IAB Business Meeting: 2024-10-16 0730-0830 US/Canada Pacific 0830-0930 US/Canada Mountain 0930-1030 US/Canada Central 1030-1130 US/Canada Eastern 1430-1530 UTC 1530-1630 United Kingdom 1630-1730 Germany 1730-1830 Finland 2000-2100 India 2230-2330 China Webex: <⁨https://ietf.webex.com/ietf/j.php?MTID=m92c425d161e1be552b21d6b84b1c09f6⁩> Call-in toll number (US/Canada): 1-650-479-3208 Access code: 644 905 221 Meeting password: 1@Bmeet 1. Administrivia (Cindy) - 10 mins (Public) 1.1. Attendance 1.2. Agenda bash and announcements 1.3. Meeting Minutes • 2024-09-24 technical discussion - (submitted 2024-09-25) • 2024-10-02 business meeting - (submitted 2024-10-02) 1.4. Action Item Review - 5 mins Done: • 2024-04-17: Cindy Morgan to update the timeline for the 2025 ICANN NomCom Liaison appointment once the list of positions being filled is available. • 2024-10-02: Cindy Morgan to draft a call for nominations for the ICANN NomCom appointment. • 2024-10-02: Cindy Morgan to send a reminder about the call for feedback on the IRTF Chair nominees. • 2024-10-02: Cindy Morgan to update the list of potential agenda items for IETF 121 in the wiki. On Hold: • 2023-06-07: Dhruv Dhody and Wes Hardaker to track adding IAB review of proposed WG charters to the Datatracker. - See https://github.com/ietf-tools/datatracker/issues/5849 In Progress: • 2024-06-12: Mirja Kühlewind to work with Wes Hardaker on prioritizing the current list of IAB requests for the Tools Team. • 2024-06-24: Dhruv Dhody to coordinate a panel or other activity for APRICOT 2025/APNIC 59. • 2024-06-25: Suresh Krishnan to draft a document obsoleting RFC 3113 (Update RFC3113 to in only high level details of the collaboration (3GPP-IETF co-ordination team) and move the details to a Wiki. Remove references to technology and org structure items that will become out of date quickly. • 2024-06-26: Suresh Krishnan, Warren Kumari, Dhruv Dhody, and Éric Vyncke will work on text around limited domains. • 2024-09-04: Liaison Coordinators to update RFC 4052 to improve documentation about liaison relationships. • 2024-10-02: Suresh Krishnan to try and find a contact at Tesla to talk about the Tesla Transport Protocol over Ethernet (TTPoE). • 2024-10-02: Alissa Cooper to reach out to the Global Digital Justice Forum about possibly meeting on 2024-12-11. 1.5. IAB Document Status Update - No updates this week Datatracker: https://datatracker.ietf.org/stream/iab/ • draft-iab-bias-workshop-report-02 Sent to RFC Editor: Informational IAB Shepherd: Suresh Krishnan • draft-edm-protocol-greasing-03 Maintaining Protocols Using Grease and Variability I-D Exists, IAB stream IAB Shepherd: Not assigned 1.6. IAB Review of WG Charters Datatracker: https://datatracker.ietf.org/group/chartering/ • Update to IANA Considerations (IANABIS) Area: GEN Internal Review IESG Telechat: (2024-10-17) IAB Reviewer: Mirja Kühlewind • MODeration PrOceDures (MODPOD) Area: GEN Approved pending chair selection IESG Telechat: (none) IAB Reviewer: Qin Wu (Review sent 2024-09-11) • Standard Communication with Network Elements (SCONE) Area: WIT External Review IESG Telechat: (2024-10-17) IAB Reviewer: Suresh Krishnan 1.7 IAB Appointments • IRTF Chair - Interviews complete; community feedback period ends 2024-11-06 • ICANN NomCom - Call for Nominations closes 2024-10-21 • ISOC Board of Trustees - Call for Nominations will start mid- November 2. Monthly Reports and Other Brief Updates - 10 mins (Public) • EODir Liaison Report • IANA Liaison Report • ICANN Liaison Report • IRTF Chair Report • ISOC Liaison Report • IAB Outreach Coordinator Report • Tools Liaison Report 3. BOF Coverage at IETF 121 (All) - 10 mins (Public) Wiki: https://wiki.ietf.org/group/iab/Bof121 • High Performance Wide Area Network (HPWAN) - WIT • Digital Emblems (DIEM) - INT • RESTful Provisioning Protocol (RPP) - ART • Deepspace (DEEPSPACE) - INT 4. IAB Agenda at IETF 121 (All) - 10 mins (Public) Goal: Confirm schedule, brainstorm agenda topics Wiki: https://wiki.ietf.org/en/group/iab/Agenda121 5. IAB Open Session at IETF 121 (Tommy, Matthew) - 5 mins (Public) Goal: Agenda refinement, guest speaker 6. ISOC Board of Trustees Appointment (Cindy) - 5 mins (Public) Goal: Review timeline and process 7. Next IAB Meeting Goal: Does the IAB need to meet on 2024-10-23?