Tuesday 15 November - Grand Ballroom 1



Chaired by:  Sarah Banks (

                      Dirk Kutscher (


Note takers: Dave Dolson, Alexandre Chataignon




Welcome, administrative and general matters

Presenter: Sarah Banks / Dirk Kutscher


-       Mailing list:

-       Web site:

-       Proceedings:

-       Document review request

-       OPNFV presentation at the beginning of the meeting to adapt with HeatherŐs flight schedule

-       Heads-up on the ongoing discussions on network slicing at this IETF meeting



OPNFV Status Update

Presenter: Heather Kirksey




Update on Adopted Drafts



Presenter: I. Jang


-       Discussion

o   Who read this draft asks the chair.

¤  Not many. Please read. We need feedback.



Presenter: Carlos Bernardos


-       Discussion

o   Diego Lopez (Jabber room): May be "network slicing" is a term associated with a particular environment. I am thinking that a more general term regarding resource or function sharing would be more adequate in the RG context

¤  Carlos: Network slicing may be overused term.

o   Chair: How many folks have read the draft?

¤  Few

o   Carlos has been quite happy with folks contributing text. Would probably ask for LC in Chicago


Update on Existing and Proposed Drafts



Presenter: Carlos Bernardos


-       Discussion

o   Hannu Flinck (Nokia):  Topology information exchanged over which protocol?

¤  BGP LS being considered

o   Parviz Yegani (Huawei): Is this intra- or inter-provider solution?

¤  Both

o   Parviz: Who owns the catalog?

¤  One catalog per provider

o   Parviz: Is this is a reference? We can get details? Is this an architecture?        Assurance is to whom?

¤  To the customer, regardless of which SP they are associated with

o   Parviz: You need to show top layer and other layers

¤  Slides show only a high-level view, there are more details are in the draft. Please read and comment

o   Parviz: How does this differ from ETSI OSS reference Os-Ma and IFA001?

¤  We are still looking at that

¤  Parviz: Customer has legacy OSS/bss and new mano stack. Exchange between this an mano--ETSI is already working on this interface. Maybe you can leverage work

¤  Sure, we want to leverage,

o   Diego Lopez (Jabber room): I see this related to resource mgmt. Multi-domain scenario has to do with resource sharing. Can this go to the earlier draft presented by Jang? Could you work together?

¤  Agreed



Presenter: Angeles Vazquez


-       Discussion

o   Chair: Who read the draft?

¤  Very few

o   Chair: Do you have any driving applications? What is the main idea? Improving reliability? Higher level apps?

¤  It depends on which part of the network you are, but in order to fix failures and reliability problems the usual practice is over-provision, and this would be a solution for that

¤  Chair: it would be helpful to identify use cases.

o   Parviz Yegani (Huawei): Clarification question: scope of work is in a VNF?

¤  It uses a VNF

¤  Parviz: You define new VNFs?

¤  Chair: We are overtime, this question to the list please

o   Diego Lopez (Jabber room): One of the ways people want to support service mobility and scaling is by means of load balancers aware of instances of VNFs and scheduling. Can we substitute need for load balancing by this architecture?

¤  That would be an advanced use of network coding to code flows. Balance relative redundancy of flows.

o   Kyle Rose (Sandvine): What needs to change to put this in the architecture? What is missing from infrastructure to allow this? Are you trying to push standards?

¤  Some blocks of the framework do need to be modified or extended.



Open Source Updates and Other Work Reports


Automated Resource Control in Virtualized Network Environments

Presenter: P. Martinez-Julia


-       Discussion

o   Chair: next steps?

¤  Find a set of functions that a virtual resource controller needs from lower layers, that are not currently covered/provided by existing solution

o   Chair: are you implementing this on some platform?

¤  We are early in the research phase, but we plan to implement


VNF benchmarking

Presenter: R. Rosa


-       Discussion

o   Kohei Shiomoto (NTT); Is this for in-service testing or for development state?

¤  Interesting question; do you consider the service as a whole, or just the VNF?

o   ?? (SKKU): Benchmarking vs. perf. monitoring. Can it be used for performance monitoring?

¤  Yes. Benchmarking is one approach. Validation, dimensioning could all co-exist, depending on the parameters you're playing

o   ??: Are you using your own MANO?

¤  Yes, from project UNIFY.


Optimal Service Placement using Pseudo Service Chaining Mechanism

Presenter: T. Na


-       Discussion

o   Andy Veitch (Netcracker): under review by whom? Will it be available in pre-release form?

¤  Maybe within a month.

o   Chair: Note we shouldn't talk about RG documents as "IETF standards". You can say specifications maybe


Introducing MEC

Presenter: Hannu Flinck


-       Disclaimer: this is not an official ETSI presentation

-       Discussion

o   Dirk Kutscher (Huawei): latency reduction is an active topic. What people have noticed is that all apps benefit from low latency. So there are activities like dcTcP, QUIC,.. Assuming these get implemented, what use cases remain for MEC?

¤  Even using QUic, etc, do not resolve the issue of distance. MEC is keeping critical apps hundreds of ms closer, leveraging locality.

¤  Walter Haefner (Vodofone) LTE has ~20ms; in 5G we want ~1ms.  distance is ~100km per ms.

o   Dirk Kutscher: mobile throughput guidance. Do we have to make the server to be aware of what happens in base station?

¤  To react to short-time-frame, TCP window cannot see as much as the base station can see. Field trials show significant improvement if the server can select window and application level coding matching the radio conditions.

o   Dirk Kutscher: next step: is this about MEC in non-3GPP networks?

¤  5G are going to be multi-access. MEC gives start in multi-access.