Concluded WG Interface to Network Security Functions (i2nsf)
Group history
Date | By | Action |
2023-06-21 | Cindy Morgan | State changed to Concluded from Active |
2023-06-21 | Roman Danyliw | Hi I2NSF WG! Congratulations on your efforts to document the I2NSF architecture and specify the supporting models to implement it. This took a sustained … Hi I2NSF WG! Congratulations on your efforts to document the I2NSF architecture and specify the supporting models to implement it. This took a sustained engagement and significant community engagement. Thank you for a job well done! With the last of planned work items just approved and consistent with discussions at IETF 113-116, the WG is being closed. The mailing list ( ) will remain open for discussion of any errata or implementation issues that might arise; and the list archive will remain online. Additionally, the I2NSF datatracker entry will also stay active ( Regards, Roman (Responsible AD for I2NSF) |
2023-06-21 | Roman Danyliw | Requested closing group |
2023-04-21 | Liz Flynn | Resources changed to tracker (Issue tracker), wiki (Wiki), zulip (Zulip stream) from tracker (Issue tracker), wiki (Wiki), zulip (Zulip … Resources changed to tracker (Issue tracker), wiki (Wiki), zulip (Zulip stream) from tracker (Issue tracker), wiki (Wiki), zulip (Zulip stream) |
2023-03-03 | Liz Flynn | sent scheduled notification for IETF-116 |
2022-11-07 | Liz Flynn | sent scheduled notification for IETF-115 |
2022-10-14 | Liz Flynn | sent scheduled notification for IETF-115 |
2022-07-01 | Liz Flynn | sent scheduled notification for IETF-114 |
2022-05-06 | Jenny Bui | Resources changed to tracker (Issue tracker), wiki (Wiki), zulip (Zulip stream) from tracker (Issue tracker), wiki (Wiki) |
2022-03-25 | Roman Danyliw | Delegate changed to from Rifaat Shekh-Yusef |
2022-03-20 | Roman Danyliw | Delegate changed to Rifaat Shekh-Yusef from |
2022-02-25 | Liz Flynn | sent scheduled notification for IETF-113 |
2019-06-28 | Liz Flynn | sent scheduled notification for IETF-105 |
2019-03-27 | Cindy Morgan | Shepherding AD changed to Roman Danyliw from |
2019-03-01 | Liz Flynn | sent scheduled notification for IETF-104 |
2018-10-19 | Liz Flynn | sent scheduled notification for IETF-103 |
2018-08-03 | Linda Dunbar | Changed milestone " Working group re-charter or close", set due date to February 2019 from December 2017 |
2018-08-03 | Linda Dunbar | Changed milestone "Adopt IANA registry consideration as WG document", set due date to February 2019 from April 2017 |
2018-08-03 | Linda Dunbar | Changed milestone "Data Models and Applicability Statements to IESG for publication", set due date to December 2018 from October 2017 |
2018-08-03 | Linda Dunbar | Changed milestone "All early drafts to IESG for publication (if WG decided to proceed): use cases, problem statement, and gap analysis document; framework document; information … Changed milestone "All early drafts to IESG for publication (if WG decided to proceed): use cases, problem statement, and gap analysis document; framework document; information model requirements for extensions to protocols document; examination of existing secure communication mechanisms document", resolved as "Done" |
2018-07-03 | Liz Flynn | sent scheduled notification for IETF-102 |
2018-04-06 | Linda Dunbar | Changed milestone "Adopt applicability statements as WG Document", resolved as "Done", added draft-ietf-i2nsf-applicability to milestone |
2018-04-06 | Linda Dunbar | Changed milestone "Adopt data models as WG document", resolved as "Done", added draft-jeong-i2nsf-consumer-facing-interface-dm, draft-kim-i2nsf-nsf-facing-interface-data-model to milestone |
2018-04-06 | Linda Dunbar | Changed milestone "Adopt info model as WG document (if desired)", resolved as "Done", added draft-baspez-i2nsf-capabilities to milestone |
2018-03-21 | Cindy Morgan | Shepherding AD changed to Eric Rescorla from Kathleen Moriarty |
2018-03-21 | Cindy Morgan | Mailing list subscribe address changed to from |
2018-02-27 | Liz Flynn | sent scheduled notification for IETF-101 |
2017-10-20 | Stephanie McCammon | sent scheduled notification for IETF-100 |
2017-07-18 | Cindy Morgan | Chairs changed to Linda Dunbar, Yoav Nir from Adrian Farrel, Linda Dunbar |
2017-06-23 | Stephanie McCammon | sent scheduled notification for IETF-99 |
2017-03-03 | Stephanie McCammon | sent scheduled notification for IETF-98 |
2017-02-07 | Adrian Farrel | Changed milestone "Adopt IANA registry consideration as WG document", set due date to April 2017 from April 2016 |
2017-02-07 | Adrian Farrel | Changed milestone "Adopt data models as WG document", set due date to February 2017 from February 2016 |
2016-11-14 | Adrian Farrel | Changed milestone " Working group re-charter or close", set due date to December 2017 from October 2017 |
2016-11-14 | Adrian Farrel | Changed milestone "Data Models and Applicability Statements to IESG for publication", set due date to October 2017 from April 2017 |
2016-11-14 | Adrian Farrel | Changed milestone "Adopt applicability statements as WG Document", set due date to April 2017 from August 2016 |
2016-11-14 | Adrian Farrel | Changed milestone "Adopt examination of existing secure communication mechanisms as WG document", set due date to December 2016 from June 2016 |
