Internet Draft                                       S. Hares
   Document: draft-hares-bgp-statemt-01.txt               NextHop
   Expires: December 2002                                June 2002
   BGP-4 Finite State Machine Table
   Status of this Memo
   This document is an Internet-Draft and is in full conformance
   with all provisions of Section 10 of RFC2026.
   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups.  Note that
   other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-
   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six
   months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents
   at any time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as
   reference material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."
   The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at
   The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at
        This document describes the BGP-4 Finite State Machine in detail.
        This Finite State machine (FSM) describes how the 27 events operate
        on the 6 states described in the BGP-4 standard.   These 27 events
        include administrative events, timer events, TCP connectivity events
        and BGP message events.
        This document is standards track to accompany the BGP-4 [1] standard
        as a standard document.  This description augments the BGP-4 FSM
        description (section 8 of BGP-4 draft).
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  Table of Contents
   1.0 BGP FSM Table Overviewàààààààààààààààààààààààààà..3
   2.0 BGP FSM Tableààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà..3
   2.1 Part A - Administrative eventsàààààààààààààààààà..4
   2.2 Part B - Timer eventsààààààààààààààààààààààààààà..5
   2.3 Part C - TCP Eventsààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà..6
      2.3.1 Transport Events.............................6
      2.3.2 Sequences of TCP interchangesààààààààààààà...7
      2.3.3 Flags to track TCP exchangeàààààààààààààààà..8
      2.3.4 Processing based on Transport flags in
            Connect and Active states....................8
   2.4 Part D - BGP Message related eventsààààààààààààà..9
     2.4.1 Collision Detect processing in Open Confirm..12
     2.4.2 Collision Detect processing in Open Confirm..12
   3.0 Actions in state table   ààààààààààààààààààààààà.13
   3.1 Actions for Initializationàààààààààààààààààààààà.13
   3.2 Actions for Disconnectionààààààààààààààààààààààà.14
   4.0 Security Considerationsàààààààààààààààààààààààà..17
   5.0 Referencesàààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà.18
   6.0 Author's Addressesàààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà.18
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   1.0 BGP FSM Table Overview
      The table below gives the BGP State machine in table format.  There
      are 6 states in the state table:  Idle, Connect, Open Sent, Active,
      Open Confirm, and Established.  The states are listed as columns in
      the table.
      Each row of the table focuses on the state transitions when a single
      event occurs.  The event is listed as the row header
      In each box of the table, the first entry in the box is the new
      state.  The second entry is the set of actions.   Each action is
      either specified (such as Ignore) or it given a Letter (such as B)
      that is described at the end of the table.
      For example, if an manual start event occurs in the Idle state, the
      local system performs the actions listed under ôAö and goes to the
      Connect state.   The actions under the letter A are:
      Action A
      1) Initialize all BGP resources
      2) ConnectRetryCnt set to 0
      3) Start Connect retry timer with initial value
      4) Initiate transport connection to BGP peer
      5) Listen for connection set-up by remote BGP peer
      If the bgp persistent peer oscillation protection is not enabled,
      the following events will not occur in this state machine:
           Event6: Automatic start with bgp flap stop on
           Event8: Idle Hold timer expires
      Symbols within the Table:
       (opt) -              Denotes an optional event which MAY be implemented
                            within a BGP implementation.
       Collision Detect -   Indicates the checks based on section 6.8 of
                            the bgp-4 draft which lists the rules for
                            detecting a collision of BGP connections.
                            After these rules have been followed, if this
                            connection is to be dumped then the "dumped"
                            function is followed".  If this connection is
                            not to be dumped, then the Keep clause is
        See peer damp     - Indicates that the operations in this state
                            are covered in the BGP Peer Restart Backoff Mechanisms
        TP                - Transport
        TP IND            - Transport Indication
        TP REQ            - Transport Connection Request
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        TP REQ ACK        - Transport Request Acknowledgement
        Estab.            - Establish state
        Process based on  - The exact processing of Transport messages in starting
        TP flags(2.3.4)     BGP connection are described in section 2.3.4.
