charter tweak - in flight John - hashing the key one open tech question: adding new signing ways one is to do hashing of keys straightforward to accomplish this add elliptic curves ED25519 open question: should we add the hash for EDDSA sigs? since there is no operational benefit, why do this? Martin Thomson - Potential benefit - by signing the public key in a header, it is possible in some situations to synthesize a key that will validate PHB - some games can be played with keys, has been a proponent of hashes, but don't think that they really provide benefit need some tooling to manage the hashes just wants to post the pub key into DNS Yoav - If we are trying to minimize the number of things that need to interop, do we need both hashing and elliptic curve?" John - shrug. EKR - Martin's concern is key replacement in the zone the most consistent thing in the future is to always hash, but may not be critical MT - the future is bigger than the past a little concerned about signing over the key, but general EKR - don't have two versions of EDDSA pref order: hashed always/hash RSA only/non-hashed MT - post-quantum may require hashed keys regardless Rich : please post concerns about key swap to the list PHB - may very well be looking at all standards to be revised in post-quantum world MT - note to the list about preferring hashing ratholed; don't miss the other points that were raised in flight EKR - names --> take it to the list Scott - dkim usage raise the floor to 1024, deprecate sha1 updates ABNF pretty close to last call MT - concerns: PSS? don't do it here in the doc why does it take 5 pages to do two simple things? cut the text out which is copied from the DKIM RFC don't modify the ABNF - point taken EKR - what are the security properties? recapping sha1 attacks discussed on the list when should we advise receivers to stop accepting sha1? put into the security considerations: EKR accepted action need to move sha1 to historic in IANA - put into Scott's draft Barry - discussing "should (plus)" (from the room: don't go there) John - stopping acceptance is largely an operator evangelization issue Kurt - having this draft in flight has been beneficial to getting 3 largest senders of SHA1 to change Chris - must check key size should be added MT - doc should just say "MUST NOT" (send or accept) provides a good hammer to get change done PHB - objects to saying MUST NOT accept (only one in room) for message validity yes, it matters useful to follow appropriate phasing Seth - in 2007, sounded like "SHOULD NOT" - didn't move the needle "MUST NOT" was needed to get people to move MT - want the headline Rich - timetable is important vendors hate "MUST NOT implement" "MUST NOT use" is better andreas - should is justify to not change hums: for +++; against: +; need more info: barely Barry: did we just vote? Jim on jabber: too soon for MUST NOT accept Alexey - we got a sense of the room, but go to the list Scott Rose - doesn't think PC256 ECDSA is needed EDDSA should be sufficient when it gets into FIPS proposing to kill the doc