TSVWG Virtual Interim Agenda (2/20/2020) Meeting link: https://ietf.webex.com/ietf/j.php?MTID=m76a8ef03619d3194cc8b82f1390788a7 Meeting number: 648 364 638 Password: DuyqGcre 1. Agenda bashing (chairs - 5 min) 2. Update on status and near-term plans for the set of L4S drafts (Bob? - 5 min) 3. Update on L4S & TCP Prague implementation, test, evaluation (Greg/Bob/Koen? - 15 min) 4. L4S Issues List Discussion (goal is to see if we can agree on what more needs to be done on each issue to suffice for Experimental/Informational RFCs): 4.1 Discuss status on (Bob - ~30 min): #16 on classic ECN interaction #21 CE codepoint semantics (closely related to #16) #20 ECT(1) codepoint usage 4.2 Discuss plans forward to address (Bob - ~15 min): #26 on admission control #27 on terminology #22 on deployment feasibility #24 on evaluation & testing results #28 on DualQ suitability 4.3 (We will try to handle the issues below by mailing list prior to the meeting) If needed, discuss close-out of (~15 min): #25 on IPR #18 on loss detection in time-units #23 on implementation status #19 on the single codepoint #17 on FQ interaction 5. SCE Update (Morton/Heist/etc.? - ~30 min)