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Concluded WG Web Elucidation of Internet-Related Developments (weird)

Note: The data for concluded WGs is occasionally incorrect.

WG Name Web Elucidation of Internet-Related Developments
Acronym weird
Area User Services Area (usv)
State Concluded
Charter charter-ietf-weird-01 Approved
Document dependencies
Personnel Chair Christopher J. Burke
Area Director April Marine
Mailing list Address
To subscribe

Final Charter for Working Group

The WEIRD working group will develop a set of web pages. The
target audience is people new to the IETF and other Internet
generalists. Content within the scope of the group includes:
current IETF WG and BOF activities, dependencies and
interrelationships among specific IETF WG and BOF activities, BOF
historical information, IAB / IESG / Secretariat issues and topics
of interest and their impact.

Content specifically out of scope includes: information
interpreting trends in Internet engineering and standards;
IETF-related information that is editorial in nature.

It is thought that by starting with concrete information of
general interest related to a topic the WG knows well (IETF
activities), the concept of doing web pages would be well-tested.
Future evaluations of the process could address the question of
re-examining the audience or content scope.

Web content will be developed in collaboration with the IETF
Secretariat using a mix of new material and material from existing
Web pages and FYI documents. Information will be presented
in an online format suitable for the casual Internet user,
combining text and illustration.

In order to create a historic archive of the online data and to
make it more accessible to users who may have difficulty with
online access, the working group will capture at least one
snapshot of the web pages and publish it as an FYI RFC.


Date Milestone Associated documents
Jul 2000 Review progress and make decision to disband or re-charter
Mar 2000 Submit hardcopy version for RFC publication
Feb 2000 Create hardcopy version and submit as Internet-Draft
Nov 1999 Formally solicit feedback regarding progress to date
Nov 1999 Review outline and prioritization of tasks and revise if necessary
Jul 1999 Review progress, outline and prioritization of tasks and
May 1999 Finalize outline for pages and prioritize sections