INTERNET ENGINEERING STEERING GROUP (IESG) Minutes of the December 1, 2016 IESG Teleconference Reported by: Cindy Morgan, IETF Secretariat ATTENDEES --------------------------------- Jari Arkko (Ericsson) / IETF Chair, General Area Alia Atlas (Juniper) / Routing Area Deborah Brungard (AT&T) / Routing Area Ben Campbell (Oracle) / Applications and Real-Time Area Benoit Claise (Cisco) / Operations and Management Area Alissa Cooper (Cisco) / Applications and Real-Time Area Michelle Cotton (ICANN) / IANA Liaison Stephen Farrell (Trinity College Dublin) / Security Area Sandy Ginoza (AMS) / RFC Editor Liaison Susan Hares / Scribe Joel Jaeggli (Fastly) / Operations and Management Area Suresh Krishnan (Ericsson) / Internet Area Mirja Kuehlewind (ETH Zurich) / Transport Area John Leslie / Scribe Terry Manderson (ICANN) / Internet Area Alexey Melnikov / Applications and Real-Time Area Alexa Morris (AMS) / IETF Secretariat Cindy Morgan (AMS) / IETF Secretariat Kathleen Moriarty (EMC) / Security Area Alvaro Retana (Cisco) / Routing Area Robert Sparks (Oracle) / IAB Liaison Amy Vezza (AMS) / IETF Secretariat REGRETS --------------------------------- Spencer Dawkins (Wonder Hamster Internetworking) / Transport Area Heather Flanagan / RFC Series Editor Ray Pelletier (ISOC) / IAD Carlos Pignataro (Cisco) / Scribe Andrew Sullivan (Dyn) / IAB Chair OBSERVERS --------------------------------- Ignas Bagdonas Warren Kumari Alexander Pelov MINUTES --------------------------------- 1. Administrivia 1.1 Approval of the Minutes The minutes of the November 3, 2016 Teleconference were approved. The Secretariat will place the minutes in the public archives. The narrative minutes of the November 3, 2016 Teleconference were approved. The Secretariat will place the minutes in the public archives. 1.2 Documents Approved since the November 3, 2016 IESG Teleconference 1.2.1 Protocol Actions o draft-ietf-l3sm-l3vpn-service-model-19 (Proposed Standard) o draft-ietf-cose-msg-24 (Proposed Standard) o draft-ietf-radext-datatypes-08 (Proposed Standard) o draft-ietf-tsvwg-rfc5405bis-19 (Best Current Practice) o draft-weis-gdoi-iec62351-9-10 (Proposed Standard) o draft-ietf-mpls-rfc4379bis-09 (Proposed Standard) o draft-ietf-netmod-routing-cfg-25 (Proposed Standard) 1.2.2 Document Action NONE 1.3 Review of Action Items DONE: o Benoit Claise, Alvaro Retana, and Suresh Krishnan to propose charter development recommendations. o Suresh Krishnan to find more scribes. IN PROGRESS: o Alexey Melnikov to find a backup expert for Zach Shelby for the other CoRE registries [IANA #928192]. NEW: o Deborah Brungard to identify designated experts for RFC-ietf-mpls- rfc4379bis-09 [IANA #937688]. 2. Protocol actions 2.1 WG submissions 2.1.1 New items o draft-ietf-straw-b2bua-rtcp-15 - IETF stream Guidelines to support RTCP end-to-end in Back-to-Back User Agents (B2BUAs) (Proposed Standard) - 1 of 7 Token: Ben Campbell The document remains under discussion by the IESG in order to resolve points raised by Alissa Cooper and Stephen Farrell.* o draft-ietf-appsawg-mdn-3798bis-15 - IETF stream Message Disposition Notification (Internet Standard) - 2 of 7 Token: Ben Campbell Alexey Melnikov formally recused himself from the discussion. The document was approved by the IESG pending a new revision. The Secretariat will send a working group submission Protocol Action Announcement once Ben Campbell confirms that the announcement is ready to be sent. o draft-ietf-savi-mix-14 - IETF stream SAVI for Mixed Address Assignment Methods Scenario (Proposed Standard) - 3 of 7 Token: Suresh Krishnan The document was approved by the IESG pending a final check to be completed by Suresh Krishnan. The Secretariat will send a working group submission Protocol Action Announcement. o draft-ietf-6lo-6lobac-06 - IETF stream Transmission of IPv6 over MS/TP Networks (Proposed Standard) - 4 of 7 Token: Suresh Krishnan The document remains under discussion by the IESG in order to resolve points raised by Alissa Cooper.* o draft-ietf-dnsop-resolver-priming-09 - IETF stream Initializing a DNS Resolver with Priming Queries (Best Current Practice) - 5 of 7 Token: Joel Jaeggli The document was approved by the IESG pending a final check to be completed by Joel Jaeggli. The Secretariat will send a working group submission Protocol Action Announcement. o draft-ietf-kitten-rfc6112bis-03 - IETF stream Anonymity Support for Kerberos (Proposed Standard) - 6 of 7 Token: Stephen Farrell The document was approved by the IESG. The Secretariat will send a working group submission Protocol Action Announcement. o draft-ietf-kitten-pkinit-freshness-07 - IETF stream Public Key Cryptography for Initial Authentication in Kerberos (PKINIT) Freshness Extension (Proposed Standard) - 7 of 7 Token: Stephen Farrell The document remains under discussion by the IESG in order to resolve points raised by Kathleen Moriarty.* 2.1.2 Returning items NONE 2.2 Individual submissions 2.2.1 New items o draft-ietf-behave-ipfix-nat-logging-11 - IETF stream IPFIX Information Elements for logging NAT Events (Proposed Standard) - 1 of 4 Token: Spencer Dawkins The document remains under discussion by the IESG in order to resolve points raised by Jari Arkko, Alia Atlas, Benoit Claise, Stephen Farrell, and Suresh Krishnan.