CoRE Virtual interim - 2024-02-28 - 15:00-16:30 UTC


Remote instructions



Minute takers: Christian Amsüss
Chat monitor: Marco Tiloca

Note Well

Remember that the note well applies, for IPR but also for WG
and code of conduct. Please be nice to each other.

Chat & Minutes / Agenda bashing


Request for an ALPN for CoAP-over-DTLS. (5min, CA)

See list. Without objections, CA will ask TLS experts to just
assign "co" as ALPN for CoAP-over-DTLS. Not a WG action, but on its

CA: Will soon make the request to the TLS Experts; not possible at the
time of RFC 7252, since ALPN didn't exist. This wouldn't change anything
for the protocol, but it's useful for advertising and discovering, e.g.,
for DNS over CoAP. I will point to RFC 7252 as reference.

MT: The proposed text that you sent on the mailing list looks fine to

Attacks on the Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP)

Overall status and point reminded by John, on fixing the use of
Block-wise and Request-Tag, see list

Related material:

MT: A main open point to address somehow and somewhere was the use of
Block-wise and Request-Tag. CA thought of a possible dedicated short
document. The document -core-corrclar is an alternative venue to work on

CA: No recent progress on that. Doing this in -core-corrclar works fine
for me.
CB: I have just submitted a revision of -core-corrclar, also to bring up
again what has to be addressed. I started with a verified erratum now
discussed in the draft. We need to do the same thing for covering all
the other errata regarding CoAP. The Github repo of the draft has a
roadmap on how to progress the document, shaped as Github issues.
CB: The one I've done was simple; for the issues, we'll have to make
decisions. It would be good to make progress, even if addressing all of
them can take a year. Doing 1 issue per interim meeting would already be
good progress.

MT: We can indeed work on 1 or 2 Github issues per interim meeting after
IETF 119.
CA: +1.
CB: Let's pick an item at least the week before, so people can be

Ongoing discussion on using mDNS for node discovery


HTTPBIS work triggered this, Ted had concerns when it comes to
constrained devices.

CB: Not only you need mDNS to use it, but if you want to be seen, you
have to be an mDNS responder, and that's a new quality about link-local
usage. We should be very aware of what we are doing.

CA: I'm not sure about the concerns from Ted on the list. I think that
there was something along those lines that was usable in the mDNS
CB: There is a section in that document about how to do it. You have to
implement an mDNS responsder, then SRP to get less multicasting, and
some discovery to find your SRP communication partner. It's a sizable
amount of code.

MT: Any planned input to the HTTPBIS discussion?
CB: I just started a thread, then maybe the HTTPBIS people are not
interested on the constrained side. Ted mentioned an alternative
protocol that they use for this.
CB: Maybe we should renew the pointer there in the future.
CA: I want to have a look at this again. Mozilla made a lot of work on
this some time ago, with a lot done except on the security side.

Interim meetings after IETF 119

To confirm/synch with the CBOR WG

SKIP on 2024-05-22 due to the Hackathon on Lightweight IoT Security

Cut-off deadline for IETF 120 on 2024-07-08

MT: CA, any particular issue with this?
CA: No, it works for me.
MT: We will also check with Barry, and then confirm with the WG.