MoQ Interim 18 Sep 2024
Scribe: Mike English
Bikeshedding "peeps" vs. "SubGroups" (Cullen's agenda bash)
MoQT Issues
PR 525 Clarifying Subscribe & Announce
Cullen: two things to talk about:
1) Authentication part - let's ignore that for now
2) Normative behavior - handling of duplicate objects by
Cullen: other comments on this PR we should discuss?
Ian: MUST should be a SHOULD because server/relay is gonna
do what it's gonna do
Mo: great PR, make sure we schedule the deferred auth
Mo: nervous about changing MUST vs SHOULD, gets strange to
claim objects are immutable and then require relays update
Martin: should we note this as undefined behavior to
call out risk of depending on it?
Ian: Also thinking about abuse here...
Ian: ...
Martin: MAY seems fine. Things will come up.
Cullen: has a path to update this based on feedback
Cullen: can work with Ian to make tweaks and it sounds like
it should be ready to merge
Ian: may be agenda time available to discuss auth at interim in
Martin: Alan asked about agreement on use cases when we talked about
Fetch and responses were mostly proposals...
PR 529 by Mike
Ian: small and straightforward - only question: What does
timeout mean?
Ian to merge
followup: someone can add more text in another PR
PR merged
PR 520 (Suhas)
Suhas: main question to get consensus on: when do we need this
Martin: seems like gaining CPU effeciency at the cost of wire
effeciency, not convinced this is an actual DoS vector
Ian: if you get a message type you don't understand, what are
you going to do?
Victor: generally enthusiastic about lengths, most protocols
do except QUIC and QUIC has fixed datagram sizes so you
don't need it
Ian: would anyone object to adding a length for control
messages now and then we could add lengths for other things
Ian: coming back to skip vs. error, we should probably
define that
Ian: coming back to why it's not clear what the
motivation for adding this is if not to allow skippable
Suhas: leaning towards allowing skippable messages, some
things could be DoS vectors
Last 10 minutes: Fetch problem statement
Cullen: relays don't need to know if there are gaps
Cullen: also point 3 isn't a problem or true
Mo: never talked about dynamics of a relay - how does it see
that something is live or that it's missing something, etc.
Suhas: fetch has to answer questions either from cache or source
of truth
Martin: why is stream flow control and id not backpressure?
Martin: encouragement to take this discussion to the list and
have as much of it as possible there before we sit down at the
hybrid interim in Cambridge