NMRG 62nd meeting 22 June 2021 14:00 - 15:00 CEST RG Chairs: * Laurent Ciavaglia * Jéröme François RG Secretaries * Jéferson Campos Nobre * Pedro Martinez-Julia Useful links: Materials: https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/interim-2021-nmrg-03/session/nmrg Webex: https://ietf.webex.com/ietf/j.php?MTID=mf4f7414b4e2928cf35fb18b957a29c50 Notes: https://codimd.ietf.org/notes-nmrg62# Video recording: https://www.youtube.com/user/ietf/playlists Participants: - Jérôme François - Alex Clemm - Hyun-Kyo Kim - Chiara Contoli - Jonatas Marques - Stefan Schneider - Marinos Charalambides - Börje Ohlman - José Suárez-Varela - Ramin Sadre - Lisandro Granville Objectives: - Freeze the challenge list - Set the expected content type and levels of details for challenges → template - Define one lead contributor per challenge - Set milestones for progressing on the document Discussion - Alex: Freeze the challenge for a fist iteration but we can add in a second round - Alex (on IBN challenges): challenge #9 is about how AI can facilitate the planning of actions. Can rephrase to make it clear - Stefan: there are different type of outputs for AI, in challenge #9 - Marinos: is dealing with with different choices of actions to take part of #9 - Alex: ok - Jérôme: challenge #9 is fine, we should avoid to make specific to IBN but more general about planning of actions. We will need more feedback regarding challenge #8 - Marinos (On merging data availability and challenge on scalable real-time monitoring) ok - Alex: having data is an enabler for AI but not an AI challenge? - Jérôme: agrre but here we try to identify challenges to address when we want to use AI for NM, so I think it is good to have it as well - Stefan: I agree, data is an enabler, but I think it's a very important one and one that is indeed challenging in the context of NM. For image classification, NLP, etc there are standard datasets or environments that drive progress; in NM, we don't have that yet. - Alex: Agree. So then it would be good to frame that as an AI challenge: how to create the equivalent in NM (in terms of standard datsets or environments that can help drive AI progress in NM - Alex: maybe we could have different sections in the document (What AI can solve in NM? What are the missing enabblers?) - Jérôme: yes challenges are at different levels. There was a draft classification in the doc. I propose to kee the structure of challenge list flat and then categorize them when they are fully describe. - Lisandro (regarding mislestones): It looks to be that's a doable timeline - José Suárez-Varela: It looks good to me as wel