INTERNET ENGINEERING STEERING GROUP (IESG) Minutes of the October 24, 2013 IESG Teleconference Reported by: Cindy Morgan, IETF Secretariat ATTENDEES --------------------------------- Jari Arkko (Ericsson) / IETF Chair, General Area Richard Barnes (BBN) / Real-time Applications and Infrastructure Area Stewart Bryant (Cisco) / Routing Area Gonzalo Camarillo (Ericsson) / Real-time Applications and Infrastructure Area Benoit Claise (Cisco) / Operations and Management Area Michelle Cotton (ICANN) / IANA Liaison Spencer Dawkins (Huawei) / Transport Area Adrian Farrel (Juniper Networks) / Routing Area Stephen Farrell (Trinity College Dublin) / Security Area Sandy Ginoza (AMS) / RFC Editor Liaison Brian Haberman (Johns Hopkins University) / Internet Area Susan Hares / Scribe Russ Housley (Vigil Security, LLC) / IAB Chair Joel Jaeggli (Zynga) / Operations and Management Area Barry Leiba (Huawei) / Applications Area Ted Lemon (Nominum) / Internet Area John Leslie / Scribe Cindy Morgan (AMS) / IETF Secretariat Martin Stiemerling (NEC) / Transport Area Sean Turner (IECA, Inc.) / Security Area Amy Vezza (AMS) / IETF Secretariat REGRETS --------------------------------- Heather Flanagan / RFC Series Editor Joel Halpern (Ericsson) / IAB Liaison Ray Pelletier (ISOC) / IAD Carlos Pignataro (Cisco) / Scribe Pete Resnick (Qualcomm) / Applications Area MINUTES --------------------------------- 1. Administrivia 1.1 Approval of the Minutes The minutes of the October 10, 2013 Teleconference were approved. The Secretariat will place the minutes in the public archives. The narrative minutes of the October 10, 2013 and the September 26, 2013 Teleconferences were approved. The Secretariat will place the minutes in the public archives. 1.2 Documents Approved since the October 10, 2013 IESG Teleconference 1.2.1 Protocol Actions o draft-ietf-6man-impatient-nud-07 (Proposed Standard) o draft-ietf-6man-ext-transmit-05 (Proposed Standard) 1.2.2 Document Actions o draft-ietf-hip-reload-instance-10 (Experimental) o draft-ivov-xmpp-cusax-09 (Informational) 1.3 Review of Action Items DONE: NONE IN PROGRESS: o Jari Arkko to draft a call for nominations for the IESG appointment to the IAOC for 2014. NEW: NONE 2. Protocol Actions 2.1 WG Submissions 2.1.1 New Items NONE 2.1.2 Returning Items o draft-ietf-tsvwg-byte-pkt-congest-11 - IETF stream Byte and Packet Congestion Notification (Best Current Practice) - 1 of 1 Token: Martin Stiemerling The document was approved by the IESG pending an RFC Editor Note to be prepared by Martin Stiemerling. The Secretariat will send a working group submission Protocol Action Announcement that includes the RFC Editor Note. 2.2 Individual Submissions 2.2.1 New Items o draft-cotton-rfc4020bis-02 - IETF stream Early IANA Allocation of Standards Track Code Points (Best Current Practice) - 1 of 3 Token: Adrian Farrel The document was approved by the IESG. The Secretariat will send an individual submission Protocol Action Announcement that includes an RFC Editor Note prepared by Adrian Farrel. o draft-hethmon-mcmurray-ftpext-ftp-hosts-03 - IETF stream File Transfer Protocol HOST Command for Virtual Hosts (Proposed Standard) - 2 of 3 Token: Barry Leiba The document remains under discussion by the IESG in order to resolve points raised by Ted Lemon and Sean Turner.* o draft-kolkman-proposed-standards-clarified-04 - IETF stream Characterization of Proposed Standards (Best Current Practice) - 3 of 3 Token: Jari Arkko Sean Turner formally recused himself from the discussion. The document remains under discussion by the IESG in order to resolve points raised by Barry Leiba.* 2.2.2 Returning Items NONE 2.3 Status Changes 2.3.1 New Items NONE 2.3.2 Returning Items NONE 3. Document Actions 3.1 WG Submissions 3.1.1 New Items o draft-ietf-roll-terminology-13 - IETF stream Terms used in Ruting for Low power And Lossy Networks (Informational) - 1 of 3 Token: Adrian Farrel The document remains under discussion by the IESG in order to resolve points raised by Richard Barnes and Adrian Farrel.* o draft-ietf-ccamp-otn-g709-info-model-12 - IETF stream Evaluation of existing GMPLS encoding against G.709v3 Optical Transport Networks (OTN) (Informational) - 2 of 3 Token: Adrian Farrel The document was approved by the IESG pending an RFC Editor Note to be prepared by Adrian Farrel. The Secretariat will send a working group submission Document Action Announcement that includes the RFC Editor Note. o draft-ietf-mpls-tp-rosetta-stone-13 - IETF stream A Thesaurus for the Terminology used in Multiprotocol Label Switching Transport Profile (MPLS-TP) drafts/RFCs and ITU-T's Transport Network Recommendations. (Informational) - 3 of 3 Token: Adrian Farrel Stewart Bryant formally recused himself from the discussion. The document was approved by the IESG pending an RFC Editor Note to be prepared by Adrian Farrel. The Secretariat will send a working group submission Document Action Announcement that includes the RFC Editor Note. 3.1.2 Returning