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Concluded WG Address Autoconfiguration (addrconf)

Note: The data for concluded WGs is occasionally incorrect.

WG Name Address Autoconfiguration
Acronym addrconf
Area IP: Next Generation Area (ipng)
State Concluded
Charter charter-ietf-addrconf-01 Approved
Document dependencies
Personnel Chair Dr. Susan Thomson
Area Director Scott O. Bradner
Mailing list Address
To subscribe

Final Charter for Working Group

One of the basic requirements of ``plug and play'' operation is that a
host must be able to acquire an address dynamically, either when
attaching to a network for the first time or when the host needs to be
readdressed. The purpose of the ADDRCONF Working Group is to design
and specify a protocol for allocating addresses dynamically to IPv6
hosts. The address configuration protocol must be suitable for a wide
range of network topologies, from a simple isolated network to a
sophisticated globally connected network. It should also allow for
varying levels of administrative control, from completely automated
operation to very tight administrative control.

The scope of the working group is to propose a host address
autoconfiguration protocol which supports the full range of topological
and administrative environments. It is the intention that, together
with IPv6 system discovery, the address autoconfiguration protocol will
provide the minimal bootstrapping information necessary to enable hosts
to acquire further configuration information (such as that provided by
DHCP in IPv4). The scope does not include router configuration or any
other host configuration functions. However, it is within the scope of
the working group to investigate and document the interactions between
this work and related functions including system discovery, DNS
autoregistration, service discovery and broader host configuration
issues, to facilitate smooth integration.


Date Milestone Associated documents
Dec 1994 Submit Internet-Drafts for Proposed Standard.
Dec 1994 Review the revised drafts to be certain of consistency with efforts in dhcp, dns, and dns-security working groups, and to be certain that essential robustness and safety for autoaddressing in IPv6 do not fall through the cracks.

Done milestones

Date Milestone Associated documents
Done Revise Internet-Drafts on address assignment architecture and protocol specification.
Done Submit Internet-Drafts on address assignment architecture and protocol specification.