   2.0 BGP Finite State Machine
   2.1 Part A - Administrative events
    # Event     Idle    Connect  Active   Open    Open      Estab.
                                          sent    Confirm
    1 Manual   Connect  Connect  Active/  Open    Open      Estab./
       Start    /A      /Ignore   Ignore  Sent    Confirm/   Ignore
                                          /Ignore Ignore
    2 Manual   Idle/    Idle/    Idle/    Idle/   Idle/     Idle/
       Stop     Ignore   Z        Z        S       S          C
    3 Auto     Connect/ Connect  Active/  Open     Open     Estab./
      start     A       /Ignore  Ignore    Sent /  Confirm/  Ignore
      (opt)                               Ignore    Ignore
    4 Manual   Active/  Connect/ Active/  Open    Open       Estab./
       start &  B       Ignore   Ignore    Sent/  Confirm    Ignore
       passive                            Ignore  /Ignore
    5 Auto     Active/  Connect  Active   Open    Open      Estab./
       Start &  B       /Ignore  /Ignore  Sent/   Confirm/   Ignore
       passive                            Ignore  Ignore
    6 Auto     See peer Connect Active    Open    Open      Estab.
      start &  damp     /Ignore /Ignore    Sent/   Confirm/ /Ignore
      bgp flap draft/                     Ignore   Ignore
      stop on   F
      [note 1]
    7 Auto stop Idle/   Idle /  Idle /    Idle/  Idle/      Idle/
       (opt)   Ignore   D       D         C       C           C
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   2.2 Part B - Timer events
    #   Event   Idle    Connect  Active    Open     Open    Estab
    -------------------------------------------------------------------                                           sent    Confirm   lished
    8   Idle    See bgp  Idle /  Idle /    Idle /   Idle /  Idle /
        Hold    backoff  D       D          E        E      E
        timer   draft
    9   Connect Idle/   Connect/ Connect/   Idle /   Idle /   Idle/
        Retry    V       X       F          E        E        E
    10  Hold   Idle/    Idle /  Idle /    Idle /   Idle /   Idle /
        Timer   V       D       D          K       K        M
    11  Keep-  Idle /  Idle  / Idle /    Idle /   Open     Establish
        alive   V       D       D         E       Confirm/   ed/
        Timer                                      Q           Q
    12  Delay  Idle/   Open    Open      Idle/    Idle/    Idle /
        BGP    V       Sent/   Sent/     E        E        E
        Open           H       H
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   2.3 Part C - Transport (TP) events
   2.3.1) Transport Events
    #  Event     Idle   CONNECT   ACTIVE    OPEN   OPEN     Estab.
                                           Sent    CONFIRM
    13 TP IND    Idle/  Connect/  Active/  Open    Open      Estab./
       and         V                        Sent/   Confirm/
       valid           Process   Process   Track    Track    Track
       peering         based on  based on  2nd      2nd      2nd
                       TP flags  TP flags  TP       TP       TP
                        flags     flags    session  session  session
                        (2.3.4)   (2.3.4)
    14 TP IND   Idle/  Connect/  Active/   Open    Open      Estab./
       and         V      L        L        Sent/   confirm/  Ignore
       invalid                              Ignore   Ignore
     15 TP      Idle/  Process   Process   Open    Open      Estab.
        REQ-ACK   V    based on  based on   Sent/   Confirm/  /
                       TP flags  TP flags  Track   Track     Track
                       (2.3.4)   & Open    2nd TP  2nd TP    2nd TP
                                 flags     session session   session
                       If TP     If TP
                       connects: connects:
                       Open Sent Open
                        /H       Sent / H
                        If TP       If TP
                        connect     connect &
                        timer delay  timer delay
                         / ZZ        /ZZ
    16 TCP       Idle/  Process   Process    Open    Open      Estab.
       Connect     V     based on  based on   Sent/   Confirm  /Ignore
       Confirm           TP flags  TP flags  Ignore  /Ignore
                          (2.3.4)  (2.3.4)
                        If Open    If open
                       timer delay timer delay
                        /ZZ        /ZZ
                        else:      else:
                        OpenSent   Open Sent
                         /H         /H
     17 TP        Idle/  Idle/    Idle /   Active/  Idle /   Idle /
        Connect    V      D        Y       O         Y        T
        (RCV TCP FIN
        or timeout)
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   2.3.2 Sequences of Transport
     BGP can run over any Transport protocol.  Examples of transport
     protocols BGP can run over is TCP or STCP[6]. The BGP
     FSM has the following transport events:
         Event 13: Transport Connection Indication and valid source and
         Event 14: Transport Connection INdication and invalid source and
         Event 15: Transport Connection Acknowledgemen (Received)
         Event 16: Transport Connection Confirmation (received)
         Event 17: Transport Connection Failed
        For TCP the following messages cause each sequence:
        Event 13:   TCP SYN received by local peer and valid source IP
                    address and Transport Port #, valid destination IP
                    address and Transport Port #.
