Concluded WG
Web PKI OPS (wpkops)
Group history
Date |
By |
Action |
2015-05-22 |
Amy K. Vezza
State changed to Concluded from Active |
2015-05-22 |
Amy K. Vezza
Requested closing group |
2013-11-12 |
Joel Jaeggli
Chairs changed to Jeremy Rowley, Tim Moses from Sharon Boeyen, Jeremy Rowley, Tim Moses |
2013-04-03 |
Cindy Morgan
Chairs changed to Jeremy Rowley, Sharon Boeyen, Tim Moses from Sharon Boeyen, Tim Moses |
2013-03-13 |
Cindy Morgan
Shepherding AD changed to Joel Jaeggli from Ronald Bonica |
2013-02-26 |
Cindy Morgan
Proposed group |
2013-02-21 |
Ron Bonica
Chairs changed to Sharon Boeyen, Tim Moses from Tim Moses |
2013-01-07 |
Ron Bonica
Group created in state Proposed |
2012-09-26 |
Cindy Morgan
Started group |