emodir 2022-02-24 notes

Welcome and administrative details

Note well

Request participants to be familar with the IETF notewell as it applies to this meeting.


Carsten Bormann
Andrew Campling
Mirja Kühlewind
Stephanie McCammon
Alexa Morris
Karen O'Donoghue
Rich Salz
Greg Wood

Follow up on action items

113 operational details (Karen)

WG Chairs

Should there be an in-person WG chairs forum? Maybe just a socializing gathering? Meet-n-Greet: introductions, open forum. Maybe do a social event in another location. Decision: hold a virtual WG chair gathring with a real agenda and a social lunch with only in-person people.

Rich and Karen will discuss with Stephanie to finalize.


There are timeslots available on Sunday for tutorials.
+ Karen will discuss tomorrow during newcomers

emodir activities draft plan for 2022

Review/discuss/brainstorm the discussion draft plan.

There was considerable discussion of the plan.
* Greg will update the doc with an eye towards providing a way for emodir participants to indicate interest/priority and share for further dicussion ahead of the next emodir meeting