RATS Virtual Interim Meeting 2020-02-05   10am EST (15:00 UTC) https://ietf.webex.com/ietf/j.php?MTID=m71e1456a00ac18659652a25dbea30748 TIME in PST 7:00 - 7:05 agenda bash. Note takers: Rich and Michael Chairs: Ned, Kathleen and Nancy Architecture Design Team (Michael) New draft posted yesterday; slides posted Still open items and text to write, 'probably finish by IETF 107' Discussion of when design team will have draft ready for WG review; Nancy suggests time to do WGLC at IETF107 Russ: question about how SUIT/TEEP/RATS are related.    MCR: we have TEEP use case in the RATS. We think that the relationship to SUIT is that SUIT is a use case for TEEP, and TEEP is a use case for RATS.      Russ: maybe it is as simple as saying that the software needs to come from an authenticated source.      DT: but, suggesting that this might be in the use case section.      Russ: but the architecture should provide a hint how it goes together.      DT: so maybe this goes into the use case.   Kathleen: SUIT is one option for a format, but there are other options for a manifest, which might be used as well. EAT UEID Size discussion (Laurence) Can EUID be considered unique if "same" EUID has two different signers?      RS: can we consider 128-bits be a GUID, and 128-bits be hash of signing key?      DT likes this idea.      LL says that this isn't specified, but could be said this way.      MCR liked 256, listening to Dave constrained device concerns, now prefers 128 w/256 optional      DT/MCR discussion of above      Discussion of changing EUID when owner of the device changes      LL to work on a new version of draft for next interim (using option 2) EAT Submods claim (Laurence)      Discussion of the enumeration values in "submod_attachment" claim      Discussion of subcomponents and "attackability"      Move "attachment_type" to separate PR and merge this.      Plan to have new draft for IETF 107