# Issues/PRs - #142, #160 - Richard: Just close? - **Close** - #426 - Konrad: We inject GroupContext as if key. But purpose is to achieve key separation. Should either inject into each step, or have one Extract step before all. - Richard: Prefer once rather than all the time. - **Merge #427** - #373 - Brendan: Probably not something we're going to handle. - Richard: Agree, good to close. - **Close** - No ticket - Joel: When is deadline to change how parent hashes are computed? - Brendan: Why - Joel: Discussed in past, whether parent hash should include tree hash or not. Creates weaker guarantees for member joining group. Say a signing key is leaked. Alice gets a Welcome and joins group. How quickly group is secure again depends on how parent hash is computed; including tree hash makes group secure faster. - Richard: Karthik was worried about group agreement at the interim in NY. Sounds like Joel has concrete attacks. - Brendan: I think this is controlled a lot by the fact that we sign GroupContexts. - **Conclusion:** Joel will raise in more detail on mailing list. - #427 - **Merge.** - #423 - **Merge.** - #422 - Raphael: Significant performance improvement in some cases. - **Merge.** - #414 - **Conclusion:** Minor issues to fix, then good to merge. - #421 - **Action items:** - Rename recovery secret to resumption. - Add back section on Recovery Key. - Add text to re-originate ReInit proposals when there are others. - Make clear with multiple ReInits. - #406 - Brendan: Contrasting GroupKeyPackage with GroupInfo, GroupInfo is signed. Shouldn't we also sign GroupKeyPackage? - Raphael: Bad for deniability. - Brendan: But if people use External Commit primarily, then it seems like you have weaker group agreement. - Richard: Probably need to go to mailing list. - **Conclusion:** Additional concerns to be raised on mailing list.