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Nomcom 2009-10: Fourth Call for Volunteers
June 19, 2009

Mary Barnes <>
IETF Announcement list <>
June 19, 2009
Nomcom 2009-10: Fourth Call for Volunteers
I'm still looking for more volunteers for the 2009-10 Nomcom. The list of
people and posts whose terms end with the March 2010 IETF meeting, and
thus the positions for which the nominating committee is responsible, are
summarized in the initial announcement:

The IETF nominating committee appoints folks to fill the open slots on
the IAOC, the IAB, and the IESG. The 10 nominating committee members are
selected randomly from a pool of volunteers.  The details of the operation
of the nomcom can be found in RFC 3777.  

We've had a pretty good response over the past week adding 17 new
volunteers to the pool, bringing our total to 71, with the following
individuals qualified for the pool, in the format of <first name> <last
name>, <affiliation>. Note, a duplicate of this message is available here:

Marc Blanchet, Viagénie
John Drake, Boeing Satellite Systems
Stephen Hanna, Juniper Networks
Lixia Zhang, UCLA
Sean Turner, IECA, Inc.
Wassim Haddad, Ericsson
David H. Crocker, Brandenburg InternetWorking 
David Meyer, Cisco/University of Oregon 
Kurt Zeilenga, Isode Limited 
Spencer Dawkins, Huawei Technologies (USA) 
Yi Zhao, Huawei USA 
Glen Zorn, Network Zen 
Christian Schmidt, Nokia Siemens Networks 
Jouni Korhonen, Nokia Siemens Networks 
Enrico Marocco, Telecom Italia 
Ingemar Johansson, Ericsson AB 
Christer Holmberg, LM Ericsson 
Theo Zourzouvillys, 
Scott Brim, Cisco 
Bernie Hoeneisen, Swisscom 
Stephen Farrell, Trinity College Dublin/NewBay Software 
Simon Perreault, Viagénie 
Teemu Savolainen, Nokia 
Suresh Krishnan, Ericsson 
David Sinicrope, Ericsson 
Stephen Kent, BBN Technologies 
Richard Barnes, BBN Technologies 
Pete Resnick, Qualcomm Incorporate 
Feng Hu, Huawei 
Salvatore Loreto, Ericsson 
Jan Melen, Ericsson 
Mehmet Ersue, Nokia Siemens Networks 
Yakov Rekhter, Juniper Networks 
Conny Jorgen Larsson, Ericsson AB 
Joe Abley, ICANN 
Shane Kerr, ISC 
Eliot Lear, Cisco Systems GmbH 
Larry J. Blunk, Merit Network 
Matt Lepinski, BBN Technologies 
Andrew Sullivan, Shinkuro, Inc.
Stephan Wenger, No Affiliation
Anwar Siddiqui,	Avaya Inc.
Randall J. Atkinson, Extreme Networks
Dimitri Papadimitriou, Alcatel-Lucent Bell 
Kaushik Narayan, Cisco Systems Inc.
Thomas Walsh, Juniper Networks
Wojciech Dec, Cisco
Fred L. Templin, Boeing Research & Technology 
Luca Martini, Cisco 
Kevin Yin, Cisco 
Ray Bellis, Nominet (UK) 
Erick Sasaki, NTT 
John Jason Brzozowski, COMCAST 
Tom Taylor, PT Taylor Consulting Inc./Huawei 
---New since last week--->
Roque Gagliano, LACNIC 
Hannes Tschofenig, Nokia Siemens Networks 
Keith Drage, Alcatel-Lucent 
Bernard Aboba, Microsoft Corporation 
Huub van Helvoort, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Phillip Hallam-Baker, VeriSign Inc., Default Deny Security Inc.
Hui Deng, China Mobile
Jonne Soininen, Nokia Siemens Networks
Shuo (Sean) Shen, Huawei
Hannu Flinck, Nokia-Siemens Networks
Simo Veikkolainen, Nokia
Krisztian Kiss, Nokia
Vijay Devarapalli, WiChorus
George Michaelson, APNIC
Gabor Bajko, Nokia
Geoff Huston, APNIC
Louis (Lou) Berger, LabN Consulting, L.L.C.

If you have volunteered and are not on the above list or have not heard
from me otherwise, please contact me ASAP.

However, we still need more volunteers - the more volunteers, the better
chance we have of choosing a random yet representative cross section of
the IETF population.  And, while you have until July 3rd to volunteer,
volunteering early really improves the efficiency of the administrative
process and ensures that we can quickly make the selection after the

As a reminder, volunteers must have attended 3 of the past 5 IETF
meetings - per RFC 3777, which means 3 of the following meetings: IETF-70,
IETF-71, IETF-72, IETF-73 and IETF-74.  If you qualify, and are willing to
forgo appointment to any of the positions for which the nominating
committee is responsible, please volunteer. 

The primary activity for this nomcom will begin just prior to IETF-75 in
Stockholm and should be completed in early January 2010.  The nomcom will
be collecting requirements from the community, as well as talking to
candidates and to community members about candidates. There will be weekly
conference calls to ensure progress. Thus, being a nomcom member does
require some time commitment.  While, there is no requirement in RFC 3777
that a participant attend IETF meetings while serving on nomcom, folks
should consider that during the IETF meetings, folks that do not attend
would be expected to remotely participate during the day in the timezones
of the meeting locations - Stockholm the end of July and Hiroshima in

If you are not yet sure you would like to volunteer, please consider that
nomcom members play a very important role in shaping the leadership of the
IETF.  Ensuring the leadership of the IETF is fair and balanced and
comprised of those who can lead the IETF in the right direction is an
important responsibility that rests on the IETF participants at large.
Volunteering for the nomcom is a good way of contributing in that

Please volunteer by sending an email before 5:00 pm CDT July 3, 2009 as

Subject: Nomcom 2009-10 Volunteer

Please include the following information in the body:

<Your Full Name>  // As you enter in the IETF Registration Form,
                  // First/Given name followed by Last/Family Name 
                  // Please include all variations of names you might have

<Current Primary Affiliation>
                  // as entered in the in the IETF Registration Form 

<Preferred email address>  

<all email addresses used to Register for the past 5 IETF meetings> 

<Telephone number>         // May be used for confirmation if selected

Please expect an email response from me within 1-2 days.  If you don't
receive a response, please re-send your email with the tag "Duplicate:"
added to the subject line.

I will be publishing a target timeline, as well as details of the
randomness seeds to be used for the RFC 3797 selection process in a
separate email. 

Thank you,
Mary H. Barnes