Network Working Group                                          W. Haddad
Internet-Draft                                                  Ericsson
Intended status: Informational                                 D. Saucez
Expires: March 29, 2013                           INRIA Sophia Antipolis
                                                              J. Halpern
                                                      September 25, 2012

                         Multihoming in Homenet


   So far, multihoming in Homenet must be supported by the hosts as
   there is no mean to use simultaneously the different Internet Service
   Providers of the "Homenet" without risking flow disruption.  In this
   memo, we describe the problem statement for multihoming in Homenet.
   We also propose a high level solution that answers this particular

Status of this Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

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   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
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   This Internet-Draft will expire on March 29, 2013.

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   Copyright (c) 2012 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

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Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
   2.  Problem statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
   3.  Requirements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
   4.  Homenet multihoming with MSP  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
   5.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
   6.  Conclusion  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
   7.  Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

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1.  Introduction

   So far, multihoming in Homenet must be supported by the hosts with
   solutions like Shim6 or MPTCP as there is no mean to allow
   simultaneous use of different Internet Service Providers (ISPs)
   without risking flow disruption.  In this memo, we propose the
   creation of a new multihoming service for Homenets.  The concept
   relies on installing a middlebox between the home network and its
   gateways with ISPs.  On one hand, such middlebox would be in charge
   of redirecting home network traffic to a "Multihoming Service
   Provider (MSP)" by selecting the most appropriate Homenet's ISPs.  On
   the other hand, the MSP is also in charge of attracting traffic
   normally destined to the home network and then eventually, redirect
   the traffic to its final destination, i.e., the Homenet itself, such
   that it enters the Homenet via the most appropriate ISP.

   Section 2 gives a problem statement for multihoming in Homenet.
   Section 3 gives the necessary requirements.  Section 4 proposes a
   high level description of a possible solution to that problem.

2.  Problem statement

   It is known for fact that multihoming has allowed dramatic cost
   reduction for ISPs by allowing higher aggregated bandwidth, better
   quality of service, and higher robustness.

   Alternatively, simultaneous access to multiple ISPs serving
   residential users is now a reality, e.g., ADSL + Cable + 4G, but
   there is currently no simple solution for home networks to fully
   exploit its potential.  Indeed, the only solution would be to modify
   end-hosts with protocols like Shim6 or MPTCP such that the hosts can
   change IP addresses on elapsing communications.

   We claim that multihoming for Homenets will become a reality and will
   provide the same benefits as those observed for the ISPs.  We also
   claim that requiring every single device in the Homenet to be "multi-
   homing capable" is too far fetched, as some devices are very limited
   in term of functionalities to meet multi-homing requirements.
   Furthermore, it would dramatically slow down the adoption of
   multihoming in the Homenet.  Finally, letting every home device to
   decide of the routing strategy (e.g., shall I route my traffic via
   left or right ISP?) is not common!

   The above description pushes us to ask the following question: How
   can we achieve multihoming in Homenets, without requiring change on
   devices connected to the Homenet nor on the protocols and operations
   of the Homenet's ISPs?

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3.  Requirements

   In order to fix the solutions space of our problem, we highlight few

   As we are in the context of Homenet, requirement (1) is to have zero

   Also, residential network operators (i.e., John Doe's) lack
   incentive(s) to make specific settlements or conduct negotiations
   with other (competitor) ISPs.  It follows that the solution have to
   be completely independent of home network's ISPs AND ISPs should not
   have the mean to forbid the solution.  Thus, requirement (2) is ISP

   Multihoming offers the possibility to implement policies, and to some
   extend even capabilities, at any arbitrary level.  For example, the
   home network can determine the number of ISPs it is using
   simultaneously or limit flows for "" to only "go via one
   particular ISP" at a given speed.  Thus, requirement (3) is policies/

   On a related topic, the system must be able to ensure that applied
   policies/capabilities can meet the expected end-user's "Quality of
   Experience (QoE)".  We call such requirement (4) "Quality of

   Finally, it is worthy mentioning that the above multi-homing
   requirements are also applicable and desirable by small and medium
   enterprises (SMEs).

4.  Homenet multihoming with MSP

   To offer fast and efficient deployment of multihoming in home
   networks, we suggest adding a new (logical) dedicated middlebox that
   would be in charge of dealing with multihoming, on behalf of homenet
   devices.  Such middlebox is logically linked with an MSP whose role
   is to achieve multihoming for Homenet by using offloading: the
   Homenet, from the middlebox perspective, offloads all its Internet
   traffic to the MSP.  Offloading is such that the traffic leverages
   the Homenet's multihoming capabilities.

