Marc Kaplan / VeriQloud === # Q&A Q: Who selects a and b (and r and s)? A: C1 and C2 select their corresponding values Q: Who is C1 and C2? Are they intermediate devices, or are they subcomponents of A and B? A: New intermediate devices between A and B. Q: QKD network without trusted nodes can be built with optical switches. Is there any advantage compared to that? A: Cost, in Qline intermediate nodes only need modulators Q: Can you expand how QLine would work on a full Quantum Network (one that transports/shares entangled qubits)? What advantages would it have over simpler approaches? A: Hard to say, there are other uses once full quantum networks are avialable (see later in talk) Q: Not sure what limits scalability of the system (inter-node) or number of nodes? A: Scalability is as always dominated by losses in fiber. So basically, limited by the emitter and detector node. But keep in mind every intermediate node adds losses. Q: More robustness if intermediate nodes can detect? A: Adding a detector at intermediate nodes makes it more similiar Q: please clarify advantage of qline vs "traditional" QKD. cost-effective or more? A: Scalability - for a given cost you have more nodes; but mainly you don't have trusted nodes.