SCIM Working Group Meeting: 13-09-04 Minutes: Mark Diodati In attendance: * Anthony Nadalin * Barry Leiba * Bjorn Aannestad * Erik Wahlstršm * Kelly Grizzle * Leif Johansson (chair) * Mark Diodati * Mortezza Ansari (briefly) * Phil Hunt * Sal D'Agostino Notes: Issue #2 Add pagination capability for plural resource attributes. GET on group resource could return many user references, which is resource intensive. Phil Hunt--ostensibly provides performance enhancements. Mark Diodati--Enforced pagination makes common provisioning queries more challengin. Must have two loops. One inward loop for groups references, then an outward loop for users. Kelly/Phil--provide an ability to return the number of attributes so that the client can be smarter? Phil--return only the groups that the user belongs to? Kelly--maybe modify schema to limit which attributes are returned in a rest call? Decision: issue will not be addressed, but Kelly will provide documentation/guidance on expected behavior of consumer and service provider. Issue #9 Ability to mark attributes as unique in ServiceProviderConfig. Kelly--not a strong use case for this issue. Bjorn--not much of an advantage in implementing fix. Leif--No real consensus fixing or not. Decision: postpone discussion. Issue 10 Ability to mark attributes as "sensitive" in ServiceProviderConfig. Erik--questions reason to add feature. Kelly--password attribute is write-only. Maybe requestor wants the ability to set for other attributes? Leif--worry that anything we do with respect to issue will be under-specified. Kelly--alternate proposal is to have write-only attributes. Decision: Phil will create two separate issues. 1 - ability to specify write-only attributes. 2 - Return specific attributes only upon request. Issue 13 Add a "required" flag in configuration to support etags. Erik--example: match with an etag. One server can support different clients. Kelly--add subattribute to etags attribute in ServiceProviderConfig to specify whether server requires etags? Decision: Erik will provide additional information on how etags should be addressed. Issue 24 Add the negation operator to the Filtering Section. Kelly--Perhaps look at the OpenSearch protocol for inspiration? Decision: Bjorn to take a stab at proposed language for the spec.