Network Working Group                                           Y. Cheng
Internet-Draft                                              China Unicom
Intended status: Informational                                   C. Zhou
Expires: January 5, 2015                             Huawei Technologies
                                                          G. Karagiannis
                                                    University of Twente
                                                            JF. Tremblay
                                                            July 4, 2014

      Use Cases for Distributed Data Center Applicatinos in APONF


   This document illustrates several distributed datacenter (DDC)
   applications and explains how an operator could use APONF to provide
   these applications.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

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   This Internet-Draft will expire on January 5, 2015.

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   Copyright (c) 2014 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
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Internet-Draft   Use cases for DDC Applications in APONF       July 2014

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Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
   2.  Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   3.  Bandwidth Usage Optimization betwen DCs . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   4.  Server Synchronization between Datacenters  . . . . . . . . .   4
   5.  Low Delay Link Selection between DCs  . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
   6.  On-demand Path Creation between Datacenters . . . . . . . . .   6
   7.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
   8.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
   9.  Acknowledgements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8

1.  Introduction

   The APONF (Application-based Policy for Network Functions) work aims
   at providing the network management application-based policy
   protocol(s), mechanisms and models required by network management
   applications to easily, accurately, and efficiently select and use
   the available communication network capabilities through the use of
   network management policies.  A Network Management Application is
   used by an a communications service provider and/or operator to
   monitor, control, analyze and manage a communication network.  An
   example of a Network Management Application is a set of actions used
   by an Operational Support System (OSS) entity to perform network
   configuration.  Several APONF use cases have been introduced in the
   problem statement document.  This document reviews various use cases
   for Distributed Data Center (DDC) applications.

   Take a large-scale Internet Data Center (IDC) operator as an example,
   it provides server hosting, bandwidth, value-added services to
   enterprises and ISPs, and has more than 10 data centers using over
   one Tbps of bandwidth in a capital city.  In this IDC network,
   traffic at each site is routed via configuring policy routes and
   adjusting routes prioritization to choose an outgoing link.  This
   type of static provisioning comes with high costs and poor
   operability.  Furthermore, the link bandwidth resources in the data
   centers are not efficiently utilized.

   Services usually do not have consistent bandwidth requirements at all
   times of the day, e.g. a video service provider usually requires less
   bandwidth during business hours and more during evenings.  Some
   applications have relative high QoS requirements that may change over
   time., For example provisioning bandwidth and QoS for all clients of

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   an Instant Messaging (IM) app is not reasonable and not a cost-
   effective solution.  The operator would like to be able to optimize
   traffic routes dynamically so as to have the ability to load balance
   between data centers and links, and direct customer traffic via
   policies (e.g., models, software programs routines) based on customer
   grade and QoS requirements.It will also be useful to monitor the
   real-time traffic flow and have a visualized report.

   Traffic engineering applications can provide dynamic traffic
   adjustment demands to the network based on link statuss reported by
   the network.

   APONF will define network management application-based policy
   protocol(s), mechanisms and models required to map application's
   demands to network management policies en procedures (e.g. traffic
   redirection based on customer's grade and link status), which can be
   directly enforced by a network management system on network devices,
   to meet the operator's demands.

   This document illustrates several distributed datacenter (DDC)
   applications and explains how an operator could use APONF to provide
   these applications.

2.  Terminology

   The terminology used in the APONF problem statement draft
   [ID.karagiannis-aponf-problem-statement-00] applies also to this

3.  Bandwidth Usage Optimization betwen DCs

   A large-scale data center may have more than one hundred links.  The
   network between data centers is often leased and the applied
   bandwidth is very expensive. if the traditional shortest path
   algorithm is used to calculate a path based on static cost, then the
   path calculation cannot be dynamically adjusted based on real-time
   bandwidth usage.  This will result in bandwidth waste.

   Figure 1 shows how to improve the bandwidth usage efficiency beween
   data centers.  There are two paths from DC A to DC B, for example,
   A-->B (path 1) and A-->C-->B (path 2).  When the bandwidth between A
   and B is not sufficient, A will automatically transmit the traffic
   via C.  The network management applications will configure a
   threshold T (e.g., 80%) for the path bandwidth usage ratio and send
   it to A.  When an application request is received, A will detect the
   bandwidth usage of both paths.  When the bandwidth usage ratio of
   path 1 (T1) has exceeded value T (e.g., 90%), while the bandwidth
   usage ratio of path 2 (T2) is much less than T (e.g., 10%), it will

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   transmit the traffic to B via C, even though P1 is the shortest path
   between A and B.

