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TCP Four-Way Handshake

The information below is for an old version of the document.
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This is an older version of an Internet-Draft whose latest revision state is "Expired".
Author David Borman
Last updated 2014-10-24
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Consensus boilerplate Unknown
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TCPM                                                           D. Borman
Internet-Draft                                       Quantum Corporation
Intended Status: Experimental                           October 24, 2014
File: draft-borman-tcpm-tcp4way-00.txt
Expires: April 24, 2015

                         TCP Four-Way Handshake


   One of the limitations of TCP is that it has limited space for TCP
   options, only 40 bytes.  Many mechanisms have been proposed for for
   extending the TCP option space, but the biggest challenge has been to
   get additional option space in the initial SYN packet.

   This memo presents a optional four-way TCP handshake to allow
   extended option space to be used in SYN packets in both directions.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79. Internet-Drafts are working
   documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).  Note that
   other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-
   Drafts. The list of current Internet-Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on April 24, 2015.


   Copyright (c) 2014 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
   ( in effect on the date of
   publication of this document.  Please review these documents
   carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect
   to this document.  Code Components extracted from this document must
   include Simplified BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of
   the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as
   described in the Simplified BSD License.

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Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction                                                    3
   2.  Terminology                                                     3
   3.  Motivation For this Approach                                    3
   4.  TCP Four-Way Handshake                                          4
       4.1. Overview                                                   5
       4.2. Changes to the TCP state diagram                           6
       4.3. Three-Way or Four-Way Handshake?                           7
            4.3.1. Using the 4WAY Bit                                  7
            4.3.2. Non Four-Way Client Sets 4WAY Bit                   7
            4.3.3. Non Four-Way Server Sets 4WAY Bit                   7
       4.4. RTT Costs of the Four-Way Handshake                        8
   5.  Negotiating Non-directional vs. Directional TCP Options         9
   6.  TCP Connection State Diagram                                   10
   7.  Using TCP Options in the Four-Way Handshake                    12
       7.1. New TCP Options in the SYN/ACK                            12
       7.2. Handling Unknown TCP Options                              13
            7.2.1. Unknown Option Option                              13
       7.3. TCP options                                               14
            7.3.1. RFC defined options                                14
           End of Option List                       14
           No-Operation                             14
           Maximum Segment Size                     14
           Window Scale                             14
           SACK Permitted                           14
           SACK                                     14
           Timestamps                               15
           MD5 Signature Option                     15
           Quick-Start Response                     15
          User Timeout Option                      15
          TCP Authentication Options (TCP-AO)      15
          Multipath TCP (MPTCP)                    15
          RFC3692-style Experiment                 15
          T/TCP Options                            15
           7.3.2.  Other TCP options                                  16
           TCP Fast Open Option                     16
   8.  IANA Considerations                                            16
   9.  Security Considerations                                        16
   10. References                                                     16
       10.1. Normative References                                     17
       10.2. Informative References                                   17
   Appendix A.  First Response of the Four-Way Handshake              19
   Appendix B.  Communicating Four-Way Handshake Support              20
   Acknowledgments                                                    20
   Contributors                                                       21
   Author's Address                                                   21

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1. Introduction

   The TCP packet format has 40 bytes for adding TCP options.  The most
   common method to extend TCP is to define new options, but the limited
   TCP option space can make that difficult as the number of potential
   options grow.  Support for various TCP options is typically
   negotiated during the three-way handshake, in the packets that
   contain the SYN.  If both sides send and receive a given option in a
   packet with the SYN bit set, then both sides know that the option is
   supported.  Examples of this are the Window Scale and Timestamps
   options [RFC7323].  Note that RFC 7323 is not clear on this point,
   its description is Three-Way handshake centric, stating that the
   Timestamps option is enabled by its presence in the <SYN> and
   <SYN,ACK> packets, rather than the more general definition that the
   option is enabled by both sending and receiving the option in a
   packet that contains the SYN bit.  It is a subtle difference that
   doesn't matter for the Three-Way handshake, but is important for a
   simultaneous open and the Four-Way handshake.

   The majority of TCP sessions begin with three-way handshake, the
   exception to that is a simultaneous open.

   The ideas presented in this memo were first hinted at in a message to
   the TCPM mailing list [Borman14].

