# Meeting Information Meeting links ------------- + Meeting information will be provided after allocation Data / Time ----------- + Date: December 7th, 2021 + Time: [7-8am US Pacific PST, 4pm CET](https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/?qm=1&lid=100,12,5392171,1850147&h=100&date=2021-12-07&sln=15-16) # The specific meeting agenda will be announced one week prior the meeting # Generic Interim Agenda ## [16:05] Administrivia [05min] * Note-Well, Scribes, Agenda Bashing * WG Status ## [16:10] Technology-specific drafts [30min] ## [16:40] Data model / OAM / Other WG items [15min] ## [16:55] AOB [ QS ]