        Event 14:   TCP SYN received by local peer with either invalid
                    source IP address or transport port # or invalid destination
                    IP address and Transport Port #.
        Event 15:   TCP SYN, ACK pair received by local peer from remote peer
        Event 16:   TCP ACK received from remote peer
        Event 17:   TCP FIN received from remote peer or an indication of Transport
      Each of these events is illustrated in the following 4 examples for
        1) Sequence 1:  Local system initiates Transport connection
        Received from                   Sent from
        Remote BGP Peer                 Local BGP Peer
        ===============                ================
                                <----- Tranport Request
                                       (within Action A or B)
                                        [TCP: Syn]
          Connection  ----->
           (Event 15)
          [TCP: SYN, ACK]
                                <----  Transport Confirmed
                                       [TCP: ACK]
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        2) Sequence 2: Remote system initiated Transport connection
        Received from                  Sent from
        Remote BGP Peer                Local BGP peer
        ================               ================
          Indication ---->
           (Event 13)           <----- Tranport
        [TCP: SYN]                     connection
                                        [TCP: Syn, ACK]
         Confirm [Event 16]
         [For TCP: ACK]
        3) Sequence 3:  Competing Transport Requests
        Received from                  Sent from
        Remote BGP Peer                Local BGP peer
        ================               ================
                                 <----- Tranport Request
                                       (within Action A or B)
                                        [for TCP: Syn]
          & valid port  ----->
           (Event 14)
          [for TCP: SYN]         <------ Transport Connection Acknowledgement
                                         [for TCP: Syn, Ack]
          Confirm      ------>
           (Event 15)
           [TCP: ACK]
        4) Sequence 4: Rejected Transport connection
        Received from                  Sent from
        Remote BGP Peer                Local BGP peer
        ================               ================
                             <----- Tranport Request
                                       (within Action A or B)
                                        [TCP: Syn]
          Connection  ----->
           (Event 17)
          [TCP: FIN]
                                <----  Transport Rejection Confirmed
                                       [TCP: FIN-ACK]
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        5) Sequence 5: Failed Transport connection via timer
                                <----- Tranport Request
                                       (within Action A or B)
                                        [TCP: Syn]
     2.3.3 Flags to track Transport exchange
        The list below is a list of flags for sub-state processing in
        Connect and Active for the Transport.  These substates may be
        implemented as flags or sub-states
        Tranport processing sub-states
        1) Await Transport Indication  (Await TP IND)
        2) sent Transport Connection Request (Sent TP REQ)
        3) Await Transport Connection Confirmed (Await TCP CONF)
        4) Null - set if no sub-state processing
        Transport Flags relating to the BGP Open status in Active and Connect
        1) Passive TCP connection - wait for other side to start TCP connection
        2) Delay Open by timer - After establishing a TCP sessino, delay sending open
                                 until timer expires
        Status flag:
        1) TCP connected
  2.3.4 Processing based on Transport flags in Connect and Active state
        This table has entries with 3 parts: State/ substate / action.
        For example the entry:
                     /RCV TP
        has a transition to: Connect State, RCV TP IND substate, and action aa.
