Registration Protocols Extensions (REGEXT) IETF 97, Seoul, South Korea, Agenda Co-chairs: Jim Galvin, Antoin Verschuren Mailinglist: 1. Welcome and Introductions (5 minutes) i. Jabber scribe ii. Notes scribe iii. NOTE WELL 2. Existing Document Status 2.a. En route to publication (IESG review) (10 minutes) i. IPR claim discussion on the mailinglist. Please submit your views. ii. EPP "state” vs "business rules” discussion on mailinglist regarding RFC3915 2b. Working group last call documents (15 minutes) i. ii. Issues with normative references related to ICANN documents. Last proposal: Move the claims phase definition to the launchphase document so the launchphase document can proceed as standards track, and make the tmch-func-spec document informational to describe the ICANN process. 2.c. REGEXT Working group documents (30 minutes) i. On hold pending status DNSBUNDLED BOF. Update on DNSBUNDLED BOF. ii. Update presentation (Linlin Zhou, 10 minutes) Important open question: What are we trying to solve here? Single RDAP requirement use case versus new role definition. iii. Renamed, but waiting for updates. iv. Any other activity (Adoption requests, Renaming, Milestones) Next on our list of milestones, so renamed documents: 3. Discussion: Spending Working group meeting time on live issue solving. (20 min.) The IETF encourages working groups to think about or experiment with unstructured meeting time in one of their slots. This time could be used for free-form discussion in the whole group, an “unconference" style idea session in the different corners of the room, or a hacking session devoted to the WG's technology for example. The REGEXT chairs are open for ideas of using unstructured meeting time if that will help our work proceed faster. We have a small working group with limited resources, that seem to be more productive around meetings. One of the suggestions could be that we would have live document text editing or issue list brainstorming time reserved on our agenda. A negative consequence could be that remote participation for such time would be harder, or that not everything is publicly recorded. We would like to hear your opinion. This 20 minutes, we are open to suggestions and ideas. 4. Validate Extension (Roger Carney, 10 minutes) Re-introduction and adoption request. 5. AOB