Meeting started at 11:04 (UTC-5) Attendees: Roger Carney (GoDaddy), Gordon Dick (Nominet), Joseph Yee (Afilias) Agenda Reporting Repository/Structure/Reports (how does the Data Set File Format fit in). We talked for about 15 minutes, I suggested that we would schedule a meeting before the next IETF, maybe the first couple weeks of July. We agreed that expanding the specific communications protocol from just sFTP to a small number of them (sFTP or HTTPS or ??) would be good for the registry side. As for using the Data Set File format suggested by Gould, we thought that it seemed to be overly complex/heavy handed for this scenario, though we would like to have a fuller discussion around how/where it does fit. Jim Gould was not able to make it, but he did send me these notes: “I just wanted to let you know that the Data Set File format draft has not been updated yet to support reports, but I have a domain model defined that would support defined bulk operations with the definition and data in a single file and report definition with the definition in a separate file with a reference to the report data file. The report defining and data can be contained in a single file, but I anticipate that it will be a separate file. The meta data about the report including its format is in the definition along with the definition of a type that can be registered in an IANA registry. A registry could implement a registered report and even extend it by adding more fields. Clients that are not interested in the additional fields can process the field based on the IANA registered definition. Both standard reports and custom reports can be defined using a common set of meta data and a common set of field elements. The field elements are defined using XML schema types and can be fully validated by a processor. Custom field elements can be defined. The field definition approach is taken from the CSV data escrow format and the existing Data Set Format draft. The key with the approach is that we can define the Wild West using a standards based mechanism that will support automation and provide a lighter weight mechanism for standardization with the use of an IANA registry that contains the report definition with a unique type identifier. There can also be sub-types to support additional granularity. I intend to make a dent in updating the draft this month.”