   The MSP can logically be described as a service in the cloud (e.g.,
   in a remote network or in devices widely deployed by the MSP in the
   ISPs).  The service is two-fold.  On one hand, the MSP must attract
   the traffic sent by the Homenet to the Internet; this part is taken
   care of by the middlebox deployed at the Homenet.  On the other hand,

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   the MSP must attract traffic sent by the Internet to the Homenet
   before the latter receive it.  Then, the MSP can send incoming
   traffic to the Homenet via the most relevant ISP.

   The figure below gives a reference network for the multihomming
   service for Homenet.

                      `.     MSP    ,'
      .-----.        .+------+--------+.
    .'       '.   .'                    `-.
    | REMOTE  |.-'                         `\
    .         .                              `.
     '.-----.'            Internet             \
            |                                  +
            :    .-----.            .-----.    ;
            `. .'       '.        .'       '. .'
             '.|  ISP1   |        |  ISP2   |-'
               .         .`------'.         .
                '.--+--.'          '.--+--.'
                    |                  |
            .'   +--+--+             +--+--+    '.
           /     | Gw1 |   HOMENET   | Gw2 |      \
         .'      +--+--+             +--+--+       '.
                    '.                .'
                      \  +-------+  ./
                       '.| MSPMB |.'
                         ____+____ LAN

                        Figure 1: Reference Network

   The above figure shows a logical distribution of different boxes in a
   typical multihomed Homenet.  As illustrated, HOMNET is connected to
   ISP1 via gateway Gw1 and to ISP2 via gateway Gw2.  The remote end of
   communications with HOMENET is designated by REMOTE.  MSPMB
   designates the "MSP middlebox" in the home network and is logically
   linked to the MSP multihoming service provider.

   Let's imagine that the best way to send traffic from HOMENET to
   REMOTE is to go via ISP2 while for traffic sent from REMOTE to
   HOMENET, it is better to go via ISP1.  In such scenario, traffic
   generated from HOMENET's LAN is caught by MSPMB which diverts traffic
   to Gw2, then crosses ISP2 and the Internet to reach MSP, then REMOTE.
   In the other direction, traffic sent by REMOTE goes to MSP that sends

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   the traffic on the Internet to ISP1, then it goes to Gw1, MSPMB and
   finally reach HOMENET.

   Note that in real deployment, MSPMB functionality would be integrated
   with both Gw1 and Gw2, i.e., only one physical box would connect
   HOMENET to both ISPs.

   The Multihoming Service Provider (MSP) would typically be operated on
   an AS which is well connected to all Homenet's ISPs.  Or
   alternatively, a service provider that has its own devices deployed
   at the ISPs

   As we can observe, the service we propose answers the problem
   statement in an elegant way.  It also fulfills the four requirements
   stated above.  Requirement (1) (zeroconf) is respected if MSPMB is
   given directly by the MSP, which can thus be preconfigured to access
   the MSP service provider.  If it is not the case, the process can be
   simplified if a generalized name and protocol are used to configure
   the middlebox (e.g.,  In addition, if Gw1 and Gw2
   provide addresses by the mean of DHCPv6 or RA, addresses at the MSPMB
   will be configured automatically as well.  Obviously, policies and
   capabilities need configuration either from the home network operator
   or the MSP directly.  Note also that UPnP can be used for special
   services provided to the Homenet by its ISPs.

5.  Security Considerations

   Obviously, traffic redirection can be used for DoS or eavesdropping.

6.  Conclusion

   In this memo, we claim that multihoming can be of great help for home
   networks to reduce costs and improve their resiliency and
   performance.  Based on that, we give a general problem statement for
   multihoming in Homenet and state four fundamental requirements that
   encompass zero configuration, independence from Internet Service
   Providers, enabling implementation of policies and capabilities, and
   providing means for improving QoE.

   In addition to describing the problem, we propose a general solution
   that leverages the use of a settop box to deviate traffic to the
   cloud via any of the Homenet's ISPs.  The multihoming service is
   operated by a Multihoming Service Provider or MSP.

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7.  Acknowledgments

   Special thanks to Luigi Ianone and Florin Coras for their valuable

Authors' Addresses

   Wassim Haddad
   300 Holger Way
   San Jose, CA  95134


   Damien Saucez
   INRIA Sophia Antipolis
   2004, Route des Lucioles BP 93
   06902 Sophia Antipolis CEDEX,


   Joel Halpern
   P.O. Box 6049
   Leesburg, VA  20178


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