2. Terminology

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.  [RFC2119]

3. Motivation For this Approach

   The problem of expanding the TCP option space in the initial SYN
   packet has vexed designers for years.  The main issue is maintaining
   compatibility with legacy TCP implementations, which don't understand
   the expanded TCP option space.  When the initial SYN is sent, there
   is no knowledge as to whether or not the remote side can understand
   the extended option space.  Various approaches have been considered:

      1) Send dual SYNs, with and without the extended options, and
         arrange that the extended SYN will be considered invalid and
         dropped by legacy implementations.  [Yourtchenko11] [Briscoe14]
      2) Send an additional out of band packet along with the SYN to
         contain additional options. [Touch14]
      3) Send additional options that didn't fit into the SYN in
         additional packets using a new TCP option.  [Eddy08]
      4) Send an initial SYN with extended options that a legacy server
         will fail, and then fall back to a new SYN without extended

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         options. [Kohler04]

      [Ramaiah12] contains additional analysis of proposed ways to
      expand the TCP option space.

   Expanding the TCP option space in the initial SYN is a case of the
   more general issue: How can you change the fixed TCP header in the
   initial SYN packet and still maintain compatibility with legacy
   implementations?  The TCP Window Scale option [RFC7323] redefined the
   Window field, but only in non-SYN packets.  In the case of expanding
   the TCP option space, it involves redefining or overriding the Data
   Offset (DO) field.

   The most straight forward method for dealing with modifying the
   initial SYN packet is to add an initial packet exchange so that the
   client can find out what the server supports, and then it knows, for
   example, if the server supports extended TCP option space.  The
   problem with this approach is that it adds an additional RTT to
   connection startup, and most people are looking for ways to shorten,
   not lengthen, the initial connection setup, for example "TCP Fast
   Open" [TFO].  Though to be clear, the extra RTT is really not a
   concern about connection setup, but about when data can be first
   delivered to the application.

   An alternative is to send the additional data in the initial SYN such
   that a legacy TCP will ignore it.  This is most commonly done by
   sending the information in a TCP option, which legacy TCP would
   ignore.  But the TCP option space is only 40 bytes, and by definition
   an expanded TCP option space won't fit in the legacy TCP option
   space.  So, the additional data needs to be sent by some other
   mechanism, e.g. in a second SYN or in an additional non-SYN packet.
   Challenges with this approach include the SYNs being routed to
   different destination machines, the order of the packets being
   reversed, as well as a server needing to wait some amount of time to
   decide whether or not the additional packet will be arriving.

   The goal of this proposal is to integrate discovery of server
   capabilities into the connection setup, while still allowing for data
   to be delivered in a timely manner.

4. TCP Four-Way Handshake

   The TCP Four-Way handshake extends the traditional Three-Way
   handshake by changing the clients final ACK to a SYN/ACK, and adding
   a final ACK from the Server.  This gives the client a second packet
   with the SYN bit set in which it can make use of the EDO option to
   send TCP options that didn't fit into the original SYN, with some

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4.1. Overview

   For a connection with ISS (Initial Send Sequence) values of ISSA from
   the client and ISSB from the server, the normal three-way TCP
   handshake is:

       Enter SYN-SENT
       SYN(seq=ISSA) ->
                                      Enter SYN-RECEIVED
                                   <- SYN(seq=ISSB)/ACK(ISSA)
       Enter ESTABLISHED
       ACK(ISSB) ->
                                      Enter ESTABLISHED

   A simultaneous open is:

       Enter SYN-SENT                 Enter SYN-SENT
       SYN(seq=ISSA) ->            <- SYN(seq=ISSB)

       Enter SYN-RECEIVED             Enter SYN-RECEIVED
       SYN(seq=ISSA)/ACK(ISSB) ->  <- SYN(seq=ISSB)/ACK(ISSA)

       Enter ESTABLISHED              Enter ESTABLISHED

   See [RFC793] page 68 and [RFC1122] page 86.

   The normal scenario for the proposed four-way handshake is:

       Enter SYN-SENT
       SYN(seq=ISSA) ->
                                      Enter SYN-SENT
                                   <- SYN(seq=ISSB)/ACK(ISSA)
       Enter SYN-RECEIVED
       SYN(seq=ISSA)/ACK(ISSB) ->
                                      Enter ESTABLISHED
                                   <- ACK(ISSA)
       Enter ESTABLISHED

   There are other options for the initial server response in the four-
   way handshake.  Those are discussed in Appendix A as well as the
   reasons they weren't chosen.

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4.2. Changes to the TCP state diagram

   The changes can be described entirely as new new state transitions
   and some additional decisions:

       LISTEN -> rcv SYN,
           if (allow4way)
               passive4way=1, snd SYN,ACK -> SYN-SENT
               passive4way=0, snd SND,ACK -> SYN-RCVD
       SYN-SENT -> rcv ACK
           if (passive4way == 1)
               -> ESTABLISHED
               normal error processing

       CLOSED -> active OPEN, create TCB, snd SYN,
                              active4way=1 -> SYN-SENT

       SYN-SENT -> rcv SYN,ACK
           if (active4way == 1 && (continue4way))
               snd SYN,ACK -> SYN-RCVD
               snd ACK -> ESTABLISHED

   The "allow4way" and "continue4way" decisions are based on the
   contents of the inbound packet.