        The sub-state processing is based on the sub-states of the
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                | Connect sub-states
                |#1        #2        #3          #4
       #  Event |Await     Sent      Await       null
                |TP IND    TP REQ    TP CONF
                |[TCP SYN] [TCP SYN] [TCP:ACK]
       13 RCV   |Connect   Connect   Connect     Connect
          TP IND|/Await    /Await    /Await      /null
         & valid|TP CONF   TP CONF   TP CONF
         peering|/aa       /ab       /aa         /ignore
       15 RCV   |Connect   Connect   Connect    Connect
       TP CONACK|/Sent     /null    /null       /null
         [TCP:  |TP REQ
        SYN,ACK]|/ab       /ac      /ac         /ignore
       16 Rcv   |Connect  Connect   Connect      Connect
          TP    |/Await   /Sent     /null        /null
         Connect|TP IND   TP REQ
         Confirm|/ignore  /ab       /ac          /ac
                | Active sub-states
                |#1        #2        #3          #4
       #  Event |Await     Sent      Await       null
                |TP IND    TP REQ    TP CONF
                |[TCP SYN] [TCP SYN] [TCP:ACK]
       13 RCV   |Active    Active    Active      Active
          TP IND|/Await    /Await    /Await      /null
         & valid|TP CONF   TP CONF   TP CONF
         peering|/aa       /ab       /aa         /ignore
       15 RCV   |Active    Active    Active      Active
       TP CONACK|/Sent     /null    /null       /null
         [TCP:  |TP REQ
        SYN,ACK]|/ab       /ac      /ac         /ignore
       16 Rcv   |Connect  Connect   Connect      Connect
          TP    |/Await   /Sent     /null        /null
         Connect|TP IND   TP REQ
         Confirm|/ignore  /ab       /ac          /ac
          Action aa)
              1) send TP Connect Acknowledge [TCP SYN, ACK]
           Action ab)
              1) send TP REQ [TCP SYN]
           Action ac)
              1) send TP Connection Confirmation [TCP ACK]
              2) if bgp open delay flag set:
                        -  clear connect retry timer
                        -  set BGP delay timer
                        - Set TCP Connected flag
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    2.4 Part D - BGP Message related events
    #  Event     Idle  CONNECT ACTIVE    OPEN     OPEN      Establish
                                         Sent     CONFIRM   ed
    18 BGPOpen   Idle/  Idle/   Idle/    Open     Collision Collision
                  V     D         D      Confirm/ Detect     detect
                                         N        (6.8)      (6.8)
                                                  See 2.4.1 See 2.4.2
                                                  below     below
                                                  Discard:  Discard:
                                                   R        R
    19 BGP Open  Idle/  Open    Open     Open      Idle/    Idle/
       & delay    V    Confirm/ Confirm/ Confirm/  E        E
       timer set        H       H         H
    20 BGPHeader Idle/  Idle/   Idle /    Idle/    Idle /    Idle /
       err        V      D      D          I       I         E
    21 OpenMsg   Idle/ Idle/   Idle/      Idle/    Idle/     Idle /
        Err       V      D      D         J        J         E
    22 Open      Idle/ Idle/   Idle/      Idle/    Idle/     Idle /
       collision  V     D       D         R        R         R
    23 Notify    Idle/  Idle/   Idle/     Idle/    Idle/    Idle/
       with       V     D       D         Y        Y         T
    24 Notifi-   Idle/ Idle/   Idle/     Idle/     Idle/    Idle/
       cation     V     D       D         Y         Y        T
    25 Keepalive Idle/  Idle/   Idle/     Idle/    Estab    Estab
       message    V     D       D         E        lished/  lished/
                                                   P        P
    26 Update    Idle/  Idle/   Idle/     Idle/    Idle/    Estab
       message    V     D       D         E        E        lished/
    27 Update    Idle/  Idle/   Idle/     Idle/    Idle/    Idle /
       message    V     D       D         E        E        U
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  2.4.1 Collision Detect processing in Open Confirm
   Upon receipt of an OPEN message, the local system must check for any
   collision of BGP connections.  Upon receiving an Open in Open Confirm
   state, the local system checks against any existing
   connections in the Open Confirm state, and connections in the Open
   Sent state if it knows the BGP identifier by means outside the
   protocol.  The following rules from section 6.8 of [1] are followed:
        1.  The BGP identifier of the local system is compared to the
            BGP Identifier of the remote system (as specified in the
            Open message.)
        2.  If the value of the local BGP Identifier is less than the
            remote one, the local system:
                1) Sends an Open Message back to the remote peer
                2) closes the BGP connection that already exists via
                event 22 as a separate call to the state machine.
                3) Stays in Open Confirmed state
        3.  Otherwise,the local system closes the newly created BGP session
            by sending a TCP Fin on the new connection, and
            stays in Open Confirmed state and execute Action R
  2.4.2 Collision Detect Processing in Established state
   Collection detection processing depends if the local system is
   configured to process Open's in EStablished state.  If the local system
   is not configured to process Open's in the Established state,
   the normal processing of Collision detect in Established state is to
   have the local system close the newly created BGP session and stay
   in Established state.
