1. Roll Call, Agenda Bashing, Minutes Approval The draft minutes of the 6/18 f2f meeting are available at https://www.iab.org/wp-content/IAB-uploads/2013/01/2015-06-18-ietf802-minutes.txt 2. Review of Other Action Items from Previous Meetings (not part of the shared items list) - Juan Carlos Zuniga to send mail to the coordination list about the next Privacy SG meeting. [DONE] - Benoit Claise to put the YANG doctors in touch with Marc Holness regarding shared item 27. 3. 2016 Face to Face meeting 4. homenet and IEEE 802.11 (and other 802) multicast - Mikael Abrahamsson and Adrian Stephens 5. November 2015 meetings - short pass on the IETF BOFs and IEEE 802 PARs that may be relevant to IEEE 802 and IETF coordination - http://trac.tools.ietf.org/bof/trac/wiki/WikiStart# - http://www.ieee802.org/PARs.shtml - Tutorials 6. Areas of shared interest between the IETF and IEEE 802. Review of the list of items, status and action items - discussion led by Pat and Dan 7. Review of Action Items