Orie Steele
Orie graduated from Stevens Institute of Technology with a Bachelor of Science in CyberSecurity and Master of Science in Computer Science in 2012. While at Stevens he focused on emerging cyber security threats from social networks, and worked for software companies delivering products in education tech, private equity and the energy industry. After graduation, he co-founded a company focused on distributed manufacturing and 3d printing, and experienced the highs and lows of early stage companies. He has been an author and editor of work items at W3C. His work on cyber physical supply chain security has been supported by mentors and authors of IETF RFCs, particularly in security area working groups such as JOSE, COSE, OAUTH, and SCITT. He served as co-chair of UTA and KEYTRANS. He is passionate about far too much active work within the IETF, the general trend being data formats, security formats, media types and http. His favorite language is javascript, and he prefers to be coding with music on, to most other activities.
Role | Group | |
Area Director | Internet Engineering Steering Group (iesg) | orie@or13.io |
Area Director | ART Area Review Team (artart) | orie@or13.io |
Area Director | Calendaring Extensions (calext) | orie@or13.io |
Area Director | Codec Encoding for LossLess Archiving and Realtime transmission (cellar) | orie@or13.io |
Area Director | Concise Binary Object Representation Maintenance and Extensions (cbor) | orie@or13.io |
Area Director | More Instant Messaging Interoperability (mimi) | orie@or13.io |
Area Director | Registration Protocols Extensions (regext) | orie@or13.io |
Area Director | Secure Telephone Identity Revisited (stir) | orie@or13.io |
Area Director | Secure Asset Transfer Protocol (satp) | orie@or13.io |
Area Director | Applications and Real-Time Area (art) | orie@or13.io |
Chair | Applications and Real-Time Area Open Meeting (artarea) | orie@or13.io |
Chair | ART Area Review Team (artart) | orie@or13.io |
Liaison Member | Nominating Committee 2024/2025 (nomcom2024) | orie@or13.io |
External Resources
Name | Value |
GitHub Username | https://github.com/OR13 |
RFCs (2)
RFC | Date | Title | Cited by |
RFC 9596 | Jun 2024 | CBOR Object Signing and Encryption (COSE) "typ" (type) Header Parameter | |
RFC 9679 | Dec 2024 | CBOR Object Signing and Encryption (COSE) Key Thumbprint |
Active Internet-Drafts (9)
- draft-ietf-cose-merkle-tree-proofs
- draft-ietf-jose-hpke-encrypt
- draft-ietf-cose-dilithium
- draft-ietf-cose-hpke
- draft-ietf-jose-fully-specified-algorithms
- draft-demarco-oauth-status-assertions
- draft-ietf-spice-sd-cwt
- draft-ietf-cose-sphincs-plus
- draft-ietf-cose-hash-envelope
Expired Internet-Drafts (25)
- draft-steele-spice-profiles-bcp
- draft-steele-spice-cta
- draft-steele-spice-tlsa-cnf
- draft-steele-jose-cose-hpke-cookbook
- draft-demarco-oauth-nonce-endpoint
- draft-steele-spice-metadata-discovery
- draft-steele-spice-oblivious-credential-state
- draft-steele-spice-transparency-tokens
- draft-steele-spice-cryptovolense
- draft-steele-spice-vcard-credentials
- draft-fossati-cose-profiles
- draft-ietf-cose-falcon
- draft-prorock-jose-native-jwt-vcs
- draft-steele-cose-kyber