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Document draft-ietf-6tisch-trfalice
Revision 00
Group IPv6 over the TSCH mode of IEEE 802.15.4e (6TISCH)
Document date 2018-11-28
Submission date 2018-11-28
Title Autonomous and dynamic TSCH cell allocation for time-varying traffic load and evolving topology
Author count 3 authors
Author 1 Seohyang Kim <>
Seoul National University
Seoul, Republic of Korea (understood to be South Korea)
Author 2 Hyung-Sin Kim <>
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, CA, USA (understood to be United States of America)
Author 3 Chongkwon Kim <>
Seoul National University
Seoul, Republic of Korea (understood to be South Korea)
Abstract This document provides the method that autonomously and dynamically
schedules TSCH slotframe based on the current traffic load. In the
introduction part, we introduce some basic knowledge on TSCH and
RPL. After this, we introduce some existing TSCH schedulers and
their limitations. They are classified as centralized, distributed,
and autonomous. Then, we propose a novel autonomous and dynamic
TSCH cell scheduler. With this, each node schedules its own TSCH
slotframe and allocates additional cells based on the current
traffic load without any negotiation or traffic overhead. Since
they allocate additional cells only when needed, energy efficient
operation can be achieved simultaneously.

Page count 14
File size 37.0 KB
Formal languages used None recognized
Submission additional resources None

Submitter information

Name Seohyang Kim
Email address


Date By Event
2018-12-18 Jenny Bui Cancelled submission
2018-12-15 Sent full access URL to: Seoul University <>, Seohyang Kim <>, Hyung-Sin Kim <>
2018-12-02 Sent full access URL to: Seoul University <>, Seohyang Kim <>, Hyung-Sin Kim <>
2018-11-28 Seohyang Kim Sent full access URL to: Seoul University <>, Seohyang Kim <>, Hyung-Sin Kim <>
2018-11-28 Seohyang Kim Edited abstract, submitter, authors and sent request for manual post
2018-11-28 Seohyang Kim Uploaded submission
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