IETF/IEEE 802 Coordination Meeting, 2024-02-16 1. Welcome, roll call, agenda bashing 2. Action item updates • 2022-06-21, updated 2023-06-28: Rob Wilton to determine whether the NETCONF WG should send a liaison to 802.1 about security coordination for draft-ietf-netconf-keystore. • 2023-10-23: Rob Wilton to coordinate with Scott Mansfield to give an update on SID to the YANGsters group. • 2023-10-23: Éric Vyncke to ask the IESG and IAB whether there is interest in a joint session with IEEE 802 in Madrid in July 2025. 3. IETF New Work summary 4. 802 New Work summary 5. Review current coordination items Potential Areas for IETF/IEEE802 Coordination, v43 6. MASQUE connect-ethernet and IEEE 802 (David Schinazi) 7. Future meeting plans 8. Adjourn