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IPv6 over Networks of Resource-constrained Nodes (6lo)

WG Name IPv6 over Networks of Resource-constrained Nodes
Acronym 6lo
Area Internet Area (int)
State Active
Charter charter-ietf-6lo-02 Approved
Document dependencies
Additional resources Issue tracker, Wiki, Zulip stream
Personnel Chairs Carles Gomez, Shwetha Bhandari
Area Director Éric Vyncke
Delegates Erik Kline, Laurent Toutain, Pascal Thubert
Mailing list Address
To subscribe
Chat Room address

Charter for Working Group

The 6lo WG focuses on the work that facilitates IPv6 connectivity over constrained node networks with the characteristics of:
* limited power, memory and processing resources;
* hard upper bounds on state, code space, and processing cycles;
* optimization of energy and network bandwidth usage;
* lack of some layer-2 services like complete device connectivity and broadcast/multicast.

Specifically, 6lo will work on:
* IPv6-over-foo adaptation layer specifications using 6LoWPAN technologies (RFC4944, RFC6282, RFC 6775) or 6lo technologies (e.g., RFC8138, RFC8505, RFC8930, RFC8931) for link-layer technologies of interest in constrained node networks;
* information and data models for these adaptation layers for basic monitoring and troubleshooting;
* specifications, such as low-complexity header compression, that are applicable to more than one adaptation layer specification;
* maintenance and informational documents required for the existing IETF specifications in this space.

Only specifications targeting constrained node networks are in scope. 6lo will work closely with the 6MAN working group, which will continue to work on IP-over-foo documents outside the constrained node network space and will continue to be the focal point for IPv6 maintenance. For adaptation layer specifications that do not have implications on IPv6 architecture, 6MAN will be notified about 6lo's working group last call. Specifications that might have such an impact (e.g., by using IPv6 addresses in a specific way or by introducing new ND options or by exposing to IPv6 a link model different from either Ethernet or 6lowpan) will be closely coordinated with 6MAN, and/or specific parts will be fanned out to 6MAN documents. Beyond 6MAN, 6lo will also coordinate with INTAREA.

6lo works on small, focused pieces of work, but does not take on larger cross-layer efforts. The working group will continue to reuse existing protocols and mechanisms whenever reasonable and possible. Work based on using SCHC header compression will be coordinated with the SCHC WG.

Security and management work that is not specific to the link layers being worked on is out of scope. Work in routing is out of scope. 6lo will coordinate closely with the working groups in other areas that focus on constrained node networks, such as ROLL (RTG), CoRE (WIT), and IOTOPS (OPS).


Date Milestone Associated documents
Jul 2026 Submit document on transmission of SCHC-compressed packets over 802.15.4 draft-ietf-6lo-schc-15dot4
Nov 2025 Submit document on transmission of IPv6 packets over short-range optical wireless communication draft-ietf-6lo-owc
Jul 2025 Submit document on adding a generic address assignment option for 6LoWPAN neighbor discovery draft-ietf-6lo-nd-gaao
Jan 2025 Submit document on IPv6 ND prefix registration draft-ietf-6lo-prefix-registration
Jan 2025 Submit document on Path-Aware Semantic Addressing for LLNs draft-ietf-6lo-path-aware-semantic-addressing