   If the box has a configuration that indicates that the Collision
   should be detected, the following tests will be made:
        1. The BGP identifier of the local system is compared to the
           BGP Identifier of the remote system (as specified in the
           Open message.)
        2.) If the value of the local BGP Identifier is less than the
            remote one, the local system
                1) Sends an Open statement back to the remote peer
                2) Closes the BGP connection via event 22 as a separate
                        call to the state machine
                3) transitions to the Open Confirmed state from
                   Established state
        3.) Otherwise, the local system closes the new BGP connection
            via action R
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     3.0 Actions in state table
      3.1 Actions for Initialization
        Action A
          1) Initialize all BGP resources
          2) ConnectRetryCnt set to 0
          3) Start Connect retry timer with initial value
          4) Initiate transport connection to the BGP peer
                (if using TCP, send a TCP
          5) Listen for connection set-up by the remote BGP peer
                (that is, listen for TCP syn, ack pair)
         Action B
          1) Initialize all BGP resources
          2) ConnectRetryCnt set to 0
          3) Start connect retry timer with initial value
          4) Listen for connection set-up by remote BGP peer
                [TCP syn]
     3.2 Actions for Disconnection
        Action C
          1) Set Administrative stop in MIB code reason
          2) Send Notification with Cease
          3) Connect retry timer reset (set to zero)
          4) If any routes are associated with BGP session, delete
             these routes
          5) Release all BGP resources
          6) Drop TCP connection
                (Send FIN, and await FIN-ACK)
          7) Increment the ConnectRetryCnt by 1
          8) BGP peer oscillation damping process [2]
        Action D
          1) Set FSM error in MIB reason code
          2) Connect retry timer reset (set to zero)
          3) If any routes are associated with the BGP session, delete
             the routes associated with this BGP session.
          4) Release all BGP resources
                (including clear BGP Delay timer)
          5) Drop TCP connection
                [send TCP FIN and Await FIN-ACK)
          6) Increment the connect retry count by 1
          7) BGP peer oscillation damping process [2]
        Action E
          1) Set FSM error in MIB reason code
          2) Send Notification with FSM error
          3) Connect retry timer reset (set to zero)
          4) If any routes are associated with the BGP session, delete
             the routes associated with the BGP session
          5) Release all BGP resources
          6) Drop the TCP connection
                [send TCP Fin and Await FIN-ACK]
          7) Increment the ConnectRetryCnt by 1
          8) BGP peer oscillation damping process [2]
        Action I
          1) Set BGP Header error in MIB reason code
          2) Send Notification with BGP Header Error
          3) Connect retry timer reset (set to zero)
          4) Drop TCP connection
                (Send a FIN, Await a FIN-ACK)
          5) Release all BGP resources
          6) Increment the ConnectRetryCnt by 1
          7) BGP peer oscillation damping process [2]
        Action J
          1) Set Open message error in MIB reason code
          2) Send Notification with Open message error
          3) Connect retry timer reset (set to zero)
          4) Release all BGP resources
          5) Drop TCP connection
                (Send a FIN, await a FIN-ACK)
          6) Increment the ConnectRetryCnt by 1
          7) BGP peer oscillation damping process [2]
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        Action K
          1) Set Hold Timer expired in MIB Reason code
          2) Send Notification with Hold timer expired
          3) Connect retry timer reset (set to zero)
          4) Release all BGP resources
          5) Drop TCP connection
                (Send a Fin, await a FIN-ACK)
          6) Increment the ConnectRetryCnt by 1
          7) BGP peer oscillation damping process [2]
        Action M
          1) set Hold timer expired in MIB reason code
          2) send Notification with Hold Timer expired
          3) Delete Routes
          4) Connect retry timer reset (set to zero)
          5) Release all BGP resources
          6) Drop TCP connection
                (send a Fin, await a FIN-ACK)
          7) Increment the ConnectRetryCnt by 1
          8) BGP Peer oscillation damping process [2]
        Action R
          If Collision Detected (section 6.8) and this bgp session is
          the sesion to be dumped,
           1) set the Call Collision cease in MIB reason code
           2) Send Notification with a Cease
