Concluded WG Open Pluggable Edge Services (opes)
Group history
Date | By | Action |
2007-03-17 | (System) | Concluded group |
2006-12-27 | (System) | Changed milestone "Submit document(s) on OCP/SMTP profile(s) for those other SMTP agents the WG has decided to work on, if any, to IESG as Proposed … Changed milestone "Submit document(s) on OCP/SMTP profile(s) for those other SMTP agents the WG has decided to work on, if any, to IESG as Proposed Standard(s).", resolved as "Done" |
2006-12-27 | (System) | Changed milestone "Submit document on OCP/SMTP profile for MTAs, including mechanisms for tracing and bypass, to IESG for Proposed Standard.", resolved as "Done" |
2006-08-15 | (System) | Changed milestone "Consider additional OPES work such as extension to traffic beyond HTTP and RTSP and present new charter to IESG, or conclude working group.", … Changed milestone "Consider additional OPES work such as extension to traffic beyond HTTP and RTSP and present new charter to IESG, or conclude working group.", resolved as "Done" |
2005-10-14 | (System) | Changed milestone "Initial document on OCP/SMTP profile for MTAs, including mechanisms for tracing and bypass.", resolved as "Done" |
2005-07-17 | (System) | Changed milestone "Submit use cases document for OPES services operating on SMTP to IESG for Informational.", resolved as "Done" |
2004-01-26 | (System) | Changed milestone "Submit protocol document for OPES services including their authorization, invocation, tracking, and enforcement of authorization to IESG for Proposed Standard.", resolved as "Done" |
2003-09-17 | (System) | Changed milestone "Initial document on rules specification method.", resolved as "Done" |
2003-06-10 | (System) | Changed milestone "Initial protocol document for OPES services including their authorization, invocation, tracking, and enforcement of authorization.", resolved as "Done" |
2003-02-11 | (System) | Changed milestone "Submit document on threat/risk model for OPES services to IESG for Informational.", resolved as "Done" |
2003-02-11 | (System) | Changed milestone "Submit document on endpoint authorization and enforcement requirements to IESG for Informational.", resolved as "Done" |
2002-08-30 | (System) | Changed milestone "Submit document on protocol (callout and tracing) requirements to IESG for Informational.", resolved as "Done" |
2002-08-30 | (System) | Changed milestone "Submit OPES scenarios document and architecture document to IESG for Informational.", resolved as "Done" |
2002-02-21 | (System) | Started group |
2001-05-16 | (System) | Proposed group |