   Instead of overloading the SYN-SENT state and burying the decisions
   in the existing LISTEN and SYN-SENT states, the state diagram could
   be expanded with one new state, SYN-ACK-SENT, and two transitional
   states, ALLOW-4WAY and CONTINUE-4WAY.  These *-4WAY states are
   transitional because once entered, an immediate decision is made and
   then they are immediately exited to a new state.

   The LISTEN -> SYN-RCVD transition is replaced by:

       LISTEN -> rcv SYN -> ALLOW-4WAY

       ALLOW-4WAY(NO) -> snd SYN,ACK -> SYN-RCVD

       SYN-ACK-SENT -> rcv ACK of SYN, x -> ESTABLISHED

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   and the SYN-SENT -> ESTABLISHED transition is replace by:



4.3. Three-Way or Four-Way Handshake?

   There are two new decision points for for handling a four-way
   handshake.  First, when a connection in LISTEN state receives a SYN
   packet, it has to decide based on the contents of that packet whether
   or not the remote side understands the four-way handshake.  This is
   accomplished through the allocation of one of the unused bits in the
   TCP header, the 4WAY bit.

      Note: There are other ways to convey support for the four-way
      handshake instead of using an unused header bit.  These are
      discussed in Appendix B.

4.3.1. Using the 4WAY Bit

   The client sets the 4WAY bit in the initial SYN.  If the server
   receives a 4WAY bit in the initial SYN, then it will set the 4WAY bit
   in the SYN/ACK.  If the client receives a SYN/ACK without the 4WAY
   bit set, it proceeds with the normal three-way handshake.  If it
   receives a SYN/ACK with the 4WAY bit set, then based on the options
   in the SYN/ACK it can chose to either proceed with the normal three-
   way handshake, or to continue with the four-way handshake.

   If a packet is received with the 4WAY bit set, but not the SYN bit,
   the 4WAY bit is ignored.  When sending a packet without the SYN bit
   set, the 4WAY bit must not be set.

   [RFC3168] notes TCP interoperability issues with the CWR and ECE
   bits, but the 4WAY bit does not have the same issues.

4.3.2. Non Four-Way Client Sets 4WAY Bit

   In this case, the server might enter SYN-ACK-SENT state.  It will
   respond with a SYN-ACK.  Because this looks like the same ACK
   generated in SYN-RCVD state, it will look to the client like a normal
   SYN/ACK packet, other than the 4WAY bit, and it will respond with a
   normal ACK, and the connection will complete with the normal three-
   way handshake.

4.3.3. Non Four-Way Server Sets 4WAY Bit

   If the client decides to not continue a four-way handshake, then it
   will respond with an ACK and complete the normal three-way handshake.

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   If the client decides that it does want to continue with a four-way
   exchange, it'll send a SYN/ACK.  When the server receives the packet,
   the normal TCP processing will strip off the SYN, and continue
   processing as a normal three-way handshake.

4.4. RTT Costs of the Four-Way Handshake

   When compared to the three-way handshake, the four-way handshake adds
   an additional 0.5 RTT before both sides enter ESTABLISHED state.  But
   the more important question is how does the four-way handshake affect
   the delivery of initial data to the application?  This is best
   answered by looking at some specific cases, comparing the three-way
   handshake with the four-way handshake.

   Data can be sent on a SYN packet, but it cannot be delivered to the
   application until entering ESTABLISHED state.

   Three-way handshake with data sent once in ESTABLISHED:

       0.0) SYN ->
       0.5)            <- SYN/ACK
       1.0) Client enters ESTABLISHED
            ACK w/client data ->
       1.5)            Server enters ESTABLISHED, delivers client data.
                       <- Server data
       2.0) Client delivers server data

   Four-way handshake with data sent once in ESTABLISHED:

       0.0) SYN ->
       0.5)                <- SYN
       1.0) SYN/ACK->
       1.5)                Server enters ESTABLISHED state
                           ACK w/Server data
       2.0) Client enters ESTABLISHED state
            Client delivers server data
            ACK w/client data ->
       2.5)                Server delivers client data

   So in both cases, the server data is delivered at the client after 2
   RTTs, and for the four-way the client's data is delivered to the
   server at 2.5 RTT instead of 1.5 RTT, so 1 RTT later.

