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Concluded WG User Documents (userdoc)

Note: The data for concluded WGs is occasionally incorrect.

WG Name User Documents
Acronym userdoc
Area User Services Area (usv)
State Concluded
Charter charter-ietf-userdoc-01 Approved
Document dependencies
Personnel Chairs Ellen Hoffman, Lenore A. Jackson
Area Director April Marine
Mailing list Address
To subscribe

Final Charter for Working Group

The USER-DOC Working Group will prepare a bibliography of on-line and
hard copy documents/reference materials/training tools addressing
general networking information and ``how to use the Internet''.
(Target audience: those individuals who provide services to end users
and end users themselves.)

Identify and categorize useful documents/reference
materials/training tools.
Publish both an on-line and hard copy of this bibliography.
Develop and implement procedures to maintain and update the
bibliography. Identify the organization or individual(s) who will
responsibility for this effort.
As a part of the update process, identify new materials for
inclusion into the active bibliography.
Set up procedures for periodic review of the bibliograhy by USWG.


Done milestones

Date Milestone Associated documents
Done Bibliography submitted as an FYI RFC
Done Draft to be reviewed and installed in the Internet-Drafts Directory
Done Draft bibliography will be prepared
Done Format for the bibliography will be decided as well as identification of ``sources of information'' (e.g., individuals, mailing lists, bulletins, etc.)