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Concluded WG Internet School Networking (isn)

Note: The data for concluded WGs is occasionally incorrect.

WG Name Internet School Networking
Acronym isn
Area User Services Area (usv)
State Concluded
Charter charter-ietf-isn-01 Approved
Document dependencies
Personnel Chair Jodi-Ann Ito
Area Director April Marine
Mailing list Address
To subscribe

Final Charter for Working Group

The Internet School Networking Working Group is chartered to address
issues related to the connection of primary and secondary schools
worldwide to the Internet. The key audiences include network service
providers and educational policy makers responsible for network access
and use. The key areas of focus for this group are advocacy and

  1. Advocacy. The ISN Working Group will facilitate dialog between the
    primary and secondary education community and the Internet
    engineering community in order to identify and fulfill the needs of
    the primary and secondary school community.

  2. Articulation. Informed by the group's experience, and with input
    from other IETF working groups, the ISN Working Group will
    articulate solutions to the challenges a school may experience in
    seeking and gaining a connection to the Internet, as well as the
    benefits of such a connection. Advantages to Internet connectivity
    may be articulated by means of pointers to such services as user
    interfaces, directories, organizations, and training programs, as
    well as to other resources. Articulation will most often be in the
    form of periodic documents that address key issues of interest to
    the school networking community. Representative issues to be
    addressed by the group include connectivity models, educational
    directories, and acceptable use policies.


Date Milestone Associated documents
Mar 1996 Issue an update to RFC1578/FYI22, ``FYI on Questions and Answers: Answers to Commonly Asked `Primary and Secondary School Internet User' Questions'' and submit to IESG.
Mar 1996 Work with ISP to establish a directory of educational projects, and issue an FYI RFC document which describes the location, nature, general contents, mode of access, and how to contribute to the directory.
Nov 1995 With a ISP, establish a repository of documents to help schools and service providers in getting schools online, and prepare an RFC FYI which describes the location, nature, general contents, and host to contribute to the repository.

Done milestones

Date Milestone Associated documents
Done Define the information to be included in an online database of educational people involved in networking, recommend a process for collecting and updating the data, and coordinate with a directory services provider to implement the database. Results will be published in an FYI RFC.
Done Release as an FYI RFC a short document that gives guidance to schools in setting an Acceptable Use Policy.
Done Release as an FYI RFC a general document that gives guidance in how to connect to the Internet. Included as an appendix will be models for connectivity that may be of particular interest to schools. This is a joint activity with the User Documents Revisions Working Group.