* o draft-levine-herkula-oneclick-09 (Has RFC Editor Note) - IETF stream Signalling one-click functionality for list email headers (Proposed Standard) - 2 of 4 Token: Alexey Melnikov The document was approved by the IESG pending a final check to be completed by Alexey Melnikov. The Secretariat will send an individual submission Protocol Action Announcement. o draft-holmberg-dispatch-received-realm-10 - IETF stream Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Via header field parameter to indicate received realm (Proposed Standard) - 3 of 4 Token: Ben Campbell The document was approved by the IESG pending a new revision. The Secretariat will send an individual submission Protocol Action Announcement once Ben Campbell confirms that the announcement is ready to be sent. o draft-leiba-3967upd-downref-01 - IETF stream Updating when Standards Track Documents may Refer Normatively to Documents at a Lower Level (Best Current Practice) - 4 of 4 Token: Ben Campbell The document was approved by the IESG pending a final check to be completed by Ben Campbell. The Secretariat will send an individual submission Protocol Action Announcement. 2.2.2 Returning items NONE 2.3 Status changes 2.3.1 New items NONE 2.3.2 Returning items NONE 3. Document actions 3.1 WG submissions 3.1.1 New items o draft-ietf-taps-transports-12 - IETF stream Services provided by IETF transport protocols and congestion control mechanisms (Informational) - 1 of 5 Token: Spencer Dawkins Mirja Kuehlewind formally recused herself from the discussion. The document was approved by the IESG pending a final check to be completed by Spencer Dawkins. The Secretariat will send a working group submission Document Action Announcement. o draft-ietf-pim-join-attributes-for-lisp-05 - IETF stream PIM Join Attributes for LISP Environments (Experimental) - 2 of 5 Token: Alvaro Retana The document was approved by the IESG pending a new revision. The Secretariat will send a working group submission Document Action Announcement once Alvaro Retana confirms that the announcement is ready to be sent. o draft-ietf-tsvwg-diffserv-intercon-12 - IETF stream Diffserv-Interconnection classes and practice (Informational) - 3 of 5 Token: Spencer Dawkins The document was approved by the IESG pending a final check to be completed by Spencer Dawkins. The Secretariat will send a working group submission Document Action Announcement. o draft-ietf-6lo-privacy-considerations-04 - IETF stream Privacy Considerations for IPv6 Adaptation Layer Mechanisms (Informational) - 4 of 5 Token: Suresh Krishnan The document was approved by the IESG pending a final check to be completed by Suresh Krishnan. The Secretariat will send a working group submission Document Action Announcement. o draft-ietf-siprec-callflows-07 - IETF stream Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Recording Call Flows (Informational) - 5 of 5 Token: Alissa Cooper The document was approved by the IESG pending a final check to be completed by Alissa Cooper. The Secretariat will send a working group submission Document Action Announcement. 3.1.2 Returning items NONE 3.2 Individual submissions via AD 3.2.1 New items o draft-bbf-bbf-urn-04 - IETF stream Uniform Resource Name (URN) Namespaces for Broadband Forum (Informational) - 1 of 2 Token: Benoit Claise The document was approved by the IESG. The Secretariat will send an individual submission Document Action Announcement that includes an RFC Editor Note prepared by Benoit Claise. o draft-ieee-urn-03 - IETF stream URN Namespace for IEEE (Informational) - 2 of 2 Token: Alexey Melnikov The document was approved by the IESG. The Secretariat will send an individual submission Document Action Announcement. 3.2.2 Returning items NONE 3.3 Status changes 3.3.1 New items NONE 3.3.2 Returning items NONE 3.4 IRTF and Independent Submission stream documents 3.4.1 New items NONE 3.4.2 Returning items NONE 4. Working Group actions 4.1 WG creation 4.1.1 Proposed for IETF review o Concise Binary Object Representation Maintenance and Extensions (cbor) Area: ART (Alexey Melnikov) The IESG approved the draft WG charter for IETF review pending edits to be provided by Alexey Melnikov. The Secretariat will send a WG Review announcement, with a separate message to The Secretariat will place the WG on the agenda for the next IESG Teleconference (December 15, 2016). 4.1.2 Proposed for approval NONE 4.2 WG rechartering 4.2.1 Under evaluation for IETF review o Session Initiation Protocol Core (sipcore) Area: ART (Ben Campbell) The IESG approved the updated charter for the working group pending edits to the milestones. The Secretariat will send a WG Action: RECHARTER announcement. 4.2.2 Proposed for approval NONE 5. IAB news we can use 6. Management issues 6.1 License File for Git Repositories (Jari Arkko) The management issue was discussed. The Secretariat will place this on the agenda for the next IESG Teleconference (December 15, 2016). 6.2 [IANA #937688] Designated expert for RFC-ietf-mpls-rfc4379bis-09 ((MPLS) Label Switched Paths (LSPs) Ping Parameters) The management issue was discussed. Action item: Deborah Brungard to identify designated experts for RFC- ietf-mpls-rfc4379bis-09 [IANA #937688]. 7. Working Group news ----------------------------------------------- * Please see the Datatracker ( for details on documents that are under discussion by the IESG.