Items NONE 3.2 Individual Submissions Via AD 3.2.1 New Items o draft-mcgrew-tls-aes-ccm-ecc-07 - IETF stream AES-CCM ECC Cipher Suites for TLS (Informational) - 1 of 1 Token: Sean Turner The document was approved by the IESG pending an RFC Editor Note to be prepared by Sean Turner. The Secretariat will send an individual submission Document Action Announcement that includes the RFC Editor Note. 3.2.2 Returning Items NONE 3.3 Status Changes 3.3.1 New Items NONE 3.3.2 Returning Items NONE 3.4 IRTF and Independent Submission Stream Documents 3.4.1 New Items o conflict-review-yokota-mext-ha-init-flow-binding-00 IETF conflict review for draft-yokota-mext-ha-init-flow-binding draft-yokota-mext-ha-init-flow-binding-06 Home Agent Initiated Flow Binding for Mobile IPv6 (ISE: Experimental) - 1 of 3 Token: Brian Haberman The IESG has no problem with the RFC Editor publishing this document. The Secretariat will send a standard "no problem" message to the RFC Independent Submissions Editor that includes a conflict review response prepared by Brian Haberman. o conflict-review-dtnrg-ltp-cbhe-registries-00 IETF conflict review for draft-dtnrg-ltp-cbhe-registries draft-dtnrg-ltp-cbhe-registries-07 Licklider Transmission Protocol (LTP), Compressed Bundle Header Encoding (CBHE), and Bundle Protocol IANA Registries (IRTF: Informational) - 2 of 3 Token: Spencer Dawkins Stephen Farrell formally recused himself from the discussion. The IESG has no problem with the IRTF publishing this document. The Secretariat will send a standard "no problem" message to the IRSG that includes a conflict review response prepared by Spencer Dawkins. o conflict-review-turner-additional-methods-4kis-00 IETF conflict review for draft-turner-additional-methods-4kis draft-turner-additional-methods-4kis-11 Additional Methods for Generating Subject Key Identifiers (ISE: Informational) - 3 of 3 Token: Barry Leiba Sean Turner formally recused himself from the discussion. The IESG has no problem with the RFC Editor publishing this document. The Secretariat will send a standard "no problem" message to the RFC Independent Submissions Editor that includes a conflict review response prepared by Barry Leiba. 3.4.2 Returning Items o conflict-review-hoffine-already-dotless-04 IETF conflict review for draft-hoffine-already-dotless draft-hoffine-already-dotless-05 Top-Level Domains that Are Already Dotless (ISE: Informational) - 1 of 1 Token: Joel Jaeggli The IESG has no problem with the RFC Editor publishing this document. The Secretariat will send a standard "no problem" message to the RFC Independent Submissions Editor that includes a conflict review response prepared by Joel Jaeggli. 3.4.3 For Action o conflict-review-gieben-auth-denial-of-existence-dns-00 IETF conflict review for draft-gieben-auth-denial-of-existence-dns draft-gieben-auth-denial-of-existence-dns-03 Authenticated Denial of Existence in the DNS (ISE: Informational) - 1 of 2 Token: Jari Arkko The document was assigned to Ted Lemon for RFC 5742 review. o conflict-review-jabley-dnsop-anycast-mapping-00 IETF conflict review for draft-jabley-dnsop-anycast-mapping draft-jabley-dnsop-anycast-mapping-03 A Summary of Various Mechanisms Deployed at L-Root for the Identification of Anycast Nodes (ISE: Informational) - 2 of 2 Token: Jari Arkko The document was assigned to Joel Jaeggli for RFC 5742 review. 4. Working Group Actions 4.1 WG Creation 4.1.1 Proposed for IETF Review NONE 4.1.2 Proposed for Approval o Source Packet Routing in Networking (spring) - 1 of 1 Area: RTG (Stewart Bryant) The IESG approved the charter for the new working group pending the addition of chairs and edits to the text of the charter to be prepared by Stewart Bryant. The Secretariat will send a WG Action announcement. 4.2 WG Rechartering 4.2.1 Under Evaluation for IETF Review NONE 4.2.2 Proposed for Approval o IPv6 Maintenance (6man) - 1 of 2 Area: INT (Brian Haberman) The IESG approved the revised charter for the working group. The Secretariat will send a WG Action: RECHARTER announcement. o MBONE Deployment (mboned) - 2 of 2 Area: OPS (Joel Jaeggli) The IESG approved the revised charter for the working group. The Secretariat will send a WG Action: RECHARTER announcement. 5. IAB News We Can Use 6. Management Issues 6.1 Approving IANA registry entries for draft-yokota-mext-ha-init- flow-binding (Brian Haberman) The management issue was discussed. The IESG approved the allocation of two IPv6 Mobility Headers and two IPv6 Mobility Options for draft-yokota-mext-ha-init-flow-binding. The code point allocation requirements in the document need clarification before the document is published as an RFC. 6.2 Contact changes for multiple multicast assignments (Michelle Cotton) The management issue was discussed. The IESG had no objections to the proposed changes. 7. Working Group News ----------------------------------------------- * Please see the Datatracker ( for details on documents that are under discussion by the IESG.