   Now, let's look at both cases with data in the SYN/ACK:

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   Three-way handshake:

       0.0) SYN ->
       0.5)                <- SYN/ACK w/server-data
       1.0) Client enters ESTABLISHED
            Client delivers server-data
            ACK w/client data ->
       1.5)                Server enters ESTABLISHED
                           Server delivers client-data.

   Four-way handshake:

       0.0) SYN ->
       0.5)                <- SYN
       1.0) SYN/ACK with client-data ->
       1.5)                Server enters ESTABLISHED
                           Server delivers client-data
                           <- ACK w/server data
       2.0) Client enters ESTABLISHED
            Client delivers server-data.

   You get the same differences, but reversed.  The client's data is
   delivered after 1.5 RTTs in both cases, and the servers data is
   delivered 1 RTT later, at 2.0 RTT instead of 1.0 RTT.

   If you put the data with the bare SYN, the initial data doesn't get
   delivered any sooner, because you still have to wait for the ACK of
   the SYN to deliver the data.

5. Negotiating Non-directional vs. Directional TCP Options

   TCP options that are negotiated in the initial SYN exchange can be
   classified as either non-directional or directional.  An example of a
   non-directional option is the TCP Window Scale option.  Negotiating a
   non-directional TCP option falls naturally into the Four-Way
   handshake, but allows for more options to be negotiated than will fit
   into the initial SYN packet when using expanded TCP option space.  In
   order to allow this, the SYN/ACK from the server, with the TCP
   Extended Data option (EDO) [EDO], can contain initial negotiation for
   TCP options that weren't received in the initial SYN, which the
   client can then acknowledge in its SYN/ACK, using the EDO option.
   Because the options are non-directional, it doesn't matter which side
   presents it first.

   Directional options do not fall as cleanly into the extended four-way
   handshake.  A directional option is one which is originated in the
   initial SYN, and the servers response in the SYN/ACK is determined in
   direct response to the inbound option.  For example, assume an option
   FOO that has 100 variants, where servers typically have support for
   all 100 variants, but clients usually only a small number.  The

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   client sends option FOO with a short list of variants that it
   supports, and then the server chooses which one of those to use, and
   responds with that variant.  If instead the server initiates the the
   option in the SYN/ACK, it'd have to include all 100 variants and let
   the client choose from that list.  In the future, new TCP options
   would need to be designed to work in the context of the four-way
   handshake.  For existing directional options, it would not be
   unreasonable to require that they be included in the initial SYN, and
   other non-directional options would be deferred and negotiated in the
   SYN/ACK exchange.

6. TCP Connection State Diagram

   The following diagram is modified from the diagram in RFC 793
   [RFC793].  In addition to adding the "ALLOW 4WAY?", "CONTINUE 4WAY?"
   and "SYN-ACK SENT" states, it also includes the three changes listed
   in RFC 1122 [RFC1122]:

      "(a)  The arrow from SYN-SENT to SYN-RCVD should be labeled
            with "snd SYN,ACK", to agree with the text on page 68
            and with Figure 8.

       (b)  There could be an arrow from SYN-RCVD state to LISTEN
            state, conditioned on receiving a RST after a passive
            open (see text page 70).

       (c)  It is possible to go directly from FIN-WAIT-1 to the
            TIME-WAIT state (see page 75 of the spec)."

