standard setting, and how this could be applied in developing human rights guidelines (15 mins) - Discussion of research draft, including first version of considerations (15 mins) - Discussion of report draft (15 mins) - Discussion of censorship draft (10 mins) - Open discussion other drafts, papers, ideas (15 min) - Next steps (5 min) - AOB