Changed milestone "Submit Syslog DTLS Transport Mapping to the IESG for consideration as a PROPOSED STANDARD", resolved as "Done"
Changed milestone "Submit a document that defines a message signing and ordering mechanism to the IESG for consideration as a PROPOSED STANDARD", resolved as "Done"
Changed milestone "Submit Syslog TLS Transport Mapping to the IESG for consideration as a PROPOSED STANDARD", resolved as "Done"
Changed milestone "Submit Syslog Protocol to the IESG for consideration as a PROPOSED STANDARD", resolved as "Done"
Changed milestone "Submit Syslog UDP Transport Mapping to the IESG for consideration as a PROPOSED STANDARD", resolved as "Done"
Changed milestone "Submit Syslog Authentication Protocol Enhancement to IESG for consideration as a PROPOSED STANDARD.", resolved as "Done"
Changed milestone "Submit Syslog protocol document to IESG for consideration as an INFORMATIONAL RFC.", resolved as "Done"
Changed milestone "Post as an Internet Draft the specification for an authenticated Syslog for consideration as a Standards Track RFC.", resolved as "Done"
Changed milestone "Post an Internet Draft describing enhancements to the Syslog authentication protocol to add verification of delivery and other security services.", resolved as "Done"
Changed milestone "Post as an Internet Draft the observed behavior of the Syslog protocol for consideration as an Informational Document.", resolved as "Done"