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 TCP Connection State Diagram
                               +--------+ --------\
                               | CLOSED |<------\   \      active OPEN
                               +--------+         \   \    -----------
                    passive OPEN |    ^  CLOSE      \   \   create TCB
                    ------------ |    | ----------    \   \  snd SYN
                     create TCB  V    | delete TCB      \   \
                               +--------+                 \   \
                       rcv SYN | LISTEN |            CLOSE  \   \
                       ------- +--------+          ---------- \  |
 +-------------+         x     /   ^  |   SEND     delete TCB  | V
 | ALLOW 4WAY? |<-------------     |  |  -------            +---------+
 |             |------------       |   \ snd SYN            |         |
 +-------------+  YES        \     |     ------------------>|  SYN    |
   | NO           ----------- |    |         ---------------|  SENT   |
   | -----------  snd SYN,ACK |     \      / rcv SYN        |         |
   | snd SYN,ACK              V      \    | -----------     |         |
   |              +--------------+    \   | snd SYN,ACK     +---------+
   |              | SYN-ACK SENT |     \  |             rcv SYN,ACK |
   |              +--------------+     |  |             ----------- |
   |    rcv SYN,ACK | | rcv ACK of SYN |  |                  x      V
   |    ----------- | | -------------- |  |          +----------------+
   |      snd ACK   |  \       x       |  |          | CONTINUE 4WAY? |
   V                 \  -----------    |  |     -----|                |
 +---------+          -----------  \   |  |   /      +----------------+
 |         | rcv RST             \  | /   |  | YES            | NO
 |  SYN    |----------------------)-)-   /   | -----------    | -------
 |  RCVD   |<---------------------)-)---    /  snd SYN,ACK    | snd ACK
 |         |<---------------------)-)------                  /
 |         |------------------    | |    -------------------
 +---------+  rcv ACK of SYN   \  | |  /
   |  CLOSE   --------------    V V V V
   | -------       x    CLOSE +-------------+ rcv FIN
   V snd FIN          ------- | ESTABLISHED | -------       +---------+
 +--------+           snd FIN |             | snd ACK       |  CLOSE  |
 | FIN    |<------------------|             |-------------->|  WAIT   |
 | WAIT-1 |-----------------  +-------------+               |         |
 |        |--------         \                               +---------+
 +--------+         \        ------------------+ rcv FIN     CLOSE  |
   | rcv ACK of FIN  |                         | -------    ------- |
   | --------------  | rcv FIN,ACK of FIN      V snd ACK    snd FIN V
   V        x        | ------------------  +---------+     +----------+
 +-----------+       |        x            | CLOSING |     | LAST-ACK |
 | FINWAIT-2 |       |                     +---------+     +----------+
 +-----------+       |       rcv ACK of FIN |        rcv ACK of FIN |
   |  rcv FIN        |       -------------- |        -------------- |
   |  -------         \             x       V               x       V
    \ snd ACK          --------->+-----------+ Timeout=2MSL  +--------+
     --------------------------->| TIME WAIT |-------------->| CLOSED |
                                 +-----------+  delete TCB   +--------+

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7. Using TCP Options in the Four-Way Handshake

7.1. New TCP Options in the SYN/ACK

   The TCP protocol [RFC793] does not restrict what options may appear
   in which segments.  The TCP protocol [RFC793] only specifies three
   TCP options: End of option list (EOL), No-Operation (NOP) and Maximum
   Segment Size (MSS), and all TCP implementations are required to
   support these options.  "Requirements for Internet Hosts --
   Communication Layers" [RFC1122] further requires that:

      A TCP MUST be able to receive a TCP option in any segment.
      A TCP MUST ignore without error any TCP option it does not
      implement, assuming that the option has a length field (all
      TCP options defined in the future will have length fields).

   Instead, any restrictions on how an individual TCP option is to be
   used is specified in the definition of each individual TCP option.
   For example, the Maximum Segment Size option is only sent in packets
   with the SYN bit set [RFC793].  Prior to TCP Extensions for High
   Performance [RFC1072], there were no TCP options that were sent in
   non-SYN packets.  At that time there was concern that legacy TCP
   implementations might not be prepared to process TCP options in non-
   SYN packets.  To preclude that, a method of option enablement was
   devised: the Window Scale, Echo, and SACK Permitted options had to be
   exchanged in SYN packets before they could be used in non-SYN
   packets.  (Echo and Echo Reply were replaced by Timestamps
   [RFC1323][RFC7323].)  Additional optimization for this style of
   option enablement was to specify that for the Three-Way handshake, if
   an option wasn't received in the SYN, there was no point in putting
   it into the SYN/ACK since it would never be enabled.  Other TCP
   options have different requirements.

   Because option enablement that is non-directional, the Four-Way
   handshake allows these options to have a second chance to be enabled.
   The server can include additional options in its SYN/ACK that weren't
   present in the inbound SYN, and the client can then enable any of
   those additional options with its SYN/ACK.  When generating the
   SYN/ACKs, both sides know whether or not the other side supports EDO,
   allowing EDO to be used to include more options than would fit in the
   original 40 byte option space.

   Note that in the Four-Way handshake the client's SYN/ACK can omit
   RFC7323 style options that were in the initial SYN; if the servers
   SYN/ACK contained them, those options are enabled, since they were
   sent and received in a SYN packet.  There is no way to retract an
   offer to enable an option, so when retransmitting a packet with a
   SYN, it must contain the same set of TCP options that were contained

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   in the original transmission of that packet, except if the option is
   otherwise defined.  But because the clients SYN and SYN/ACK are
   separate packets, they can have different sets of TCP options; it is
   the union of the options in those two packets, intersected with the
   options in the servers SYN/ACK, that determine which RFC7323 style
   options will be enabled.

7.2. Handling Unknown TCP Options

   One of the concerns since RFC 1072 [RFC1072] has been whether or not
   legacy TCP implementations will properly ignore unknown TCP options.
   As has already been stated, this has been a requirement for over 20
   years, but people continue to worry about bad interactions.

