Concluded WG Network Information Services Infrastructure (nisi)
Group history
Date | By | Action |
1997-07-27 | (System) | Changed milestone "Complete draft for phase 2 suggesting cooperative agreements for NICs.", resolved as "Done" |
1995-08-04 | (System) | Concluded group |
1993-06-30 | (System) | Changed milestone "Post an Internet-Draft describing accessing the nic-profiles data in the X.500 database at Merit.", resolved as "Done" |
1993-06-28 | (System) | Changed milestone "Post an Internet-Draft describing NIC interelationships.", resolved as "Done" |
1992-07-30 | (System) | Changed milestone "Write a document explaining the security issues of privacy and accuracy in Internet databases. Publish as an Informational RFC.", resolved as "Done" |
1991-11-30 | (System) | Changed milestone "First document released as Informational RFC. Outline and discuss new NISI tasks at IETF meeting.", resolved as "Done" |
1991-08-30 | (System) | Changed milestone "Working group discussed current Internet-Draft and suggested minor revisions. Decision made to continue Working Group activity beyond this document.", resolved as "Done" |
1991-07-30 | (System) | Changed milestone "Document submitted as Internet-Draft for comment from a wider Internet audience.", resolved as "Done" |
1991-05-31 | (System) | Changed milestone "Revised draft document ready for working group review. Document defines NIC functions and suggests some standardizations for NIC services, as well as offers … Changed milestone "Revised draft document ready for working group review. Document defines NIC functions and suggests some standardizations for NIC services, as well as offers new mechanisms for exchanging information between NICs.", resolved as "Done" |
1990-08-01 | (System) | Changed milestone "Review draft for phase 1 and begin discussions for completing the second phase which is to define a basic set of `cooperative agreements' … Changed milestone "Review draft for phase 1 and begin discussions for completing the second phase which is to define a basic set of `cooperative agreements' which will allow NICs to work together more effectively to serve users.", resolved as "Done" |
1990-02-22 | (System) | Started group |
1990-02-22 | (System) | Proposed group |