2016-11-14 | Adrian Farrel | Changed milestone "Adopt info model as WG document (if desired)", set due date to November 2016 from June 2016 |
2016-11-14 | Adrian Farrel | Changed milestone "WG decides whether to progress adopted drafts for publication as RFCs (use cases, framework, information model, and examination of existing secure communication mechanisms) … Changed milestone "WG decides whether to progress adopted drafts for publication as RFCs (use cases, framework, information model, and examination of existing secure communication mechanisms) ", resolved as "Done" |
2016-11-14 | Adrian Farrel | Changed milestone "Adopt IANA registry consideration as WG document", set due date to April 2016 from October 2016 |
2016-11-14 | Adrian Farrel | Changed milestone "Adopt data models as WG document", set due date to February 2016 from July 2016 |
2016-11-02 | Linda Dunbar | Changed milestone "Adopt requirements for extensions to protocols as WG document", resolved as "Done", added draft-ietf-i2nsf-client-facing-interface-req to milestone |
2016-10-21 | Stephanie McCammon | sent scheduled notification for IETF-97 |
2016-06-24 | Stephanie McCammon | sent scheduled notification for IETF-96 |
2016-05-17 | Adrian Farrel | Changed milestone "Adopt framework as WG document", added draft-ietf-i2nsf-terminology, draft-ietf-i2nsf-framework to milestone |
2016-05-02 | Linda Dunbar | Changed milestone "Adopt framework as WG document", resolved as "Done" |
2016-03-11 | Stephanie McCammon | sent scheduled notification for IETF-95 |
2016-02-03 | Linda Dunbar | Changed milestone "Adopt use Cases, problem statement, and gap analysis as WG document", added draft-ietf-i2nsf-gap-analysis to milestone |
2016-02-03 | Linda Dunbar | Changed milestone "Adopt use Cases, problem statement, and gap analysis as WG document", set due date to January 2016 from November 2015, resolved as "Done", … Changed milestone "Adopt use Cases, problem statement, and gap analysis as WG document", set due date to January 2016 from November 2015, resolved as "Done", added draft-ietf-i2nsf-problem-and-use-cases to milestone |
2015-10-09 | Stephanie McCammon | sent scheduled notification for IETF-94 |
2015-09-18 | Cindy Morgan | Added milestone " Working group re-charter or close", due 2017-10-31, from approved charter |
2015-09-18 | Cindy Morgan | Added milestone "Data Models and Applicability Statements to IESG for publication", due 2017-04-30, from approved charter |
2015-09-18 | Cindy Morgan | Added milestone "All early drafts to IESG for publication (if WG decided to proceed): use cases, problem statement, and gap analysis document; framework document; information … Added milestone "All early drafts to IESG for publication (if WG decided to proceed): use cases, problem statement, and gap analysis document; framework document; information model requirements for extensions to protocols document; examination of existing secure communication mechanisms document", due 2017-04-30, from approved charter |
2015-09-18 | Cindy Morgan | Added milestone "Adopt IANA registry consideration as WG document", due 2016-10-31, from approved charter |
2015-09-18 | Cindy Morgan | Added milestone "Adopt applicability statements as WG Document", due 2016-08-31, from approved charter |
2015-09-18 | Cindy Morgan | Added milestone "WG decides whether to progress adopted drafts for publication as RFCs (use cases, framework, information model, and examination of existing secure communication mechanisms) … Added milestone "WG decides whether to progress adopted drafts for publication as RFCs (use cases, framework, information model, and examination of existing secure communication mechanisms) ", due 2016-08-31, from approved charter |
2015-09-18 | Cindy Morgan | Added milestone "Adopt data models as WG document", due 2016-07-31, from approved charter |
2015-09-18 | Cindy Morgan | Added milestone "Adopt info model as WG document (if desired)", due 2016-06-30, from approved charter |
2015-09-18 | Cindy Morgan | Added milestone "Adopt examination of existing secure communication mechanisms as WG document", due 2016-06-30, from approved charter |
2015-09-18 | Cindy Morgan | Added milestone "Adopt requirements for extensions to protocols as WG document", due 2016-06-30, from approved charter |
2015-09-18 | Cindy Morgan | Added milestone "Adopt framework as WG document", due 2016-02-29, from approved charter |
2015-09-18 | Cindy Morgan | Added milestone "Adopt use Cases, problem statement, and gap analysis as WG document", due 2015-11-30, from approved charter |
2015-09-18 | Cindy Morgan | Charter approved, group active |
2015-09-10 | Amy K. Vezza | Chairs changed to Adrian Farrel, Linda Dunbar from Dan Romascanu, J. Salowey |
2015-09-09 | Amy K. Vezza | State changed to Proposed from BOF |
2015-06-26 | Stephanie McCammon | sent scheduled notification for IETF-93 |
2015-06-15 | Cindy Morgan | Mailing list archive changed to from |
2015-06-12 | Cindy Morgan | Chairs changed to Dan Romascanu, J. Salowey from |
2015-06-11 | Amy K. Vezza | BOF group |
2015-02-10 | Cindy Morgan | State changed to BOF Concluded from BOF |
2014-10-23 | Cindy Morgan | Chairs changed to Dan Romascanu, Joseph Salowey from |
2014-10-01 | Amy K. Vezza | Started group |