Recording: Chairs: - RDV: Rodney Van Meter - WK: Wojciech Kozlowski 1.Chair (WK+RDV): We are a full research group. How frequently we can meet as a research group? Question to review in near future. 2. Simulaqron (Axel Dahlberg) Slides: - Scalable blue print, QnodOS: operating system, CQC (Classical quantum compiler)origin, NetQASM(quantum Assembly language). 3. Qnetsim(Stephen DiAdamo) Slides: - Host-transport-Network architecture, task (teleportation, super dense coding, EPR and GHZ generation). 4. QuISP (RDV) Slides: - Quantum network congestion, protocol: SDN like, generations-1G:2G:3G, scaling quantum network and memory growth 2^n. 5. Netsquid (Rob Knegjens) Slides: - Designing a quantum internet, rate and fidelity, modeling the effect of time on performance. 6. Nathan Aw :Use Case :Scaled out ,zero latency and implication. Slides: 7. WK: Slides: New section about how heralding signal is used to notify of entanglement succeeding. Idea: how to move to classical network from quantum stack. Forwarding may be implemented in 3rd generation. First generations use swapping. (see Shota's PR on GitHub). Security consideration: up for discussion if included in the draft. Probably will be left for another document. Section 6: Rework - goals and principles (need community inputs) References: add more based on RDV feedback. Next step for RFC. Q&A: Mathias: Why not include layers and planes in this draft? WK: This is not an architecture proposal draft. Gyananjay Rai: Testing of drafts on simulators. WK: With this draft you should be equipped to start using the simulators. Colin Perkins: Inputs for RFC. Keep doing what you are doing and submit by the end of the year. 8. Draft-Wang-qirg-quantum-internet-use-cases Slides: Closure: RDV: More meetings to come, possibly after all virtual interims replacing IETF 107 WK: Go and use simulators and share output of simulators in mailing list.