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Concluded WG MIME-MHS Interworking (mimemhs)

Note: The data for concluded WGs is occasionally incorrect.

WG Name MIME-MHS Interworking
Acronym mimemhs
Area Applications Area (app)
State Concluded
Charter charter-ietf-mimemhs-01 Approved
Document dependencies
Personnel Chair Steven J. Thompson
Mailing list Address
To subscribe

Final Charter for Working Group

MIME, (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) is currently a
Draft Standard. MIME redefines the format of message bodies to
allow multi-part textual and non-textual message bodies to be
represented and exchanged without loss of information. With the
introduction of MIME as a Draft Standard it is now possible to
define mappings between RFC 822 content-types and X.400 body parts.
The MIME-MHS Interworking Working Group is chartered to develop
these mappings, providing an emphasis on both interworking between
Internet and MHS mail environments and also on tunneling through
these environments. These mappings will be made in the context of an
RFC 1148bis environment.

Done milestones

Date Milestone Associated documents
Done Submit a completed document to the IESG describing MIME-MHS Interworking as a Proposed Standard.
Done Submit the ``core'' bodyparts document to the IESG as a Proposed Standard.
Done Post an Internet-Draft describing the ``core'' set of Registered conversions for bodyparts.
Done Post an Internet-Draft describing MIME-MHS Interworking.