   Any implementation which indicates support for the Four-Way Handshake
   is also indicating that it properly handles unknown TCP options.
   This includes not only ignoring TCP options unknown to the
   implementation, but also properly handling known options that are
   received at unexpected points in the TCP stream, or that have been
   explicitly disabled for a specific connection.

7.2.1. Unknown Option Option

   One challenge with sending new options that were not enabled during
   the initial SYN exchange is how to decide whether or not the other
   side supports the option, since the other side will just silently
   ignore any options it doesn't understand, so the sender has to infer
   non-support by the absence of any response.

   The Unknown Option option is an advisory only option, that allows a
   receiving TCP to give explicit indication that it has received a TCP
   option that it does not understand.

      Kind: TBD

      Length: N >= 2

             +---------+---------+---------+ - - - - +
             | Kind=TBD|Length=N | option1 | ...     |
             +---------+---------+---------+ - - - - +

      When a TCP receives TCP options that are not supported for this
      connection, in addition to silently ignoring the options
      [RFC1122], the TCP MAY include an Unknown Option option in the
      next packet it sends.  It MAY generate a new ACK-only packet to
      send the Unknown Option option, or it MAY piggy-back it on the
      next packet it sends.

      When a TCP receives an Unknown Option option, it SHOULD NOT send
      the indicated options in future packets, provided the definition

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      of the indicated option allows for that action.  For example, when
      TCP-AO is being used, it is sent in every packet, so receiving an
      Unknown Option option indicating that TCP-AO is not supported MUST
      be ignored.  A counter example is the UTO option [RFC5482].  If an
      Unknown Option option is received indicating that UTO is not
      supported, then the sending TCP SHOULD NOT send any more UTO

   A TCP MUST NOT assume that a given option that it sent is supported,
   solely by not receiving an Unknown Option option.

7.3. TCP options

7.3.1. RFC defined options

   TCP options that are defined in RFC documents include: End of Option List

   The End of Option List option [RFC793] may be present in any packet,
   all implementations must support EOL. No-Operation

   The No-Operation [RFC793] option may be present in any packet, all
   implementations must support NOP. Maximum Segment Size

   The MSS option [RFC793] only appears in SYN packets and is not
   negotiated, all implementations are required to support the MSS
   option. Window Scale

   The Window Scale option [RFC7323] uses RFC7323 style enablement, and
   is only sent in SYN packets.  If not enabled, its contents are
   ignored. SACK Permitted

   The SACK Permitted option [RFC2018] uses RFC7323 style enablement,
   and is only sent in SYN packets.  It enables use of the SACK option
   in non-SYN packets. SACK

   The SACK option [RFC2018] is only sent in non-SYN packets if enabled
   by the SACK Permitted option.

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   The Timestamps option [RFC7323] uses RFC7323 style enablement; once
   enabled, it is included in every packet. MD5 Signature Option

   Use of the MD5 Signature Option [RFC2385] is not negotiated.  It is
   sent in every packet, its absence in the SYN/ACK does not disable the
   option, but causes the SYN/ACK to be silently dropped. Quick-Start Response

   Use of the Quick-Start Response option [RFC4782] is not negotiated.
   The receipt of the IP Quick-Start option implies support for the TCP
   Quick-Start Response option. User Timeout Option

   Though the User Timeout Option (UTO) option [RFC5482] may be
   exchanged in SYN packets, it is not negotiated, and may still be sent
   in non-SYN packets if the application has requested UTO.  It relies
   on the fact that unknown TCP options are to be ignored [RFC1122]. TCP Authentication Options (TCP-AO)

   The TCP-AO option [RFC5925] is not negotiated.  The application
   specifies that TCP-AO is to be use and the Master Key Tuple (MKT)
   configuration controls when TCP-AO is to be used, and how to handle
   inbound packets that arrive either without TCP-AO or with an unknown
   MKT. Multipath TCP (MPTCP)

   The MPTCP option [RFC6824] uses a variation of RFC7323 style
   enablement.  Each side includes the MPTCP option with its own Key for
   the connection in the SYN packets, if both sent and received, the
   final ACK contains an MPTCP option with both keys. RFC3692-style Experiment

   Two TCP options [RFC4727] are reserved for experimentation, and so
   whether or not they are negotiated is determined by the experiment
   being run. T/TCP Options

   T/TCP [RFC1644] defines three TCP options: CC (connection count),
   CC.NEW and CC.ECHO.  Though now obsolete [RFC6247], this is a good
   example of a directional TCP option.  The CC or CC.NEW option is sent

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   in the initial SYN, and the responding SYN/ACK has a CC.ECHO option
   that contains the connection count from the received CC or CC.NEW
   option.  This is not an RFC7323 style enablement, and only fits into
   the Four-Way handshake if the CC or CC.NEW option is included in the
   initial SYN packet, the servers SYN/ACK can't contain a CC.ECHO if it
   didn't receive a CC option.  However, T/TCP is aimed at reducing the
   Three-Way handshake to a two packet exchange, and needs to keep state
   about which hosts can utilize T/TCP.  As such, the client could keep
   state as to which servers support the EDO option, and then be able
   make use of the EDO option in its initial SYN for future connections
   to those servers.

