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Concluded WG IPv7 Addressing (bigaddr)

Note: The data for concluded WGs is occasionally incorrect.

WG Name IPv7 Addressing
Acronym bigaddr
Area Routing Area (rtg)
State Concluded
Charter charter-ietf-bigaddr-01 Approved
Document dependencies
Personnel Chair Paul Francis

Final Charter for Working Group

The purpose of this BOF is to discuss the pros and cons of
geographical'' versusprovider'' based addressing schemes for IPv7.
Since all of the proposals are capable of assigning addresses under
either scheme or (hybrid), this discussion is independent of the IPv7

The primary goal is to establish and agree upon the pros and cons of
both schemes, and to document that understanding. This document, plus
descriptions of the schemes (which will be available prior to the BOF)
will serve as the basis for a consensus process concerning IPv7
addressing. A secondary goal is to reach and document a Group