Jari Arkko
Ben Campbell
Deborah Brungard
Lars Eggert (IETF Chair)
Wes Hardaker
Cullen Jennings
Mallory Knodel (incoming IAB)
Mirja Kühlewind (IAB Chair)
Zhenbin Li
Jared Mauch
Cindy Morgan (IAB Executive Administrative Manager)
Tommy Pauly
Colin Perkins (IRTF Chair)
David Schinazi
Amy Vezza (IETF Secretariat)
Russ White
Greg Wood (IETF Director of Communications and Operations)
Qin Wu (incoming IAB)
Jiankang Yao
Karen O’Donoghue (ISOC Liaison)
Martin Vigoureux (IESG Liaison)
Sandy Ginoza (RFC Production Center)
Tony Hansen (RSOC)
John Levine (Temporary RFC Series Project Manager)
Peter Saint-Andre (RSOC Chair)
Mark McFadden
Cindy Morgan reminded the IAB that 2022-03-02 was the deadline for nominations for IAB Chair.
An executive session on RFC Series Consulting Editor Recruitment was added to the end of the agenda.
The following meeting minutes were approved:
The following meeting minutes remain under review:
Datatracker: https://datatracker.ietf.org/stream/iab/
IAB State: Active IAB Document
* draft-iab-aid-workshop-00
IAB State: Active IAB Document
* draft-iab-mnqeu-report-00
IAB State: Active IAB Document
* draft-iab-protocol-maintenance-05
IAB State: Active IAB Document (EXPIRED)
* draft-iab-rfcefdp-rfced-model-11
In Community Review (ends 2022-03-07)
Datatracker: https://datatracker.ietf.org/group/chartering/
Approved 2022-02-17 pending edits to be provided by the AD
Wiki: https://www.iab.org/wiki/index.php/Bof113
The IAB discussed BOF coverage at IETF 113.
IAB Shepherd: Zhenbin Li
+ Russ White volunteered to cover this BOF.
* Media Over QUIC (MOQ)
IAB Shepherd: Tommy Pauly
+ Mirja Kühlewind volunteered to cover this BOF, conflicts permitting. After the meeting, it was discovered that MOQ conflicts with MAPRG, which Mirja is chairing, so the IAB still needs someone to cover this BOF.
* Source Address Validation in Intra-domain and Inter-domain Networks (SAVNET)
IAB Shepherd: Jari Arkko
+ Jared Mauch volunteered to cover this BOF.
The IAB discussed the IAB Open Meeting agenda for IETF 113.
In addition to the normal chair reporting, Mirja Kühlewind suggested a discussion on (de)centralization, with presentations on “An Empirical View on Consolidation of the Web” from Vaibhav Bajpai, “Centralization and Internet Standards” from Mark Nottingham, and “Discovery Mechanism in Protocol Design” from Jari Arkko.
Members of RSOC joined the IAB to discuss what needs to happen to ensure a smooth transition to the RFC Editor Model version 3 once draft-iab-rfcefdp-rfced-model is approved.
Mirja Kühlewind said that the IAB is concerned with three aspects of the transition:
Cindy Morgan will set up a Trello board to track actions related to the transition.
Peter Saint-Andre reported that RSOC does not have any outstanding deliverables, but that RSOC has been working with Jay Daley on the authors.ietf.org site and John Levine on draft-iab-rfc7991bis. The authors.ietf.org site is expected to go live soon, and a new revision of draft-iab-rfc7991bis will be posted soon that brings the spec into line with the current code; further work on draft-iab-rfc7991bis will be handled in the RSWG.
RSOC convened the RFC XML and Style Guide Change Management Team (CMT), which initially worked through the backlog of issues relating to the XML vocabulary, but has also been advising the RFC Production Center (RPC) on issues with authors that relate to the XML. Disbanding RSOC also effectively will disband the CMT, and this responsibility will go to the RSAB. RSOC recommends that RSOC remain until the RSAB is seated and has its first meeting, where there will be a formal handover of responsibilities. At that point, RSOC will disband.
RSOC will write something up for the IAB that maps out how RSOC responsibilities will be handled in the new model.
Mirja Kühlewind noted that the current Temporary RFC Series Project Manager contract ends on 2022-03-31, which is before a new RFC Series Consulting Editor (RSCE) will be in place, and asked RSOC for a recommendation about extending that contract. Peter Saint-Andre will follow up with Jay Daley and RSOC about making a recommendation to the IAB about extending the contract.
The IAB and IESG are each responsible for appointing one of the RSWG chairs, and agreed to run a single call for nominations. Cindy Morgan will draft a timeline and call for nominations for the RSWG chairs and send it to the IAB and IESG for review, with the goal of sending the call for nominations out before or during IETF 113.
Mirja Kühlewind suggested that the IAB take the question of the IAB representative on RSAB at the IAB meeting on 2022-03-20, which will be the first meeting of the new IAB term.
Ted Hardie, one of the IAB’s appointees to the ICANN RSS Governance Working Group, has asked to step down from the position. The IAB discussed the text for a call for nominations, as well as the timeline for the appointment.
Cindy Morgan will update the call for nominations text and send it out to the IAB for review, with the goal of sending the call for nominations on Monday, 2022-03-07.
The IAB discussed RSCE recruitment in an executive session. Mirja Kühlewind will draft a reply to Jay Daley’s email regarding RSCE recruitment.