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Extensions to OSI for use in the Internet (osiextnd)

WG Name Extensions to OSI for use in the Internet
Acronym osiextnd
State BOF Concluded
Charter charter-ietf-osiextnd-01 Approved
Document dependencies
Personnel Chair Dave Katz
Chat Room address

Charter for Working Group

Draft Charter 6/25/93 mdw

The Internet Society is in the process of arranging a liaison relationship
with ISO/IEC JTC1, which will provide a mechanism through which the IETF
could create and modify International Standards including OSI standards.

The purpose of this BOF is to begin to define the scope of work to be done
in the IETF for the purposes of extending OSI standards for use in the
Internet, in anticipation of the establishment of this liaison relationship.
Likely areas of work include extensions to CLNP and its associated routing

It is expected that work done in this area will be fed into the traditional
standards community.

One or more working groups may be created to pursue technical work in this
area; alternatively, the work may be done in existing working groups
(TUBA, NOOP, et. al.).