           3) reset Connect timer (set to zero)
           4) Release all BGP resources
           5) Drop TCP connection (Send TCP FIN, await TCP FIN ACK)
           6) Increment ConnectRetryCnt by 1
           7) BGP peer oscillation damping process [2]
        Action S
           1) Set Administrative down in MIB Reason code
           2) Send Notificationwith Cease
           3) Drop TCP connection [Send TCP FIN, await TCP FIN ACK)
           4) set ConnectRetryCnt to 0
           5) reset Connect retry timer (set to zero)
        Action T
           1) set appropriate code in MIB reason code
              - either Notification, or TCP disconnect or
                TCP failure
           2) delete routes
           3) Reset Connect retry timer (set to zero)
           4) Release all BGP resources
           5) Drop TCP connection
           6) Incremetn the ConnectRetryCnt by 1
           7) BGP Peer oscillation dampoing process [2]
        Action U
           1) Set Update error code in MIB Reason code
        Action V
           1) set FSM error in MIB reason code
        Action X
           1) set value of Notfication received in MIB reason code
           2) Drop TCP connection (Send TCP FIN)
           3) Restart Connection Retry Timer (with initial value)
           4) Send TCP Sync
           5) Listen for TCP Sync
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        Action y
           1) Set TCP disconnect in MIB reason code
           2) Restart ConnectRetry timer (with initial value)
           3) Release all BGP resources
           4) Drop TCP connection (send FIN ACK)
           5) Increment ConnectRetryCnt by 1
           6) BGP peer oscillation damping process [2]
        Action Z
           1) Set Manual disconnect in MIB reason code
           2) Drop TCP connection [Send FIN, await FIN Ack]
           3) Release all BGP
           4) Set ConnectRetryCnt to zero
           5) Reset ConnectRetry timer
      3.3 TCP Connection Actions
        Action F
          1) Restart ConnectRetry timer (with initial value)
          2) Initiates a transport connection to the other bgp peer
                [Send a TCP SYN]
          3) Listen for remote transport connection that
             may be initiated by the remote BGP peer (TCP connection)
       Action G
          1) Restart ConnectRetry timer (with initial value)
          2) Listen for BGP peer connection
       Action L
          1) Reject TCP connection [send TCP FIN]
       Action O
          1) Clear BGP resources
          2) Restart ConnectRetry Timer
          3) Listen for TCP connection (Listen for TCP Sync)
        Action ZZ:
          1) Set the BGP Open delay timer to initial value
     3.4) Sending the Open message
        Action H
          1) Clear ConnectRetry timer (clear to zero)
          2) Complete BGP initialization
          3) Clear BGP Open Delay timer
          3) Send Open message
          4) Hold timer set to Large value (4 minutes)
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     3.5) Keepalive message related
       Action N
          1) Clear BGP delay timer
          2) Reset BGP Connect Timer
          3)  Send KEEPALIVE message
          4a) If negotiated Hold time value is non-zero,
            - Set Keepalive timer
            - Hold timer reset to negotiated Hold time value
             [section 4.2 of bgp-4 draft [1]]
          4b) If negotiated Hold time value is zero,
            - Reset Keepalive timer
            - Reset Hold timer
           5) If value of Autonomous System field is the same
              as the local Autonomous system number, set the
              connection is an internal connection; otherwise it is
              ôexternalö.  (This impacts Update processing)
        Action P
          1) Restart Hold timer
        Action Q
          1) Send Keepalive message
          2) Restart KEEPALIVE timer
     3.6) Update packet related
        Action W
          1) Process update packet
          2) Restart Hold timer
  4.0 Security Considerations
     Security concerns for BGP-4 are addressed in the BGP-4
     specification, and accompanying specifications on TCP MD5 [3] and
     IP Security[4].  No additional considerations need to be made for
     the BGP-4 state machine description.
   Hares         Informational - Expires December 2002              16
    6.0 References
   [1] "A Border Gateway Protocol 4 (BGP-4)" Y. Rekhter, T. Li Editors
   [2] "BGP Peer Restart Backoff Mechanisms", S. Hares
   [3] "Protection of BGP Sessions via the TCP MD5 Signature Option"
        A. Heffernan, rfc2385.txt
   [4] Securing BGPv4 using Ipsec", D. Ward,
   [5] TCP, RFC 793
   [6] SCTP, RFC 2960
   7.0 Author's Addresses
   Susan Hares
   NextHop Technologies, Inc
   825 Victors Way              Phone:  1-734-222-1610
   Ann Arbor, MI USA            Email:
   Hares         Informational - Expires December 2002               17