CBOR WG Meeting - Interim 18 Wednesday, October 23, 2019, 15:00 - 16:00 UTC Chairs: Francesca Palombini, Jim Schaad Recordings: https://youtu.be/_Hf6DbvERT0 Presents: Francesca Palombini Jim Schaad Carsten Bormann Ira McDonald Laurence Lundblade * Admin - CBOR session scheduled https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/106/agenda#2019-11-21-080000 Thursday 17:40, 1h, conflict with: jmap, git, 6man, detnet, idr Slot request please mail chairs jmap conflict for Barry * CBOR Array Tag status update (chairs): RFC Ed Queue * CBOR Sequence status (chairs): RFC Ed Queue - IANA - Not OK * CBOR specification (Carsten, Paul) - slides: https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/interim-2019-cbor-18/materials/slides-interim-2019-cbor-18-sessa-consolidated.pdf https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-cbor-7049bisCBORBis - Goal: WGLC from version at 2019-10-23 interim - Status update 5 PR were merged 5 left - 4 are ok, waiting on Paul to merge #127 - big update, needs review - Issue and PR discussion Is there a need to identify 8bit-MIME separately as such, as opposed to putting both 8-bit and binary into tag 257? Explain that tag 36 is mostly for 7bit MIME, and 8-bit and binary usually go into tag 257. * AOB