7.3.2. Other TCP options

   Other TCP options that have not yet been standardized: TCP Fast Open Option

   The TCP Fast Open [TFO] option spans multiple TCP connections, and is
   uni-directional.  The first instance of it without a Cookie is used
   by the client to get a Cookie from the server, which is saved and can
   then be used in subsequent TCP connections to allow data in the SYN-
   only packet to be delivered to the application before the 3WHS has
   been completed.

   Since the Cookie information is being saved, the TCP can also save
   with the Cookie whether or not the other side supports the EDO
   option, and if so, future connections to that host can safely make
   use of the EDO option in the initial SYN-only packet, since it is
   known that the other side supports it.

   In addition, the client might not include a TFO=INIT option in its
   first SYN-only packet due to option space limitations.  But because
   the client has indicated support for the Four-Way handshake, the
   server can still safely send back in its SYN/ACK a TFO=Cookie option,
   allowing for TFO initialization in the client.

8. IANA Considerations


9. Security Considerations


10. References

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10.1. Normative References

   [RFC793] Postel, J., "Transmission Control Protocol - DARPA Internet
              Program Protocol Specification", RFC 793, DARPA, September

   [RFC1122] Braden, R., "Requirements for Internet Hosts -
              Communication Layers", STD 3, RFC 1122, October 1989,

   [RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997,

10.2. Informative References

   [Borman14] Borman, D., "Re: [tcpm] New Version Notification for
              draft-touch-tcpm-tcp-edo-01.txt", message to the TCPM
              mailing list, 22 May 2014, <

   [RFC1072] Jacobson, V., and R.T. Braden, "TCP extensions for long-
              delay paths", RFC 1072, October 1988, <http://www.rfc-

   [RFC1323] Jacobson, V., Braden, R., and D. Borman.  "TCP Extensions
              for High Performance."  RFC 1323, May 1992,

   [RFC1644] R. Braden, "T/TCP -- TCP Extensions for Transactions
              Functional Specification", RFC 1644, July 1994,

   [RFC2018] Mathis, M., Mahdavi, J., Floyd, S., and A. Romanow, "TCP
              Selective Acknowledgment Options", RFC 2018, October 1996,

   [RFC2385] A. Heffernan, "Protection of BGP Sessions via the TCP MD5
              Signature Option", RFC 2385, August 1998, <http://www.rfc-

   [RFC4727] B. Fenner, "Experimental Values In IPv4, IPv6, ICMPv4,
              ICMPv6, UDP, and TCP Headers", RFC 4727, November 2006,

   [RFC4782] Floyd, S., Allman, M., Jain, A., and P. Sarolahti, "Quick-
              Start for TCP and IP", RFC 4782, January 2007,

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   [RFC5482] Eggert, L., and F. Gont, "TCP User Timeout Option", RFC
              5482, March 2009, <http://www.rfc-

   [RFC5925] Touch, J., Mankin, A., and R. Bonica, "The TCP
              Authentication Option", RFC 5925, June 2010,

   [RFC6247] L. Eggert, "Moving the Undeployed TCP Extensions RFC 1072,
              RFC 1106, RFC 1110, RFC 1145, RFC 1146, RFC 1379, RFC
              1644, and RFC 1693 to Historic Status", RFC 6247, May
              2011, <>.

   [RFC6824] Ford, A., Raiciu, C., Handley, M., and O. Bonaventure, "TCP
              Extensions for Multipath Operation with Multiple
              Addresses", RFC 6824, January 2013, <http://www.rfc-

   [RFC3168] Ramakrishnan, K., Floyd, S., and D. Black, "The Addition of
              Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) to IP", RFC 3168,
              September 2001, <>.

   [RFC7323] Borman, D., Braden, R., Jacobson, V., and R. Scheffenegger,
              Ed., "TCP Extension for High Performance", RFC 7323,
              September 2014, <>.

   [TFO] Cheng, Y., Jhu, J., Radhakrishnan, S., and A. Jain, "TCP Fast
              Open", Work in Progress, draft-ietf-tcpm-fastopen-10.txt,
              September 2014.