   In this case, the available bandwidth between A and B will be used
   efficiently, and risks of congestion between the datacenters will be

         |Network Management |
         |                   |
         |Applications       |
                  |                 +----------+
      Policy      |                 |          |
    (Threshold,T) |                ->    B     |
                  |              /  |          |
                  |        T1  /    +----^-----+
                  |          /           |
              +---v-----+  /             |
              |         |/               |
              |   A     +                | T2
              |         |\               |
              +---------+  \             |
                             \           |
                            T2 \    +----+-----+
                                 \  |          |
                                   ->    C     |
                                    |          |

       Figure 1: Bandwidth usage optimization for DC Interconnection

4.  Server Synchronization between Datacenters

   A Data center involves many systems and the server synchronization is
   specifically important for DCs.  Once there is error in server
   synchronization, the system will not run regularly, which brings
   mistakes and failures.  However, the server synchronization is not
   easy to be realized during the daytime when the Data Center servers
   are fully loaded services.  Instead, many operators choose to make
   the synchronization in the evening at some regular intervals.

   Figure 2 shows how server synchronization between datacenters can be
   realized.  Two servers separately in DC A and DC B are required to
   synchronize daily.  The Network Management Applications, as defined
   in the APONF architecture, are configured with several Policies,

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   e.g., syn time (2am to 3am everyday for instance) on when to
   synchronize the servers, BW (a required bandwidth to be maintained
   between the period), and the path information (which path between the
   two DCs costs lower).  The Network Management Applications will send
   these policy information to both DC A and DC B.  In this case, the
   two servers synchronize automatically everyday from 2am to 3am, which
   will guarantee the normal operation of the servers.

                |Network Management  |
                |                    |
                |Applications        |
                |                    |
                         / \
                       /     \
                     /         \
                   /   Policy    \
                 /  (Syn Time,BW,  \
               /     Path)           \
              |                       |
        +-----v----+              +---v------+
        |          |              |          |
        |   A      +--------------+    B     |
        |          |              |          |
        +----------+              +----------+

               Figure 2: Server Synchronization between DCs

5.  Low Delay Link Selection between DCs

   Traditional routing algorithms do not consider real-time link
   conditions, some requirements of specific applications cannot be met
   timely, e.g., delay is a key requirement for the audio services
   (Skype for example).  How to select a better link based on the delay
   of each link becomes important for the application.

   Figure 3 shows an example of link selection between datacenters
   according to the delay of each link.  A value "d" is configured in
   the Network Management Applications for the specific applications,
   e.g., less than 100 ms.  The value "d" will be sent to the ingress
   data center A for the A to detect the delays in both links between A
   and B.  A will transmit the traffic via the link 1 to B if d1 is less
   than d and d2 is larger than d.  In this case, the service quality
   and QoE user experience will be enhanced.

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     |Network Management  |
     |                    |
     |Applications        |
     |                    |
              | Policy (delay value "d")
              |           d2
         +----v----+  ------------   +----------+
         |         |/              \ |          |
         |   A     |----------------->    B     |
         |         |      d1         |          |
         +---------+                 +----------+

          Figure 3: Low Delay Link Selection between Datacenters

6.  On-demand Path Creation between Datacenters

   Figure 4 illustrates a problem related to bandwidth fragmentation.
   From DC A to DC B, two paths (A-->B, A-->C-->B) can be reached.  From
   A to B, only 2Gbps bandwidth is left and 8Gbps is used, and from A to
   B via C, the link capacity is 2Gbps.  So there is no bandwidth to
   transmit the traffic when there is a 4Gbps requirement from A to B,
   which causes that the bandwidth is not effectively used.

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                   There is no
                   bandwidth to
    +----------+   transmit 4G    +----------+
    |          |   traffic        |          |
    |    A     +------------------+    B     |
    |          |10G link (8G used,|          |
    +----------+ 2G left)         +----------+
          \                        /
            \                    /
              \2G            2G/
                \            /
                  \        /
                 |          |
                 |    C     |
                 |          |

                 Figure 4: Bandwidth Fragmentation Problem

   Figure 5 provides a method to create on-demand path and bundle the
   path capabilities between datacenters.  The bandwidth bundle
   capability is configured and sent to the DC A by the network
   management applications.  When the bandwidth is not sufficient to
   meet the requirements for a specific application, A could bundle the
   bandwidth in the two links.  The network capability, e.g., bandwidth
   bundle capability, is firstly negotiated between network management
   applications and the network element via other methods, which are out
   of the scope of this document.

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        |Network Management  |
        |                    |
        |Applications        |
        |                    |
                  |Policy (Bundle two paths)
            +-----v----+              +----------+
            |          |  2G          |          |
            |    A     +-------------->    B     |
            |          |              |          |
            +----------+              +----^-----+
                  \                       /
                    \                    /
                      \  2G        2G  /
                        \            /
                          \        /
                         |          |
                         |    C     |
                         |          |

               Figure 5: On-demand Path Creation between DCs

7.  Security Considerations

   Security is a key aspect of any protocol that allows state
   installation and extracting of detailed configuration states.  More
   investigation remains to fully define the security requirements, such
   as authorization and authentication levels.

8.  IANA Considerations

   Not applicable.

9.  Acknowledgements


Authors' Addresses

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   Ying Cheng
   China Unicom
   P.R. China


   Cathy Zhou
   Huawei Technologies
   Bantian, Longgang District
   Shenzhen  518129
   P.R. China


   Georgios Karagiannis
   University of Twente


   JF Tremblay


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