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Document draft-ietf-pim-igmp-mld-bis

"draft-ietf-pim-igmp-mld-bis-00.xml" was not found in the staging area. We recommend you that you cancel this submission and upload your files again.

Revision 00
Group Protocols for IP Multicast (PIM)
Document date 2019-03-28
Submission date 2019-03-28
Title IGMP and MLD Questionnaire
Author count 9 authors

Author email errors (see below)

Author 1 Mankamana Mishra <>
Cisco Systems
unknown country
Author 2 Toerless Eckert <>
Huawei Technologies
unknown country
Author 3 Hitoshi Asaeda <>
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
unknown country
Author 4 Anish Peter
unknown affiliation
unknown country

Found no email address. A valid email address is required.

Author 5 Olufemi Komolafe
unknown country

Found no email address. A valid email address is required.

Duplicate email address. A unique email address is required.

Author 6 Suneesh Babu
unknown country

Found no email address. A valid email address is required.

Duplicate email address. A unique email address is required.

Author 7 Nicolai Leymann
unknown country

Found no email address. A valid email address is required.

Duplicate email address. A unique email address is required.

Author 8 Ramakanth Josyula
unknown country

Found no email address. A valid email address is required.

Duplicate email address. A unique email address is required.

Author 9 Timothy Winters
unknown country

Found no email address. A valid email address is required.

Duplicate email address. A unique email address is required.

Abstract This document provides questionnaire to advance the IGMPv2, IGMPv3,
and MLD v2 from Proposed standard to the Internet Standard.
Page count 7
File size 11.7 KB
Formal languages used None recognized
Submission additional resources None
Current document additional resources None

Submitter information

Name Toerless Eckert
Email address

You are not allowed to modify or cancel this submission. You can only modify or cancel this submission from the same URL you were redirected to after the submission.

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If you are one of the authors you can request the URL from which you can modify or cancel this submission by clicking the next button. An email will then be sent to the authors and submitter (if submitter email was entered): Hitoshi Asaeda <>, Mankamana Mishra <>, Toerless Eckert <>.


Date By Event
2019-03-28 Toerless Eckert Set submitter to "Toerless Eckert <>", replaces to (none) and sent approval email to group chairs:
2019-03-28 Toerless Eckert Uploaded submission
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