September 27, 2018 RSOC Meeting
Reported by: Cindy Morgan, IETF Secretariat
Sarah Banks (Chair)
Nevil Brownlee (outgoing)
Heather Flanagan (RSE, non-voting)
Joel Halpern (outgoing)
Tony Hansen
Christian Huitema
Cindy Morgan (Scribe, non-voting)
Adam Roach
Peter Saint-Andre
Robert Sparks (Lead)
Martin Thomson (outgoing)
Portia Wenze-Danley (IETF LLC Board Liaison, non-voting)
Bob Hinden (outgoing)
0. Review of minutes
The minutes of the 23 August 2018 meeting were approved.
1. New RSOC members
Heather Flanagan welcomed new members Christian Huitema and Peter
Saint-Andre to the RSOC, and thanked outgoing members Nevil Brownlee,
Joel Halpern, and Bob Hinden.
Heather asked if there were any questions about the RSE operating
procedures (previously sent by email) or the RSOC procedures .
She noted that the goal of the RSE operating procedures is to smooth
over any transition from one RSE to the next.
2. Format work update
Heather Flanagan reported that the next steps are the publication
formatters for HTML and PDF. Henrik Levkowetz is documenting issues
with the xml2rfcv3 vocabulary in draft-levkowetz-xml2rfc-v3-
implementation-notes. The issues are being discussed on the xml2rfc-
dev list and recorded in the GitHub space
Adam Roach reported that the IESG has discussed relaxing the idnits
tool to allow for non-ascii characters so that there can be drafts in
the pipeline once the tools are ready.
Heather Flanagan asked if there were any thoughts about trying
something similar with SVG. Robert Sparks replied that there isn't an
equivalent for SVG.
3. Other in-progress items
3.1. Crossref and DOIs
Heather Flanagan reported that the issue with DOIs not being
registered has been resolved as of 11 September 2018. The billing
address has been changed to iad@ietf.org, cc'ing Portia Wenze-Danley
directly. Portia noted that the address may change again with the
transition from the IAOC to the IETF LLC Board.
3.2. RFC Editor priorities
Heather Flanagan reported that the current top priorities for the RFC
Editor are:
- Publishing documents
- Testing the format tools
- Training new staff
The current top priorities for the RSE are:
- Working on the format project
- Planning for 2019 and beyond
- Facilitating the RSOC changeover
- Working on the Fifty Years of RFCs article
- Continuing the planning and other work involved in determining the
level of confusion around streams and statuses within the Series,
and what might be done about it
Sarah Banks asked if the headcount change for the RPC would affect the
SLA numbers.
Heather Flanagan replied that there is always an impact when the
headcount changes, but that it is the contractor's responsibility to
handle. She added that the new format work is also going to affect the
SLA numbers, so it would be difficult to attribute any potential dip
to one specific thing.
3.3. IPJ article / 50 Years of RFCs
Heather Flanagan reported that she has initial text from Steve Crocker
for the "50 Years of RFCs" article, and that she is chatting with
Leslie Daigle about her contribution. She is also looking for input
from Sandy Ginoza. Heather expects to have a -00 version of the text
published in time for IETF 103.
3.4. Streams and statuses
Heather Flanagan reported that she talked to Dan York and Greg Wood at
IETF 102 about how the Internet Society handles getting input beyond
the usual suspects. They have a few marketing groups that they work
with, and Heather expects to hear more from them when they return from
the Internet Society all-hands meeting in Panama.
4. RPC update
The RPC is currently training two new editors. One of the current
editors will be leaving soon to start grad school.
Heather Flanagan has an in-person meeting scheduled with the RPC on 4
October 2018 to discuss project planning for 2019. The priorities for
2019 will be publishing documents, working on the new format rollout,
and possibly making changes to the errata system. Heather also plans
to do an internal review of the current SLA with the RPC, and discuss
further AUTH48 experiments.
5. IETF 103 Planning
Heather Flanagan asked if the Thursday lunch slot in Bangkok would
work for everyone. Sarah Banks noted that adding an extra half-hour to
the meeting would be helpful since the SLA metrics will be reviewed.
Heather Flanagan added that it would be useful to have Sandy Ginoza
participate in that conversation.
Once the agenda for IETF 103 is published, Heather Flanagan will send
out a Doodle poll asking whether people would prefer to start 30
minutes before the lunch slot begins, or extend the meeting 30 minutes
past the end of the lunch slot.
6. AOB
Robert Sparks asked that RSOC Chair selection be added to the agenda
for Bangkok.
Christian Huitema asked if there was an RSE Dashboard that he could
look at. Heather Flanagan pointed him to the Reports page on the RFC
Editor website .
Christian Huitema asked if there are any milestones published for the
new format work. Heather Flanagan replied that most of the milestones
currently being tracked are tools-based, and that there is a wiki page
tracking the progress of those tools at