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Meta-data from the submission

Document draft-pedro-anticipated-adaptation
Revision 00
Group Individual Submission
Document date 2018-02-20
Submission date 2018-02-21
Title Exploiting External Event Detectors to Anticipate Resource Requirements for the Elastic Adaptation of SDN/NFV Systems
Author count 1 author
Author 1 Pedro Martinez-Julia <>
Abstract The adoption of SDN/NFV technologies by current computer and network
system infrastructures is constantly increasing, becoming essential
for the the particular case of edge/branch network systems. The
systems supported by these infrastructures require to be adapted to
environment changes within a short period of time. Thus, the
complexity of new systems and the speed at which management and
control operations must be performed go beyond human limits. Thus,
management systems must be automated. However, in several situations
current automation techniques are not enough to respond to
requirement changes. Here we propose to anticipate changes in the
operation environments of SDN/NFV systems in response to external
events and reflect it in the anticipation of the amount of resources
required by those systems for their ulterior adaptaion. The final
objective is to avoid service degradation or disruption while keeping
close-to-optimum resource allocation to reduce monetary and operative
cost as much as possible. Here we discuss how to achieve such
capabilities by the integration of the Autonomic Resource Control
Architecture (ARCA) to the management and operation (MANO) of NFV
systems. We showcase it by building a multi-domain SDN/NFV
infrastructure based on OpenStack and deploying ARCA to adapt a
virtual system based on the edge/branch network concept to the
operational conditions of an emergency support service, which is
rarely used but that cannot leave any user unattended.
Page count 19
File size 50.7 KB
Formal languages used None recognized
Submission additional resources None

Submitter information

Name Pedro Martinez-Julia
Email address


Date By Event
2018-02-23 Cindy Morgan Posted submission manually
2018-02-23 Sent full access URL to: Pedro Martinez-Julia <>
2018-02-21 Sent full access URL to: Pedro Martinez-Julia <>
2018-02-21 Edited abstract, submitter and sent request for manual post
2018-02-21 Uploaded submission
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