   [EDO] Joe Touch, J., and W. Eddy, "TCP Extended Data Offset Option",
              Work in Progress, draft-ietf-tcpm-tcp-edo-01.txt, October

   [Kohler04] Kohler, E, "Extended Option Space for TCP" Work in
              Progress, draft-kohler-tcpm-extopt-00.txt, September 2004.

   [Touch14] Touch, J., Briscoe, B., and T. Faber, "TCP SYN Extended
              Option Space in the Payload of a Supplementary Segment",
              Work in Progress, draft-touch-tcpm-tcp-syn-ext-opt-01.txt,
              September 2014.

   [Eddy08] Eddy, W., and A. Langley, "Extending the Space Available for
              TCP Options", Work in Progress, draft-eddy-tcp-loo-04,
              July 2008.

   [Yourtchenko11] Yourtchenko, A., "Introducing TCP Long Options by
              Invalid Checksum", Work in Progress, draft-yourtchenko-
              tcp-loic-00.txt, April 2011.

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   [Ramaiah12] Ramaiah, A., "TCP option space extension", Work in
              Progress, draft-ananth-tcpm-tcpoptext-00.txt, March 2012.

   [Briscoe14] Briscoe, B., "Extended TCP Option Space in the Payload of
              an Alternative SYN", Work in Progress, draft-briscoe-tcpm-
              syn-op-sis-02, September 2014.

Appendix A. First Response of the Four-Way Handshake

   For a connection with ISS values of ISSA from the client and ISSB
   from the server, three different options for the first server
   response were considered:

      (1) SYN(seq=ISSB)
      (2) SYN(seq=ISSB)/ACK(seq=ISSA-1)
      (3) SYN(Seq=ISSB)/ACK(seq=ISSA)


      The original idea for the four-way handshake was to have the
      server do a simple turn-around of the TCP three-way handshake, by
      responding to the initial SYN with another bare SYN.  Because it
      had already received a SYN and knows that the client supports the
      four-way handshake, it could respond with a plain SYN, making use
      of header modifying options that the client had indicated it
      supported.  This is similar to a a simultaneous open, except the
      server is able to transition from SYN-SENT to ESTABLISHED instead
      of going through SYN-RECEIVED state.

          Enter SYN-SENT
          SYN(seq=ISSA) ->
                                             Enter SYN-SENT
                                          <- SYN(seq=ISSB)
          Enter SYN-RECEIVED
          SYN(seq=ISSA)/ACK(ISSB) ->
                                             Enter ESTABLISHED
                                          <- ACK(ISSA)
          Enter ESTABLISHED

      The problems with this approach are that it forces the full four-
      way handshake, and a middle-box in the path might block the
      returning bare SYN.


      This response also turns the three-way handshake into something
      that looks a lot like a simultaneous open, since the ACK does not
      acknowledge the SYN.  The disadvantage is that it also forces a
      full four-way handshake, since it does not acknowledge the initial

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      SYN.  However, this should work better for getting through a
      middle-box since it is not a bare SYN.  But if the middle-box is
      digging into the TCP packet and tries to verify the ACK field, it
      might still block this packet since it is not the expected ACK
      field of the normal three-way handshake.


      This response looks like the normal three-way handshake response,
      which gives the client the ability to choose whether to complete
      the three-way handshake by sending an ACK(ISSB), or continue the
      four-way handshake by responding with SYN(seq=ISSA)/ACK(ISSB).
      The advantage of this option is that it doesn't always force the
      four-way handshake, and to a middle-box the packets look like the
      normal TCP packets that it expects to see.

   The third option offers the least possibility that middle-boxes will
   block the packets, and also leaves the flexibility for deciding on a
   three-way or four-way handshake up to the client.  Because it is to
   the client's benefit to have a four-way handshake, it should be the
   one to decide whether or not the four-way handshake is needed for a
   particular handshake.

Appendix B. Communicating Four-Way Handshake Support

   Besides allocating a 4WAY bit in the TCP header, two other options
   were considered for communicating support for the four-way handshake:

      Create a new 4WAY TCP option

         This does not have the interoperability issues that the 4WAY
         TCP bit has, because it is assumed that connections will not
         send unknown TCP options.  The disadvantage of this is that it
         requires two more bytes out of the TCP option space.

      Implied support by other TCP options

         The primary motivation for the four-way handshake is to give
         the client a second chance to send TCP options in a SYN.  This
         is intended for use with the new TCP EDO option, and the
         presence of the EDO option could imply support for the four-way
         handshake.  This allows the client to send additional TCP
         options using the TCP EDO option in a SYN/ACK packet.



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Author's Address

   David Borman
   Quantum Corporation
   1155 Centre Pointe Drive, Suite 1
   Mendota Heights, MN 55120

   Phone: (651) 688-4394

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